Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Catacomb Underground Dun 2

@atari Please refrain from flagging… lest this thread gets closed :disappointed:

@bakura it’s over at Fedimian in between the Market and Item Merchant NPC

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I hope they make “casual pvp” and “ranked pvp”.

Casual with set everyone to the same level+only pvp equip (which you can buy or earn trough playing pvp naked, yay!).
Ranked pvp where your level, equip and stuff matters.

Sometimes you want to enjoy a game of pvp, without having the equip for it.
And other times, you really want to show what you earned+ skill you have on the said class.

I can remember, that one reason why pvp in ro was so … unpopular … was simply. People that had full pvp equip where ruling the place. And if you didn’t had atleast 20 mio zeny worth of pvp equip. You could only grovel beneath they’re feet. Even if you were skill wise better. Reducement of damage trough equip was heavy and enhancment too.

But atm how the pvp works for ranked matchs… is just silly xD~


TOS being a game wher ei can toss a statue in someones face.

But yeah, that’s to op in pvp.

Silence Carry … Speed debuff carry … aoe hurt carry …

Relocation yes, if the range is 5~8 char feets. But not more. You could still play catch with another driveby to increase the mobility… but heck. These statues already zone people off nicely. Don’t need to make them even better xD.

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Thanks for suggesting something like this! I think this is where 5v5 Arena needs to go. Clearly, they want it to be a place open for everyone to enjoy, not just the whales and kids with no lives. Give players some equipment choices, unlocked using a few points from 5v5 Arena matches and everyone should be happy. Isn’t even necessary right away, but could be nice down the road to add some depth to the fighting.

People will still be more than willing to invest in high end gears for all the other PvP and GvG content that will await. 5v5 is just a place for skill to shine, not free time. There is a place for both in ToS.

I’m not too sure about your PvP rankings going up whether you lose or win. Back in kTest, with the smaller PvP environment, it seemed to only go up if you won. As for match making back then, it wasn’t just random either. You’d match up with people in a similar bracket as you in terms of w/l. I doubt much of that is changed, just scaled for a larger player base.

Also for anyone that believes that Arena isn’t meant to be for casuals to just jump in and enjoy, they’d be surprised. Much of the game, whether you believe it or not, is meant to be very casual.

Arena, as it stands, is fine at it’s core. Things should be equalized. People should be rewarded for win/loss.

But, that does not mean that there should not be unequalized ranked PvP. In fact, as the game progresses and amulets make a re-appearance, hopefully in a large variety, there should be the following PvP types:

  1. The current Arena with PvP being completely equalized, and rewards just being EXP cards.

  2. Ranked Arena, no equalization, no consumables still, and allowing for pre-arranged teams. The rewards can be decided, but as IMC has said in they’re blogs previously about wanting to do tournaments, etc, this is where it should be done. The auto-matching system for pvp needs to be changed to match up with players of equal/similar w/l.

GvG is exactly what they didn’t want currently, an open pk system.

Now those are just arena’s. Guild PvP needs to be changed a lot more. Currently it’s just a casual GvG system, it’s there for almost no reason, but for either drama, random fun I guess, or just being a nuisance to other guilds.

There needs to be more GvG, the open world PK flagging GvG should stay, however there should be instanced GvG.

Here’s some ideas:

  1. GvG that’s instanced, the point is to take control of an objective on the enemy guilds side, or multiple objectives, and winner gets control of a unique raid for X days.

  2. GvG that’s not instanced. We currently have boss summoning events that guilds can do and even parties. In the future, perhaps have a boss summoning event that the system puts out, and make it announce it to the whole world. Any guilds that enter the boss summoning map are flagged for PvP, normal players can also be flagged for pvp, which makes things even more interesting. Guilds can hire out-of-guild players to join them for boss summoning events.
    Also make it so the boss spawns on every channel of that map. That could be really interesting. Will weaker guilds flock to different channels? Will stronger guilds split into multiple channels? It can be lots of fun.
    However, this can be a nuisance to players currently leveling on the map where a boss is summoned. To counter this, boss summoning maps can only be in maps that are level 200+, and bosses have a 15 min timer before disappearing. When a boss is about to appear, a 5 minute system warning will appear on the map that the boss will appear. When the boss appears, portals from other maps leading to the boss map will have a red arrow sign instead of a green arrow sign, signifying that open pvp is enabled in there.

