Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

You can skip most of them I think. If it follows the same patterns as Klaipeda then you can skip the main quest and find another main quest later into the map with higher levels

Thank you for the info. Would someone taxi me to Osha please? Would be greatly appreciated :smiley:

oh my, looks like a de-sync problem

@lanceis add me as friend, gwenyth my team name i can party you

Thank you Gwenyth.
Friend request sent!

Unfortunately, I cant complete any quest at Orsha atm cus the boss is too damn hard and 1 combos me. You can try walking there from the Great King since the world map says its connected.

I will try Monokoi. So at your level, the 2 quest line still haven’t met yet?

It’s about to meet, after i defeat the boss and a few more quest probably

Did anyone try Ludas staff? Do you get +1 to skills? I tried changing channels/map/restarting and dont seem to get fireball to lv6.

is anyone have tested sadhus spirit auto attack? if not to bother, i really like to see it on action :smiley:

after stele road there is only one channel a map… gets really competitive just to complete some quests. almost impossible to grind.

Can anyone taxi me to orsha? lodge name Gazto in Vakarine, I would be most thankful

You can buy one teleport scroll to Orsha on the market :smile:


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Thank you for the info champs

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i believe you must get pyro2 in order to get the effect from 5 to 6 skil level

I know someone reported this before.
I just want to reinforce that the double-learning attribute bug is making certain attributes go beyond their intended levels. And such skills with the bugged attribute will get the extra benefit as well: high duration, stronger damage, etc,…

Hope someone who know Korean can report this.

kOBT’s getting a patch on the 20th of Dec, the notes are up on the website.

Check them here.

[Balance Improvements]

  1. Repair costs for items have been reduced overall, making repair cheaper.
  2. Adjustment to bosses in earlier areas (and pre-Lv 95 areas), not too sure exactly how. (Overall strength may have been reduced.)

[Bug Fix]

  1. Fixed an error with the position of some treasure chests. (Not sure on the specifics)
  2. Fixed an error with both the Orsha and Klaipeda Companion NPC dialogue.
  3. Fixed the error with some enemies not appear in the adventurer journal.

[Skill Improvements]

  1. Archer Tree:
  • ‘Missile’ attack damage has been increased vs. Large monsters
  • ‘Full Draw’ and ‘Heavy Shot’ damage has been increased.
  • Cooldown of ‘Twin Shot’ has been reduced to 20 seconds from 30 seconds.
  1. Swordsman Tree:
  • ‘Double Slash’ damage has been increased.


  1. Background texture of Orsha has been changed.
  2. Silver amount from Ellogua and Raflower has been reduced.
  3. The amount of silver acquired from the Torch event at ‘Mausoleum Constructor’s Lodge’ has been reduced.


everyday they do the maintenance at the exact time i have to play D: i couldn’t pass lv 25 and i’m playing since 1st day ;-;

wich is btw, now, maintenance for 3 hours starting in 10 min </3


Hey, are you guys video recording (F12) system working? here all I got is a audio and a black screen

finally an overall archer buff! I’m hoping it is significant because right now soloing as an archer is pretty costly. takes like 2-3 mana pots a quest.