Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

yep i know :smiley:

i hit 240 before i stalled playing lol
i dont like how they make the monsters so damn op though, your kinda forced to party up or die. if they could be less tanky that would be nice, so we dont have to spec into tons of con and have wet noodle competitions with standard field mobs

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Don’t worry about it, she’s a little girl so she can get pretty excited. She’s super adorable if you ever meet her. (and probably going to be mad at me for saying this)


im not trying to rustle any jimmies so i got kinda confused by the response lol

I don’t see how I am adorable by any measure. Do you know me from ICBT2 Zemyna or something?

I get pretty anal about this subject because instanced content is literally the cancer that kills MMO games. It turns what should be a shared open world into a private party where you can just not worry about other people being involved. And to make things worse they just HAD to implement an automatic party queue finder, so that now you can go through the entire game without even having to organize a party. God forbid players have to waste their precious time making a party.

And to @Sixaxis , people who dump money and time into the game are entitled to being better. That’s just how things work in this world. Those individuals are literally sponsoring your free gaming time. Online games are a business, not a charity.

And in the end it’s not that big of an issue. No matter how loaded a single character is, if you jump him with 3 or 4 average players he’ll die all the same. People have this weird romantization with MMO games, thanks to a few garbage anime shows in recent years, that if you’re skilled and loaded enough you’ll turn into a Dynasty Warriors protagonist and kill everyone on screen by yourself. That’s not how things roll, specially in a game like ToS where there’s so much diversity and you can’t gear against everything at the same time.


3 or 4 people aren’t going to jump you in a 5v5 arena. There’s loads of problems with arena that need to be fixed, standardized gear isn’t one of them. There’s tons of places where your gear matters and you can PvP using them. Some of your gear also does matter in arena too, but I haven’t figured out what they all are yet.

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Dude are you THE spadow


I think the current system is fine, if it wasnt like that, PvP would just be unpopular and not fun for most people.
As long as they keep improving the Guild systems, there’s really no reason to brag about how your gear doesnt count in PvP. Balanced PvP is great bc everyone can enjoy it, not just the 5% “hardcore” players.
The idea of needing to spend thousands of hours to get the best pieces of gear just to then get into PvPing disgusts me.


The money-power users are less than 1% of the playerbase. The main issue stands, and that is the fact you cannot use even the most basic equipment to counter players.

“Oh there’s a Wugushi on the other side. Let me put on my -200 poison damage set.”

You can’t.

“My team is full of glasscanons. I should wear AoE Defense Ratio gear and tank some hits for them.”

You can’t.

“There’s 3 highlander-base characters on the other side. Everyone on our team should wear anti-slash sets.”

You can’t.

It’s not about the broke overpowered gear. It’s about equipment not working at all.


[quote=“LoliPantsu, post:5179, topic:125464”]
And to @Sixaxis , people who dump money and time into the game are entitled to being better. That’s just how things work in this world. Those individuals are literally sponsoring your free gaming time. Online games are a business, not a charity.[/quote]
Video games aren’t subject to falling under the ‘this world’ category-- they work the way the Developers want them to work. Also, they aren’t sponsoring ‘my’ free gaming time, as I’ve spent more on my past 2 MMO’s than the average person. You’re correct, they are a business-- so look at what you’re suggesting, and consider if it’s a good business decision to make changes to the Arena so it’s like every other second-rate MMORPG out there that may have good activity on the servers but their PvP Arena pales in comparison, and eventually down the line, the only people that queue are:

  • New players who don’t know what they’re getting into and soon stop queue’ing
  • Super-geared players who have end-game characters
  • Bored players with nothing else to do

Yes, and while those 3-4 players jump that geared guy, his other 4 teammates will gank them since they’re focusing on one target. I’m more surprised that you even think it’s okay for one guy to need 3 to 4 people just to take him down, in a 5v5 Arena. I’m not kidding, it literally took me 10 seconds before I even started typing because I was surprised. I thought you wanted the Arena to be better, not an episode of Power Rangers.


Once you can actually make a party to queue for arena, you can make parties that counter classes well.

If a ton of work was put into standardizing gear, making it so that certain affects could clearly be used ( bonus stats like elemental resistance, but not things like +15 enhancement bonuses ) that would be fine.

Other than that, I disagree with the notion that arena can’t be treated like a fair sport, where class combinations, stat build, and player skill are more important. Classes just need to be rebalanced around allowing skill to make the difference.

why items though?

i think imc are trying to eliminate items from the arena so it doesn’t get too convoluted.
there is already a pretty diverse roster of classes to chose from
all the counters lie in how well the players structure their characters skills and how well made the team combination is for PVPing

i can already think of some weird shite like 5 diev/druids timing thier invincibility zones to make it hard as hell to do anything lol.

Video games aren’t subject to falling under the ‘this world’ category-- they work the way the Developers want them to work.

You don’t understand how thing works. The only thing Developers “want” is money.

