Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

hi @Gwenyth what does this notice mean? All google gave me is headache @@

It’s an Experience event for this weekend. (13th - 14th)
30% Bonus EXP via hunts
drop rate up 10% i believe also.

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You’ll have a hell of a lot more fun playing iToS if the ping is stable for you, and enjoying the content for the first time.

However if your the type that needs to 100% figure out everything/builds before playing iToS, it’s never too late.

Personally, I’d say they’ve made leveling so much easier to 200 that you can afford to mess up as much as you’d want here, it’d probably take a week of active play to reach 200 without massively grinding these days.

You can also get to 130 in a day or 2 now, which is around rank 4, and by then your usually more than certain of your class.

By 200 you could decide if you’d want to commit and take the journey to 280, which takes a decent amount of time now.


130 in a day? Damn y’all playing like mad.

I guess a day is a bit much, 2-3 days with boosts going is pretty fair for active players.

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Where can i see the TOS events? Anyone with a direct link to events page?

thankies :slightly_smiling:

Warlock PVP League Exploit

Hi! So if you’re a warlock and managed to survive the first round of the battle try casting ur Pole of Agony on the spawn spot of the enemy… Rinse and Repeat… Easy MVP :ok_hand:

I guess it could work with other ground targeted spells too :slight_smile:

Frankly, I don’t encourage buying accounts at all because wherever you buy it from, it doesn’t “generate” new KSSNs. It’s using stolen ones & that doesn’t really sit well with me personally.

Yes, that account you got is using someone else’s private info which feels wrong tbh. Just my 2 cents.

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Nexon registration does not ask for KSSN’s anymore.

Does this mean that we don’t need a korean phone number to verify the account?

While technically it doesn’t require a KSSN, it does require some form of verification, usually through iPIN/bank or a combination.

The iPIN has your KSSN + phone number attached, so you’d still require all that.

So sad…i was hoping to get my hands on tos…i guess i’ll have to wait for iobt.
Thanks for the reply

Hey guys, Could anyone tell me where is Lv115 Dungeon? :sweat:

right outside mage tower portal mate

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Holy cow!! how the hell I walk passed it’s so many times without notice! O_o" Thank!!

your welcome :smile:

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That status update for international, I bet there’s going to be people complaining about no new info tomorrow anyways.

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a lot of people do as weird as that is xD

Lunar, I remember you, we played dg 175 together no ? My nick Igneel.

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