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could be one of the reason why swordman sux in pvp? wizard/cleric is magic, archer is pierce? most of our swordman skills are hit + slash and most people are wearing leather + plate…

Archer is ‘‘Missile’’, they exist outside of the table.
And this is one of Swordsman’s strengths, they have access to every damage type besides magic with ease, meaning they can easily cover for effective damage.

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I highly doubt it. Also, Bows and Crossbows deal Missile damage, which have completely different bonuses and penalties altogether.

I gotta say, this is actually a problem with swordsmen. It would be cool if your weapon changed your [Skill] attack type and you could equip spear, mace, sword based on the enemy you are attacking. However, your swordsman build will limit you to specific damage types, since you’ll mainly use skills from one damage type ( hoplite - pierce only, highlander - slash, etc ). Also versus ghost, you’re just screwed and will always do less damage.

Seems we might have a new costume (or class) for Clerics.

Female Macumbeiro model

Male Macumbeiro model

Foreshadowed by Maggi earlier perhaps?


Well, generally you have a Wizard, they can take care of the pesky ghosts, in ICBT2 I saw a Cryomancer destroy Ghost bosses without even using the Ice Wall gattling gun, the 50% to literally any magic is a gigantic disadvantage against Wizards.
On the type variety your build gives that’s up to, well, your build. Some have great versatility (notably Two-Handed Sword builds) while other are focused but hit strong (Hoplite still is a heavy damage dealer after all).

It’s all up to how you play and party composition, as always.

I don’t get the stats on stab…

stabbing someone through cloth is easier than leather and leather is easier to stab through than a plate armor :expressionless:

ghost make sense cause those things are hard to actually stab with all the going through and all…

Eh depends on the leather, the plate thing I’d assume is aiming at the joints and the like aka the part that aren’t covered in a hunk of metal, if anything stab and strike should be switched around, plate will deflect an smack but leather won’t.

Yeah stab doing less to cloth makes no sense… but that’s the problem with trying to make rock paper scissors with weapons lol.

Hmm well blunt weapons were used against plate, since the shock damage transfers easily and crushes, while a sword would be easier to deflect.


Not quite, if you look at war hammers and all that you pill notice they have a point, this is the end of the weapon you use to hit armor, you want to leave a hole on it if not outright pierce it. Blunt weapons just bounce out of a good plate armor, if it’s a bad one well, it’s a bad one.
If you look at the evolution of swords and sword fighting style you will notice that pointier swords became more and more common to carry around, to the point that the stoc became a thing. That thing is literally a long metal bar with a sharp point on it.
I would dare to imagine daggers killed more armored people than blunt weapons, as you could disarm/tackle down your opponent and just pull out your easy to carry dagger and stab them in the throat.


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I like to think of it as flowing, baggy clothing makes it harder to hit someone with a stab lol. >_>

Well, not cloth perse, but thick layers of clothing in general.
This is the reason Gambesons are a thing, specialized padded clothing as a last line to stop weapons and projectiles town at you, if you couldn’t afford one it’s recorded that people just whore as many layers of clothing as they could.
Wearing clothing also makes wearing armor, chainmail and all that way more comfortable because, well, wearing metal on top of your skin ■■■■■■■ HURTS…


that’s coz their population just boosted a few patches ago…

wait, did you refer from the Adventure Journal or the Team League Rank?


Since tosbase seems a bit outdated, I just want to ask what monster does this horn drop from?

from sockets the same answer that was given on reddit twice when this image was posted there

lemme state it again, it’s outdated… like how white chain is listed in the old recipe but as per exp it drops from a diff monster in a diff map (and are as well two completely different items as I checked my inventory), or could you just prove me wrong here :confused:

[–]baboyakouno 1 point 3 hours ago
I got mine from sockets in Sentry Bailey (lv200) map. Hope that helps! -Fraction

The LITERAL answer from your reddit thread, why post a question then not read the answers

You make it sound like I’m more stupid than I really am. But then again, maybe I am. Thanks!

is there any way to get a patch before the server opens? it seems someone has done it