Do you even understand how a free2play model works? Almost all of the income comes from about 1% or less of the playerbase that buys regularly/buy a lot. They do it because, for them, they’re buying “fun”. They Buy cosmetics -> Sell for Silver -> Acquire high-end gear. So what happens if they don’t think they can buy enough “fun”? For instance, if their expensive equipment does not work in Arena? They don’t buy. But the devs still want money, so what do they do?

They add Pay2Win stuff to the cash shop. So that they can buy more “fun”, potentially “fun” of the kind that works inside the arena. And then the game goes down a spiral of P2W that it can never recover from because PvE and other PvP modes have P2W gear, and everyone hates that.

If the people who dump money into the game don’t think they’re getting full benefits, they won’t buy. So they’ll have to push the Cash Shop harder.


Well if you want this to be a pay2win game then I guess that’s your stance.

If I felt that was the future of this game I wouldn’t be interested or playing now. Anyways I think there’s several other threads that are addressing p2win, this thread could probably go back to being about ktos patch notes and gameplay.

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patch notes

You’re a funny guy. We don’t get patch notes until maintenances are almost over. That’s like 12 hours away.

Actually, I believe that a greater concern right now is not the standardization, but the ranking system itself. I hope they are implementing another point & ranking system in the future.

With current system, there will be some less fortunate people who earn less point just because they have less matches than the others (talking about playing time concerning real life activity).

Standardized or not, a “good” player or not, every measures will cone down to whether they can attend the arena or not.

There are at least 2 ways to improve this:

  1. Limit the number of matches a person can attend per day or per week.
  2. Force point penalty when losing a match, so that win percentage will be taken into account.

@STAFF_John I belive what Sixaxis pointed out is the most accurate in how PvP should works in ToS. Of course could exist gear free cotent for those who want have fun, but when it comes to rank and other more competitive cotent standardizing is the right path.

I believe her opinion is most based in a resource who is not working right now (party queue).

And talking about other aspects she pointed, to be honest the cancer of f2p MMO nowdays are those types of players who think they can buy everything in server with cash. More knowns as “big whales”, those toxic players only cause problems and think they can “buy” a free pass if they do something wrong or get banned, just because they spent a lot of money in the game. Also when those type of people leaves for any reason the company profit get hurt so bad. I belive a fair acessible cash shop (if the game choose keep this path in the international version) with no pay to win items result in a good profit and a better community.


Is that how it is? The more you pvp, the better your ranking is going to be? Almost regardless of how well you’re doing?

We know that for sure :?

Well, assuming that it is, I’d say what we should do is have only a certain number of matches per day/week matter. The player can choose what matches those are ( queue for a normal or ranked match, essentially ).

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And the usual generic MMO PvP Arena is not going to help with that in the long run. It’s like you’re skipping lines when reading my posts and missing these things; I already explained this.

[quote=“LoliPantsu, post:5187, topic:125464”]
Do you even understand how a free2play model works? Almost all of the income comes from about 1% or less of the playerbase that buys regularly/buy a lot.[/quote]
This varies from game to game, and I’d like to see a source with data from an existing MMORPG where 1%> of the highest spenders make up more revenue than the other 99%, but let’s just say that will be true for Tree of savior, and look at the rest of your post:

Then the Developers introduce other things into the Cash Shop for them that qualifies as buying ‘fun’. It was even suggested up there 2-3 times that another PvP Arena without the standardized gear should be put in, but without Rankings on it. This is also the only PvP-anything in the game with equalizing, yet with your talks of lowered income, you act like it’s the entire game.

If I’m going to make a game, I want income to be my highest priority, but I’m not going to lower the quality of the games content just to achieve that goal. You could say “But Six-senpai, removing standardized gear will only make it BETTER.”, and then I proceed to produce a list of MMO’s from the old Iris Online up until the more recent Dragomon Hunter that used what you’re suggesting and failed at it. We can even use our current competitors-- Blade & Soul and Black Desert. B&S has standardized Arena PvP, Black Desert does not. Both games are popular. Let’s see which one of theirs lasts longer. It takes more than a minor game feature to cause a game to die, and a major game can still have crappy minor features.

Fishing for logic I see. So because a player is unable to go into Ranked 5v5 Arena with his decked-out gear, even though he can do it with the other PvP-related activities and difficult PvE content, he’s not going to spend enough on the Cash Shop to prevent the company from introducing P2W elements into it. So if P2W elements were introduced into the CS, the current Arena would be the sole reason of that, and not the usual culprits such as boring gameplay, slow content updates, and company greed. Okay then.

Or they introduce more content with a higher scale of difficulty to make that specific group of players (Also called Whales) feel the urge to throw their wallet at the screen.



If I’m going to make a game, I want income to be my highest priority,
but I’m not going to lower the quality of the games content just to
achieve that goal.

It’s like you don’t even play video games.

But you know what, you’re right. Go ahead and have your little pseudo-MOBA “PvP” Arena where half of the game’s mechanics are ignored in favor of casuals who only want to put 1 hour into the game everyday and still feel like they’re progressing or something. As long as there’s a FreeForAll arena and a GvG mode where your equipment actually matters, then I suppose it’ll be fine.

Maybe it’s for the better that all the carebear players have their own hugbox “PvP” mode.