Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)



Talking about skills, not sure that conceal is useful for PvE maybe at arena PvP if you would be able to conceal trap near your spawn point before they can see it and then lure someone in. But other skills are pretty decent in PvE. The only downside is their high cd and deployment time.

Right now they are not very useful but may come in handy when a new content appear, since they can be used in prepared attacks on monsters which are hard to deal with otherwise. In casual environment of early 300 levels sappers are not that good, sadly.

I’ve played Sapper c3 twice and I agree that the class is outclassed(!) now, however I admit I haven’t pvp much. Conceal is useless in PvE. Also I don’t get why what’s the point of going sapper c1, for Detonate Traps? You can’t select which magic circles you want to explode, so It’s quite unlikely that you’ll disarm the Safety Zone (which requires you to get somewhat close anyway) if there are a bunch of Heal squares nearby, for instance. Stockades and Claymore fall off hard later on, punji is almost useless on PvE (I remember a video of a Korean using it on Earth Tower and killing most monsters in a room with the help of Circling and Punji’s attribute though, I’d need to test that).

Broom is great, but it alone isn’t a good reason to pick the class. Collar doesn’t feel good at lvl 5, lvl 10 is much better. However, the inability to deal with single targets makes it only good for killing packs of monsters in one go. Spike Shooter can deal some good damage, but the cooldown is atrocious(100s), the skill is wonky to use (only shoots from the character’s right, unless you make it short you’ll end up missing most of the 10 hits at lvl 5), it can’t be concealed and costs $720 per use.

The buffs they did some patches ago were good (Broom has 40s cooldown, Collar has 30 and Detonate 20s), but it’s not enough. The c1 skills need their cooldown reduced, Collar Bomb needs a remote detonation attribute, Spike Shooter needs its cooldown severely reduced.

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Have fun guy.:joy:

Punji works like cartar storke.
Applys knockback damage to all enemies getting knocked back+ srurrounding enemys.

So hit 5= 5 times 50% phs atk.
Hit 40 = 40 times 50% phys atk

It’s simple math.

LIke how multishot 16+ cricling can give 16 hits* count of mobs who didnt ressist circling= massive aoe dps. If someone cced them or aggroed them to one place.

It’s “per mob” math for dps calculations xD.

CLaymore double hits … with 300% atk scale…
Stockade is triple hit.


When you hit 2000k atk and 100 attribute on stockade… You dish out a good constant dps.

And it’s fun catapulting mobs and people into stockades xD…Or using heavyshot to push them in ^^.


Stockades suck against bosses… but heck thats not a sappers duty.

I was aware of the attribute, just haven’t used Punji like that, I’ll probably see it for myself if I find a Cleric to help me

I’ve only been able to hit once with Claymore lately, which has a long setup although having decentish range. Stockades hits thrice but you have to be close to the target, which can be problematic, or lure him to it, unlikely to happen outside solo play.

I do more damage with collar 10 on a leather enemy than with two Stocakes. Spike Shooter would most likely kill the mob or do some severe damage. Of course Stockades stays around for a bit, so you can run around it, Collar requires at least two enemies to do damage and can be resisted (don’t find that much of a problem though), Spike has a very long cooldown.
You also have to consider your class progression, you’ll get skills that probably will do more damage that it and won’t require you to get close to mobs (Cannoneer and Musketeer). Stockades is still decent at solo play though.

Can’t argue with that, it really is

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Isn’t it bugged atm? See:

Though it still be quite strong anyway.

And if we’re on the topic of archers, do cannoneers have a c attack for cannon only? Was wondering if a cannon auto atk build was even possible.

That looks ridiculous and unintended, it’ll most likely get patched.

I don’t know, but are cannons even Cannoneer only? I don’t think they get an attribute to use cannons. I know every Archer class can equip pistols, reason why I’m wondering this.

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Yep, the message ,it’s pop up too.

This is the first time I encounter this because I wa never try swordie before (Another class will have no chance to run out of stamina, that’s why)

Even if another class can equip cannon, it’s will be only the Big-ass herb grinding mortar for them, because you need cannon’s skill to use with it anyway, You can’t push C and Kaboom like you do with pistol.

Guys, how is population spread right now? Are people only crowding the towns and instanced dungeon portals? Is the population well-spread as there might be points of interest on the other maps?

Most areas are empty. Occasionally you will see two or three players especially at 100-200 maps. People are gathered up around dungeons or mission outpost.

most map is empty, except the map that have world boss ,like Roxona reconstruction, people still farming in this map for Roxona equipment’s recipe…and of couse…the bots too.

Is Shinobi unpopular? I have only seen few of them and I don’t remember encountering any in PvP.

shinobi generally is good, but swordman is too much relying on 2 hands sword weapon and also 2 hand swords class like highlander and doppel. it is very big different damage output if you equipped with 1 hand weapon + dagger comparing to 2 hands sword.

kunai is a good attacking skills, attack damages multiply with bunshin no jutsu. but then once casted bunshin, self DEF is decreased dramatically and would endanger to dead if not handling well. the great attribute skill is 8 seconds stealth with katon no jutsu.

shinobi works fine in PVP. but doppel c2 will be better at PVE.

Hey guys I’m wondering how good fletcher is at PVE?

not really seeing a lot fletcher in krToS. but i believe other archer classes are better than it :smiley:

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what about comparing to r6 SR c2, r7 cannoner, r7 musketeer with fletcher c3. i see these builds are better than fletcher c3. correct me if i am wrong.

simply just pointing the 2 R7 single shot (cannon and snipe), they are deadly hit. if i remember correctly, fletcher does AOE dmg around 20k only.

It’s verygood DPS, because after the last buff most of it’s skill have no cooldown.
Crossfire is an amazing skill to wipe group of mobs and it’s even more amazing if you combo it with Linker, you hit crossfire on any of the linked monster all of them will splash explosion damage. 6 mobs, 6 time of Kaboom!

Broad head ,Bokin point and Barb arrow are all good agains boss, I can say that Fletcher is one of the all-rounded class in Archer tree.

the only down side is , you will often runout of SP, so you have to invest some on SPR to play this class effectively

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