Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)


I have the same problem.

Mine is working correctly

Is there a maintanance happening right now? Anyone knows for how long?

yes, see the earlier posts recently that disc posted

Hey everyone, name’s Choh, but my character’s name is Liam Schaffen.

Feel free to say hello if you see me around, I just started my archer earlier today in Klaipeda. Also, if anyone could help me get to Orsha or needs help getting to Klaipeda add me in-game and let me know.

Hallelujah, finally something correct

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how can you level 3 attributes at the same time, by the way?

do you actually plays in a net cafe? XD or is there another way to get it?

i heard about the tokens, but i couldn’t find where to get them, i’m not sure if they were implemented yet…

it’s a sort of bug, what you do is click the 3 different attributes you want to level up, don’t confirm any of them just yet. the ui overlaps the confirmation window and you can select yes afterwards. and you can see them listed where attributes appear

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you’re the best <3
20 characters

so wait …do they nerf boss? …urgh

are you sure you can get 3 at a time? i’m only getting 2 @_@

i think it’s capped at 2, sorry. i wrote 3 thinking it may go this high, but i only actually have done this with 2 attributes :astonished: i think the token implementation on ktest might re-inforce this too

I’m looking for a peltasta and a dievdirbys to do my sumo mini game. Is anyone here one of those classes?

Welp, I finally slogged through my first two ranks and got to Priest C2.

I knew they nerfed Mass Heal, but didn’t realize it was this bad… :cryingpopolion:

They also changed the voice clip for it. For some reason.

Anyone else having a problem where bosses won’t spawn lol

I didn’t get it… so level 5 is healing 18% or did i miss something?

Yeah it’s about half of before. Still gets up to like 38% at 15.

I think you might be over reacting more then needed.

  1. You only have lvl 1 of the skill. They only cut down the base heal at lvl by half at lvl 1.
  2. Based off your screenshot, the growth rate per lvl is still the same (about 2%). So all your losing around about 10% regardless of level.
    Lvl 10 38% pre-nerf vs lvl 10 28% post-nerf.
    Assuming the average hp is around 15k at lvl 200, that’s equal to around 1.5k heal difference.
  1. I had sold a few items on the Market but I cannot seem to collect the silver. Do I have to wait for the time out to collect?

  2. I can only sell one item at a time on the Market?

  3. what does the options mean?

Thanks for any help rendered.