Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I mean, we mostly discuss the mechanics of skills, which work and which don’t, etc. Anyway, it’s more comfortable to discuss such things here.

End of offtopic.

Why wouldn’t I use it, if it grants quite a lot of damage if you have 150-200 DEX? I don’t know how strong attack speed is right now, but still this is free to use damage and range buff. Maybe it isn’t worth to max if attack speed is useless, and range doesn’t matter, but 3 point in it is super good, since it adds really a lot of damage and grants crit rate. Looks like 2nd godlike archer skill for me after swift step. It can be used every time when you unleash your combo together with swift step to get 35% free crit rate.

Not sure, what is SR?

About Full Draw, putting points in it actually decreases cast time? Are there more skills which have their cast time decreased with level? I was sure that cast time only increases with level like for meteor.

I know that critical shot is not that good, but most of ranger skills are not that good. After taking all you really need you have 20 points unspent. You can choose betwen barrage, full draw, critical shot and time bomb. In terms of single target damage critical shot looks like the best skill of these, especially for STR based builds due to crtATT proc.

High anchoring has nearly no uses, especially if you got falconer in your party, cuz this high AoE attack ratio would mostly be wasted. That’s why I excluded it from build, it seems to be better to feel up cd time with Critical Shots.

If linked Time bomb is really shared through link, it might be quite good. Also I don’t know if it is true AoE, or affected with AoE attack, or just single target. In the first 2 cases it becomes really strong since very few AoE skills share it’s damage through linking. If it really multiples aoe damage by number of monster linked then it is really good skill with low cd and worth being maxed. In last case it is not much different from any other skill. But it is still really important info.

After leveling time bomb, we will have 10 spare skill points to choose betwerrn critical shot and barrage. If Barrage will be able to pierce through all the monsters at least with falconer buff, then it is better, but if not, then crit shot is better, because it at least has higher single target DPS.

Also I agree, that Heavy shot is actually not that good for PvE but it’s very good on PvP. If you want to get full PvE build, then it is better to invest in Full Draw/Oblique shot. I would suggest to have at least 1 autoattack replacing skill, where the best candidates are oblique shot and critical shot.

Since we have quite a lot of AoE to deal with packs of monsters already I decided to go Crit Shot.

About SP potions, I wonder if they regenerate that much SP that you can spam skills non stop without running out of SP at all? Also aren’t they have CD? And is regeneration % based or flat? If it really regenerates so much SP, and it potentially will regenerate enough at higher levels, then we shouldn’t worry too much about SP cost.

About deploy pavise, I couldn’t read a description, so I though it only blocks ranged attack from one direction. But even if it can aggro monsters, it still has very few uses, since I doubt that relying on it’s aggro is a way to go at later stages and a good party definitely needs a tank.

Wait…just when all the discussion in this topic become all about Archer! :open_mouth:

So we actually did it!! , We have seize the forum! :open_mouth:

The world domination is at hand brother!! :open_mouth:


Wall of text without any playing.

Wow… if you go that way it will hurt xD.


I agree that it might have been better to discuss such topics at other area, but as I already said other areas are not active at all, so it’s simpler for me to discuss information there, since I almost alway can find an answer if ask there. I also feel like most people who are familiar with this forum would rather look at this branch then at specific branch, since there are much more information here.

I think before iOBT release it will remain the same, because there are too few people on forum and anyway all this information is about korean server. Who knows how it will work on life.

If there will be database with decent design (not like tosBase, which is better then nothing but far from great), I will gladly contribute sharing information I uncovered with others. But right now I don’t feel bad at all discussing the problems interesting for me at this all around forum branch, since I come here because it is best known way for me to discuss something and aquire knowledge. If someone want this information to be structured, he can copy-paste it to appropriate forum, but I don’t care about it and just enjoying the discussion :grin:

but i see healthy discussion here. i still learned from both of them.

Reason. Your atspd is ping/latency coupled.

You will not enjoy the increased atk speed if your over 200ms.

And kneeling?
Outside of afk leveling, or Sitting down to enhance trap dps a bit while cd’s are on. And you have a tank or someone aggroing.

Is suicide later on.


I tryed it … and regreted it xD… kneeling 1 is enough to get the dex bonus.

You’r skills do more dps.
Even critical shot level 1 … outsacles kneeling…
Attributes hello~

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I do agree, everyone (including me) should try that xD.

But just to not lose the context:

SR = Schwarzer Reiter

Full Draw: I don’t think it “reduces” the cast time but keep it and reaches Lv.1 faster or something like this. Could anyone confirm if the other classes have skills that work in the same way?

Time Bomb is single target only but is shared if monsters are linked.

Also it’s a good practice saving points for C3 classes when you are C2, for an example. I leveled my Ranger C2 only putting points on Barrage and I was very lucky because I reached C3 after the Steady Aim rework and I didn’t have Skill Reset potions.

SP potions Lv.10 are good. If your skills doesn’t drain that much and you have a “low” amount of SP you’re fine. Unless you want SPR for classes that really drains it or for MDEF or something like this it could be better to think a bit more.

