Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

2hs must mean small patch, after holidays also…

In the meantime I’m killing some time where I shouldn’t be:

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is funny that in icbt2 I found like 4+ ways of doing that, yet most have been made more difficult :\

but there are still easy ways to do it…

Hi guys, I’m not playing in kTOS so I just like to ask a question. What class do you think is OP on pvp in the current kTOS? Like hard to kill or can easily clear a party.

scroll up for the answer please…

you will find a lot of post about it…

None really, if they can wipe everyone they can also get destroyed with ease as far as I’m aware.
Musketeers are the ones in the scope lately though.


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Reiters also can wipe a party in some lucky moves.


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anyone lost all itens give by IMC in message? hat enchant hats, arm band scroll reste dung etc?

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Got that…Thanks for your reply.

It was said they would be erased on 11th. In the messages you also could see this expire date.

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Yeah. I’m here waiting someone for my last Siauliai xD

Patch note is now published:

Nothing too much interesting. Maybe only for Clerics.

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I hope Archer’s secret class comes with it :c But I won’t get it for now anyway (unless it is Pied Piper).

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An atribute for ClericC2 that raises the number of hits Safety Zone can take it seems, uip to 20 more.
Seems that Divine Stigma won’t be resisted anymore?


Meh :expressionless: