Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Thanks, I was wondering how the new gravity pole was working :slightly_smiling:
So now it’s basically a variation of psychic pressure ? That’s nice !

I don’t need help reading it I need a test done to confirm. If they just pulled the code from Quickcast’s attribute and loaded it with a negative value it’s possible it’s just a modifier to the end damage. So there is definitely a possibility that it’s just a modifier.

It’s a pretty big deal. Especially if you could say shrink 28-38(depending on aim) mobs in say a tough room of Earth Tower with Plague + Thaum in gemmed gear with DM and have the tank taking virtually no damage from those mobs for 20-40 seconds give or take a Discern Evil.

Isn’t it 45% dps increase AND 100 bonus damage for 60%+ uptime? I can’t imagine why do you think it is weak in any way. It’s still 30% total dps increase and even more if you use most skills while steady aim is active.

Even if it’s modifier it is still 75% dmg decrease and in 5 minutes you can shrink even more monsters since it has relatively low cd. So 95% of tanks would still take nearly no damage. Also I though it’s single target, but now I’ve noticed it actually can shrink multiple targets it looks pretty OP as well. And if it even decreases their physical and magic attack as said in the description then it’s even better.

I’d rather have 1’s popping up on the tank. Not 25% of the dmg he would have taken without. :slight_smile:

I want to know if I should be thinking of thaum as something between a control and a support. Like a cryo with buffs.

Assuming you can have that perfect setup, then that is a strong team. But 100% winrate? Depends on many things.

It’s just your standard rank 1 ailments that takes some time to cast. Easily countered by Oracle-PD. It also depends on who your enemy is (in 1v1 duel).

Steady Aim is powerful, but QSc3 and Ranger c3 isnt that “broken” imo.

It reduce the enemy’s crit resistance based on 15% of your overall amount of INT and reduce the chance for enemy to nullify your attacks. If you know Corsair’s Jolly Roger, it has an attribute where all party members can nullify damage (magic and physical) with a certain amount of chance.

At ICBT2, Shrink Body didn’t work against players. I’m not sure about now.

Show me the video. I have a guess that the “7x times” part is actually 7 times of enemy’s physical/magic atk, but not the actual final damage that is dealt.

Slow. Restoration only gives you more HP/SP restoration during your nap period (sitting down). You can fix this by taking Krivis’ Aukuras to level 5, so when you sit down, you will have 300-500+ HP/SP restoration each second.

It reduces your enemy’s flame property atk if they get caught in rain. Rain also reduces your enemy’s mov spd.

Don’t worry, it’s a complete trash atm. It’s a rank 1 status ailment. Easily prevented & countered.

All right, sorry I can’t answer all of your questions. Idk some of the answers, and there are some things that I’m just too lazy to explain (busy atm).


I agree that 1 is better than 25%, but still 25% is much better than 100%:wink: Especially for tanks, who are expected to take damage and should not have any problems with it.

It’s probably intended to extend with dievs buff, extending the revive ‘invulnerability’ mechanic is definitely something that can be described as unfair, and also takes a shot at the diev class’s C3 statue because of it.

Yes, long timer to kill player - can be cured easily. ( Indulgenitia , Cure )

Quick Cast has 100% uptime from lvl 4,i don’t think that one is very good, maybe for a long spell cast rotation only. but i guess melstis effect is good for what it can do for team buff

If they aren’t breaking the rules of the game, they won’t get banned.

I thought it was a very thin ( but long) cast radius.

i’m not sure, another video you should see though :


I was just talking about the changes which were planned and revised shortly after.
28/01/2016 -

  • Steady Aim Skill has been revamped and now does the following:
  • Steady Aim cooldown changed from 65s to 25s
  • Increases skill damage by 3% per skill level.
  • Decreases SP cost of skills by 10% + 1% per skill level.
  • Lasts for 10s + 1s per skill level.
    nothing more, taking this as an initial point for my argumentation i am still feeling it is currently nerfed to what it was intended to be.
    I’m still on “Team Steady Aim” <3 :smiley:

@Gwenyth, @Erokhi

Thanks for your answers, it really explained to me quite a lot.

  1. Are there any proofs? This mechanic sounds really broken even comparing to all others I mentioned above. Getting thousands of free stats sounds pretty stupid. I really doubt it can possibly work this way.

And I can imagine the amount possible abuses if combine it with Transpose.

21)About QS+Ranger combo, maybe I’m overrating it, but raw numbers just look too good comparing to any other class. And it seems to be absolute best at least among other ranger class since I doubt any other archer class can dish out such dps. Also there were some videos where such a party simply steamrolled through the dungeon w/o stopping and w/o having a tank, so I wonder if it really has some downsides.

  1. Agreed about wizard quick cast, it seems I misread the CD.

Still think that having so much DPS as QS+Ranger have is a bit dirty, but taking into account all the skills mentioned above it may truly be not so OP, especially in PvP(Honestly I don’t think it’s that strong in PvP). I wonder if there are any alternative ways to build the archer in order to be as effective in PvE.

Not broken, unless you have friends who want to increase only 1 stat from their characters. Full CON STR for Swordsman, full INT SPR for Cleric or Wizard, full DEX for Archer. Besides, you guys need to stick together in order to keep the effect, which means you guys are easy target for AoE skills.

It is great in bossfight, dungeons, grinding (solo and party). But in PvP, I think there are better alternatives. In PvP, it’s all about how much damage you can hurt your enemy in a short amount of time. Musketeer and Cannoneer are simply insane in this aspect.

I was wondering if you can build Krivis C2 / Paladin C3 / PD (or Krivis C3) to heal with Aukuras lvl10/15 + Restoration (about 600 HP/sec) and if it is viable (althou leveling this will be painful).