About Pavise, yes, true, you won’t be using it that much.

Now we can say Tree of Archer! :smiley:

His build is literally the semi-suicide :sweat_smile:

@greenfoxy21 Stop him!! before it’s too late!! :open_mouth:


xD to late already.

If he wants to go at it, let him ^^.

use wugushi lv1 detoxify :smiley:

Actually I spent around a weak gathering information from different sources, and I’ve seen quite a lot of videos etc. Still, all my thoughs are truly only theorycrafting, that’s why I ask people what they think about one or another skill, and then make conclusions based on their thoughs and numbers I’ve calculated.

I agree that it may seem strange, but I really love this mechanics, and I think I understand it pretty well already. So when I actually start playing, I will have quite a profound knoledge on directions I want to go)

But yeah, I wasted like 20 hours on all this forum crawling.

For science:sweat_smile:.

Also, I might have misunderstood the kneeling shot mechanics, but isn’t it simply “Push button and sit, gaing more range on your abilities, buff to PATK and crit rate, before you get up with no cd”. I don’t know if attckspeed affects 0 cd skills in any way, if not, it is best to leave it at level 3 for solely crit rate bonus.

Also why it is suicide if you have tanks? If you will get in danger you can simply get up and run. Or is get up animation so long?

I imagined it like Xerath staying stance from LoL where all your skills and attacks fly further and you can stop it at any moment and RUUN. But if there are some problems with it, then, well, I should reconsider. Still, it is better to know it now, then when I start playing and feel all the pain after getting shitty skills)

Hmm, maybe I really do it wrong. Why is it so suicide?) Sure, I’ve chosen skills based mostly on their descriptions and my insight on them, not actual experience, but I’m glad to hear all of your suggestions and improve it at any time)

But I personally would like to get Falconer build instead, so it was just fun discussing in order to learn more about the game and maybe help others to get some insight.

PFF… dont kill me pleaes!

I think we should probably leave questions, experiences, and opinions about kToS here.

But heavy theorycraft… Needs it’s own thread. Or at the very least. Break it into bite sized pieces.

I like to come here for just news and current happenings but endless thoerycraft? Nope, my eyes are glazing over. Chances are you can also condense what you’re writing if you try. I over write as well so I know the feeling…

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The walls of text are really fruitless,this thread has 5000 replies,come on.

We can’t even flag it cause that may lock the thread. These forums really need a better method to deal with rude/0-netiquette people.

I’ve made a post on Archer section and people responded in a few minutes, just use that.

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don’t forget to tag those important people :smiley:

OK, I will going one-by-one.

1.How the hell can you leveling without Oblique Shot? Every archer should get atleast one lv of this for leveling in early level!! except you are a hardcore player that willing to kill 100 and more of mobs one-by-one with your auto-attack.

2.What you plan to use Kneeling Shot for anyway? In case you don’t know ,you can’t use any skill while Kneeling , only normal auto-attack is allow, It’s a should have skill if you go C3 Quarrel Shooter to combo with Running Shot, but another than that is does NOTHING.

3.C1 Hunter…I…I don’t know how to explain this…just… stay away from it…at least for now… don’t go there, it’s terrible…

4.Wugushi C3 Yay!!..But why the hell you only get Wugong Gu only Lv2!! this skill is a must for Dungeon run!! and instead you get Zhendu max lv!! OMG! :scream:
Zhendu have a very low damage and low tick rate, only 1 tick per sec,and it’s not even scale with skill level at all. it’s have a duration of 35 sec at max, but seriously, no one going to wait that long for this skill to get it’s full effectiveness.

5.Heavy Shot , if you want this, get it’s only lv1. that is all you need. If you want damage from this skill, FORGET IT, your SP will dry out like a leak water pipe.Oblique Shot is alot better in term of Damage deal, because it’s can hit 2 targets at once and comsume less SP

6.You said that Barage is a choice skill? NOOOOOOO!! IT’S NOTTTTT :rage:
Barage is a MUST have skill in case if you have Ranger in your build!!
This skill is an AOE dps that also can use as single target DPS skill at point blank range, Think about shotgun’s buck-shot pellet, it’s the same concept.


Okay, I assume it really hurts some people so I will stop now.

Sorry for everyone who was annoyed with all those walls of text, I was just a bit overexcited thinking about possible vatiants and really wanted to hear opinion of guys on that forum who was interested in this topic, but I agree that I really need to write less.

Good luck to all of you guys, hope to learn lots of new things from you in future.

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hey, I try sword today, I notice that when I runing in map lv1-15 until my stamina is run out , the game will spawn a tree root crystal at my face. :cold_sweat:

Is there anyone can confirm this feature, or it’s just my misunderstanding and coincident :disappointed_relieved:

The movement speed bonus from Shrink monster Thaum attribute. Does this include attack speed? Cause I can read the google translate but I don’t trust it.

And did anyone ever get the Swell Body attribute that buffs monster damage and make some troll videos yet? Maybe a vid of someone kill stealing then an angry Thaum coming up and Swelling a pack on them.