Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Oh yeah i really need to think about cleric c2… ㅠㅠ but they are so many flying monsters

Well If you don’t mind getting Krivis at Rank 2…you can go for Cleric c2 after that too or… anytime…:smiley:

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I hated krivis, waiting for zaibas cooldown is the most annoying experience I had in this game so far. Quests takes ages and you feel almost useless until you can use zaibas again lol

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Why not just go C2 off the bat, pick up Bokor and so forth
Or C2 off the bat, pick up Priest 1 or Krivs 1 and then Sadhu.

I hate backtracking -_-.

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Do someone knows what those Memory Games does?

I’m trying to do this build.
is it ok? And i’m add most of my stats to INT

Do you mean cleric c2?

i know what you feel lol Thats why i don’t know what to do haha

yup shame Circle 2 and Cleric 2 start with C’s -_-.

I could help you, but this is not the topic to discuss this, so i’ll just answer you in the other topic

I looked the musketeer skills and the damage is VERY high compared to rank 5 and 6 skills.
My doubt is if they will balance the damage for classes like musketeer after they release the rank 8. I read something about they try to increase the damage for new ranks to make they more useful, so probably they will balance the classes after release the next rank, right?

they have balance patch every week lol

can both Bokor’s mackangdal and Druid’s Sterea Trofh prevent cc debuff while activated ?

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Nice question.
And i have another one: bokor’s hexing is 1st rank condition?

@vyne_ has a comprehensive document that explains various skill conditions and their ranks
you will most likely find that information in their post

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But there is no hexing listed here O_o

No. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Seems bokor will not work well in pvp because his main damage source can be easily removed…

I’ve watched a ton of 2v2/5v5 PvP matches with Bokor in them, and CC removal doesn’t really happen often without a Plague Doctor present. Most of the Bokors playstyle is… lacking, but with my lackluster ping over there and fear of making my team angry when they try to talk to me 'cuz Korean isn’t under my language-list, I can’t prove that they’re good (Or above average) until the game releases here.

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Thanks for the information on hexing. Can I ask where you found out it was a rank 1 debuff? I’ve seen threads saying it was a non-debuff marker for effigy, and I’ve seen threads saying it gets resisted now and then.