Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Why the hell buff safety zone???

Now ppl will start crying for nerfs D;

We clerics are happy as things are, don’t start messing with it ToT

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Wait till you see it in game at least to start the QQ. May have had it’s base effect nerfed.

oh boy another week of grinding the siuali mission now with 30% less exp

i don’t think it’s luck especially for a dps class with good mobility and decent aoe :slight_smile:

How would you consider a tile based buff op when there’s a plethora of skills and setups to counter it?

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I have a few questions about dievdirby, if anyone can help me out that would be Awesome!
I was planning on testing cleric>dievd>monk but after doing some reading it seems they don’t have a great synergy. Can anyone confirm that carve owl damage scales with int?
I’ve never played a monk before, would investing some points in int cripple the build?
Would dievdirby work better with higher int build and go for druid or oracle instead?
Any information is greatly appreciated <3

Edit: I know this isn’t class and rank forum section but all the info I read seemed outdated sorry

  • iirc, carve owl scale with nothing but its attribute upgrade.
  • diev/monk could play as zone controller
  • i have not seen any cleric build could go aggressive which i assume high dps skills. Given high dps skill like zaibas, carnivory is stationary and sadhu oob is only gap closer.
  • you should go priest 3 for stone skin and revive to tank if you are going to be front-liner.
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It’s in this thread if I remember(if I remember)… With video for backup. Avatar of confirmation a lady with black hair. Try do searches here first then expand to rest of forum if it’s not in this particular one. I’m way too lazy to dig around. And again… If I remember(if I remember). It’s int and matk gear video was showing the difference between using it with an matk weapon and without.

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[quote=“Raspy, post:4156, topic:125464”]
a lady with black hair.
[/quote] could you perhaps mean @Gunnr

i didnt have time to look at it…

does anybody know what is the emergency fix about?

Translate patch note please

@Gwenyth always translate it whenever possible and then you can check here


this is not the right thread to discuss this, but i’ll reply you in the right one

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Quick question, at this point is it still worth buying a Korean account? Or should I wait for international? I just don’t think it’s gonna be out soon :confused:

considering everything, iOBT >>should<< go up next month, or april, maybe

but there are no official announcement about it

it’s good to play kTOS, it’s laggy but it gives you some perspective about what to do and what not to, so you’re not lost on iOBT


I think it’s better to wait for international ver. i mean they finally announce that the Translations is almost done… so i think they are now just stabilizing the Steam servers for the international version…i think a month or two we will get the game…of course this is just my speculation so take a grain of salt :slightly_smiling:


I’m using kTos as a test for all the (many) builds I want to try so when Itos is available I won’t have to waste any time :smiley:


hopefully it is iToS release not another CBT.