One of my friend used that build and it worked great especially in grinding. My party never spent a single potion during our grind with him. And we could also grind 6-10 hours straight back then because I played Squire to fix my party’s gears.

Anyway, that is a support build, so no wonder if you find trouble in solo levelling. But if you have a consistent party/teammates, it’s not a big deal. Moreover, Krivis c2 offers Zaibas which is pretty good at early level bossfight. Paladin also provides 3 times damage with Smite+Conviction combo.

Questions left unanswered: #1 (Pt 2), #5, #6, #7, #8, #10,

It can, although I’m sure there may be exceptions, such as debuffs that are only applied while within an affected area. Unable to answer the Melstis extending Dievdibrys Invul buff question.

[quote=“protas_andrey96, post:5372, topic:125464”]
3)What’s the point in having Finestra 10% INT scaling attribute. If you ever get gear that gives INT for some reason you most probably won’t have more than 100 even in super late game. So what’s the point in making the whole attribute that would give 2-10 damage?[/quote]
There is no point. Even if there was a Rank 8 Swordsman class that relied on INT, the boost to damage would be minor by then.

Explained in #15.

[quote=“protas_andrey96, post:5372, topic:125464”]
9)Ogouveve Bokor skill looks so weak comparing to above mentioned skill. I’m not sure how it works now but I found a description where it’s said to increase STR by ~15 at lvl 15 and decrease enemy STR by 10. Which looks really weak even for zombies.[/quote]
It’s powerful at Lvl 1, but it doesn’t scale well so it doesn’t need any more investment past that. At Lvl 1, half of your INT is converted into STR for them.

It’s used after targeting an enemy with Gematria or Notarikon. A number is assigned to them based on their (file) name, then Reduce Level decreases their level by that designated number + the amount your Reduce Level applies, which should always be at least -10. You then potentially do more damage from the new level difference.

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Sticking togetger is not a problem with full con) Still, it’s a must skill for optimal party in PvE since it is several folds better then any other skill out there if it works like this.

Making a party of full STR Barb Doppel/Corsair, FULL DEX QS Ranger (Or just 2 QSrangers, maybe 1 with falconer c1 instead of c3 ranger to reduce aoe defense ratio), FULL INT Linker Thaum(for max support) FULL CON Peltasta Hoplite and FULL SPR c3 Krivis c2 Priest PD/KB. In the end all of them would become terminators. And if instead of full CON Peltasta use 1 more full INT mage then you can flip INT and CON as thaum getting even more con due to bonus int through ranks. But this way you will need to swap 1 DD into Peltasta to have tank. I would suggest full DEX peltasta and full STR Ranger c2 QS c3 Falconer c1. As for mage, anything whith high damage or even another full int priest.

There are lots of possibilities, but what I mean is that such party is straightforward OP no matter how you look at it. That’s why I really doubt such a skill can exist. Otherwise earth tower would have already been dominated even by lvl 220 party of such sort.

Thanks for the answers.

It seems I’ve read outdated info, or simply missed the INT scaling. Also, buff only applies on zombies, not party members, right?

Sure you can, but is it worth to spend 2 entire ranks(30 skill points) just to have better regeneration between fights?
If max party size increases then for sure such paladin would be useful to quickly recover between cleaning big groups of monsters.

It takes a consistent party to do all that. You won’t increase only 1 status right from level 1.
Your party will need to carry the Wizard until he/she hits Linker c3.

I have experienced playing with Linker c3 myself. I find it great, but is it OP?
In grinding, bossfight, dungeons, earth tower, guild raid, GvG, it looks great.
In arena, you can’t use that tactic because of random matchmaking system.
In 1v1 PvP, no need for explanation.

Yup, only applies on the Zombies.

That sounds rly fun. I hope it is worth it to hop on…otherwise noone will rly do it. X)

In grinding, bossfight, etc. it isn’t just great, it would stop literally any other party. Also Wizard would become great even at Linker C1, and such a party thanks to peltasta will have no problems at all levelling up fast.

Though I forgot that Linker is r3 class so linker+thauma c3 is impossible right now. Still, there are lots of another potent compinations and you can get c3 thauma as you second mage in order to get that nasty INT buff. There are lots of possibilities and such party is quite easy to actually rise, and all the benefits are so much greater then negatives. Even in PvP such linker can easily empover almost any party if it has at least 2 or 3 characters with high stats. At least if you get pyro/wiz c1, linker c3 and thaum c2 you would be useful at any team thanks to your attack buffs. Another way is going full utility avoiding PvP and getting Alchemist at ranks 6-7. That way you will be stat buffer and provide links while your team would do all the job.

My point is about proving that levelling such a party is relatively easy and it would be absurdely strong just because of stats. For example, if you use full INT Thaum buffed with swell brain and divine stigma as CON buffer you will get a team where everyone would have more than 70k maxHP at level 280 and super high other stats. Also with other Thaum buffs magic attack would skyrocket up to 2k w/o items.

Even 3 of them (2 INT mages + SPR cleric) w/o any physical damage would be a monstrous powerhouse and adding there combo of STR DEX would make this party even more terrifying since they would dodge like a ninjas, never receive crit damage due to inbelievably high critDef and block even more often if equipped with shields. Such a party don’t even need a tank, since they have such huge HP pool that any damage would be healed in an instance due to % based heals (like 20k damage with single mass heal).

And every single one of them would have nearly 100% crit rate and huge critical attack.

Any balanced content would be as easy as just walking in and taking loot. That’s why I think it shouldn’t be possible. All the balance of the game crushes with such a skill and every possible stat distribution would lose to investing every single point into one stat and walking with such a linker.