Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

soneome know a site with orsha data base ?

i got a collection with silver bracelet recipe but i dont find who dropping it ?

Kill the monsters to get the quest items and then go back and talk to the npc you got the quest from and he’ll take the items to finish the quest

I didn’t find on other site.||wr_content&stx=BRC01_131&sop=and

I want to make a chaplain but i dont know which stats or skills should i put from the start. Can someone tell me?

I think the requirement is Circle 3 of priest - so those are some skills you will be looking at on a skill simulator. but i think you will get more detailed response from cleric class discussions.

i.e :

KR Notice 21/01/2016

A maintenance has been scheduled today during the following hours:

During this time the game will be unavailable for play.


The Web TP Store will be unavailable during the following hours:

The official announcement can be found [here]
Raw patch notes will be available later today.

You may have seen a lot of ban notices the past few days too, I’ve listed the numbers from the 15th to today, numbers indicating the quantity of players who have received punishment for breaking the TOS.

15/01/2016 Sanction List
Ausurine = 490
Vakarine = 179
Laima = 134
Zemyna = 269
Gabija = 111

16&17/01/2016 Sanciton List
Ausurine = 255
Vakarine = 101
Laima = 141
Zemyna = 587
Gabija = 261

18/01/2016 Sanction List
Ausurine = 208
Vakarine = 109
Laima = 94
Zemyna = 213
Gabija = 91

19/01/2016 Sanction List
Ausurine = 569
Vakarine = 340
Laima = 171
Zemyna = 263
Gabija = 143

20/01/2016 Sanction List
Ausurine = 731
Vakarine = 300
Laima = 323
Zemyna = 644
Gabija = 182

TOTAL ( From the above dates)

Ausurine = 2253 Players Sanctioned
Vakarine = 1029 Players Sanctioned
Laima = 840 Players Sanctioned
Zemyna = 1976 Players Sanctioned
Gabija = 788 Players Sanctioned


anyone knows where is the lvl115 dungeon? cant find it anywhere, not sure if i missed it hahahaha

Fedimian outskirts, you know when you first walk to mage tower?
it is in that vicinity of the portal that takes you to that first floor ( the summoning circle in the ground). there is another instance entrance near it too.

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thanks, it seems that i’ve walk through it n missed it lol

wow, 5 hours, and 2 hours for tp store. Seems like they will add new items to tp shop.
WTB patch notes.

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I hope they fix the client crashes soon. I keep losing dungeons and catacomb runs because of it ;-;

they’re going to regret having 5 servers later, games always do a few months in.


Has there been constant reports on the matter from Korean players though?
That’s kind of important as true as it may be.

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have anyone test arde vs. venom? would venom’s poison damage behave the same as the fire damage from arde?

Yes it’s the same. Losing damage vs plate sucks though.

i think venom would be a more superior choice for wizard class compare to karacha dagger or arde except for plate since it does slightly more damage/more con/no decrease in fire resistant but you can always switch weapon depend on enemy your facing. Also, i think diversify damage would be great.

Against anything but plate venom is technically superior unless they are weak to fire because NOTHING RESIST POISON BESIDES POISON.
Although if you upgraded to Keracha then it gets a wee bit more complicated, and Archers should just go get a Mana-Mana at that point for that matter.

Hmm you kinda have to compare karacha vs venom, they are both lvl 170. So you’d likely be upgrading from arde to one or the other.

And the damage vs medium is really nice. Especially with a spear user, as it almost makes it as if medium types are large types.

Don’t you have to take a rank in SR to use guns on an archer :?

I agree with @kaicheng2004 on diversity tho, and I think there shouldn’t be just elemental offhands. ( Or there should be a TON for every level range, if that’s how it’s going to be ) I’d rather offhands just be normal daggers or shields, and have elemental sockets that can be slotted with elemental gems, so you can choose your damage type.

Archers can just use them, the atribute Schwarzer Reiter has is a ