Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

That sounds rly fun. I hope it is worth it to hop on…otherwise noone will rly do it. X)

In grinding, bossfight, etc. it isn’t just great, it would stop literally any other party. Also Wizard would become great even at Linker C1, and such a party thanks to peltasta will have no problems at all levelling up fast.

Though I forgot that Linker is r3 class so linker+thauma c3 is impossible right now. Still, there are lots of another potent compinations and you can get c3 thauma as you second mage in order to get that nasty INT buff. There are lots of possibilities and such party is quite easy to actually rise, and all the benefits are so much greater then negatives. Even in PvP such linker can easily empover almost any party if it has at least 2 or 3 characters with high stats. At least if you get pyro/wiz c1, linker c3 and thaum c2 you would be useful at any team thanks to your attack buffs. Another way is going full utility avoiding PvP and getting Alchemist at ranks 6-7. That way you will be stat buffer and provide links while your team would do all the job.

My point is about proving that levelling such a party is relatively easy and it would be absurdely strong just because of stats. For example, if you use full INT Thaum buffed with swell brain and divine stigma as CON buffer you will get a team where everyone would have more than 70k maxHP at level 280 and super high other stats. Also with other Thaum buffs magic attack would skyrocket up to 2k w/o items.

Even 3 of them (2 INT mages + SPR cleric) w/o any physical damage would be a monstrous powerhouse and adding there combo of STR DEX would make this party even more terrifying since they would dodge like a ninjas, never receive crit damage due to inbelievably high critDef and block even more often if equipped with shields. Such a party don’t even need a tank, since they have such huge HP pool that any damage would be healed in an instance due to % based heals (like 20k damage with single mass heal).

And every single one of them would have nearly 100% crit rate and huge critical attack.

Any balanced content would be as easy as just walking in and taking loot. That’s why I think it shouldn’t be possible. All the balance of the game crushes with such a skill and every possible stat distribution would lose to investing every single point into one stat and walking with such a linker.

Yes, the term “macumba” became common in Brazil and it is used by non-practitioners as a pejorative term meaning “witchcraft”…

But i guess that the true meaning of “macumbeiro” is the person who plays a musical instrument called macumba of African origin which was once used in terreiros (meeting places) of afro-brazillian cults during the 19th and 20th century (WIKIPEDIA)

“macumba” also means “magic”


AFAIK, (1) both winning and losing side earn points by 1:2 and (2) there are 3 separate schedules which some people might participate in all of them while most might not.

Good suggestion, that way arena can open 24 hours. As long as people don’t have equal chance of participating the same number of matches, O-P or not O-P discussions won’t bring us a justified ranking table. Or unless stats and performances are recorded so we have something in “return” beside the ranking table, arena will be less desirable and fun. Right, @STAFF_John?

Just a note- Bodkin arrow removes shield buffs… so no. That party would die to fletcher xD.

When an attack from the Skill [keuremoah] monsters to the public gives the property a 10% additional damage per level.

This is the translation of this sapper attribute.

I can’t make anythign out of that xD. Just that it might deal more dps to a certain monster type (race or element).
Up to 50% bonus attribute (for a max of 150% with full attribute maxed).

Any ideas?^^

Deals 10% additional damage per attribute level on Flying-type monsters with [Claymore].

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For those playing the korean server’s here’s our discord channel incase you guys get lonely or bored, on the side not it’s kinda dry there so join us XD.


Uhh … aha.

I tought i couldnt hit them and never tried to use it against them!


Claymore can hit flying types q.q!

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14 it means it deals that dmg to fire type monsters…

or so I believe

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The list below is not an official pronouncement of macumbeiro skills .
So, before you read keep in mind that a lot can change. And idk if it’s really true…


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What, is Macumbeiro an actual upcoming class?

yep… the female model is so beautiful, oh my God Exú :blush:

Those skills are fake, by the way. The other assets are all there, but there’s been no skill information added.


and not funny ­­­­­­

I suppose it’s trending these days

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yep, looks fake… and that “play victim” is ridiculous
thankfully i said that i didn’t know if it’s true :confused: