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But the Owl Statue is not base on magic nor physical damage but only attribute and skill level.So maybe Incineration is the same thing.Although Owl Statue doesn’t scale on magic or physical it still does magic damage.

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Actually i played diev monk, and with owl lv 5 i did 1k+ DMG without a single point in int…

But that still don’t mean it doesn’t scale, i just believe it don’t, because people say so

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I just wish we could bless owls.
Ah, that blessing so useful on vakarine or laima… ~_~

I played Diev C2 as a melee character and I did like 1.7k-2k damage per tick on mobs with the same level as me and I had like 8 INT.I tried it in duels as well and I did a lot of damage as well,again facing people at my level.

I also had Owl Statue at level 5

From here

But it still doesn’t say it scales on Matk on that the skill is base on Matk

I even ask the question on that thread and so far no answer.

I tried an INT Diev…and I think it did scale with Matk…but I’m rly bad at testing…and remembering my results lol… I make videos next time I test something…XD

@Gwenyth Can’t you check if Owl is better with more matk?

I remember btw that something was fishy with Exorcise too… and both Incinerate and Exorcise are DOT damage aren’t they? so maybe they are the same…

i think i have some EXP card on my char. didn’t login the past few days though. i will go and see soon. ( maybe 30 minutes )

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Doesn’t every [Physical] skill scale with Patk and every [Magic] skill scale with Matk? The only skills that state they scale with INT do more damage, like Cure and Heal where it’s the skill damage + Int + Matk-scaling.


If Owl Statue does indeed scale with Matk then the skill is OP bc I had only ~8 INT, it did so much damage on mobs and even on WBs.

Great. Dievdirby’s need some help and having 1 OP skill would be nice.

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If anything it would be ‘‘versatile’’, something Clerics are already well known for anyways.

on other news:

Sorcerer C3 skills finally have videos :\




Is it still 5m a week upkeep for a guild tower?

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I keep hoping IMCgames will revamp those C3 skills, they look like normal attack spells with beast/minion animation :confused:


Owl statues are being affected by the owner’s MATK value. ( i didn’t check int because of this)

i don’t remember the owl damage being varied before - it used to apply 3 persistent hits of the same damage, perhaps it is a change that wasn’t documented.

video - 8:45~10:30
edit: sorry for the mush quality, it might be stuck at 360p until youtube does whatever to add in the other quality option.


If only I recorded myself with my stats and all you would see for yourself LMAO.

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believable, i have 5 int :smiley:

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