  3. Some type of alliance war?



noob question time:

i know the answer is already there, and i’d find it if i search, but where is the dungeon lv 115?

Serious business includes being able to make best combination of PvP and PvE capabilities and most optimal gear in order to be able to lvl up relatively fast and fight in PvP effectively.

That’s why I agree that Rank queue should use full possibilities and methods of strengthening since ability to raise strong character and utilize it is the most important skill in this game and thus should be praised in PvP.(ToS true way of PvP).

Normal queue is for those who want to have fun showing only character control skill and fighting against equalised enemies (MOBA-like PvP).

Equality should be applied not in stats but in possibilities. Making strongest character is as important as having godlike character control.

IIRC it was on the fedimian outskirts map.
It’s near the magical circle to get to mage tower 1F.


thank you, you are beautifull, sir <3

Getting the best gear and making the best build is nothing but a skill of another sort, just like in real life. It’s all about opportunities.

The only way how it may ruin balance is making game p2w. That way chances to get better gear won’t be equal.


With the amount of info I see here make’s me wonder how big the international speaking communities are in the korean server’s since everyone is lowkey sharing so much open knowledge ,aside from that isn’t their a post with new kr international player recruit’s so we can keep track of them? Let alone bring them together so no one isn’t an outcast ,not to mention how big this thread is someone can easily get lost an skip around here, just a thought until the global release is out anyway. :slightly_smiling:

The only problem that I can see with this, is thatd slowly kill diversity, where no guild rivalry would exist, at some point.

Lets say the top 6 guilds (Carebears Corporation, Imoutos From Hell, Gabijas Armpit, Orshas Kawaii Institute, NEET and EpicFailForDinner, names merely illustratives) from Lada server make a joint effort, why would I join any other guild, knowing Id be crushed on sight by the noble alliance that dominates the server? Ive seen this before (in ArcheAge, OranThul, Bushi & Cohhilition alliances on Tahyang), and Id hate to see the same thing happens in ToS.

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Well unlike those games such as ArcheAge (which I understand, we went up against OranThul, successfully I might add!), our guild limitations are 25-35 players currently. A relatively small amount of players. If they limit guild alliances to 3 guilds, and it’s an actually system in place, rather than a player’s just stating they are allied, then it’ll work out fine.

This means that in an alliance war, so long as it’s instanced, we won’t have more than 6 guilds in one map, with a limitation of 35 players per guild, I’m sure there will be plenty of guilds that are able to join in, as opposed to a game like AA where there’s 100+ guild members per guild, and alliances could be made at any time and an outside force can flag against others in a war, which is part of player made alliances, as opposed to system approved alliances.

Hi guys, does anyone know if “Ice wall” has combo with “gravity pole”?

Does anyone have any video with “gravity pole” in PVP?

Hello everyone!
Which build do you think it’s more powerful for PvE? :confused:

Please leave a comment and thanks!

[quote=“jochris, post:5190, topic:125464”]
Actually, I believe that a greater concern right now is not the standardization, but the ranking system itself. I hope they are implementing another point & ranking system in the future.
[/quote]The greater concern should still be how CC and CC prevention works, since CC classes/skills either ■■■■ on everyone or become useless.
Then should come the damage revision, which is powercreeping like crazy.

But no, I want my creditcard character to be top ranking because I dont want to put any effort in learning the game or getting better. (like PvE needs anything besides repeating patterns)

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I’d recomend a topid because this topic got derailed enough, or go to the general swordsman topic.
But by a simple look SOLELY AT THE CLASS PATHS, the first one.

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I forgot that there is already a topic for swordsman… Sorry!! :disappointed_relieved:

I believe the only reason to go swordsman c2 is to pvp. That being said, I’m playing this build (currently rank 5) and I’m having no problem at all in PvE.

Also, try using the swordsman class forums to get advice, or maybe post it on reddit, people will surely try to help you with builds.

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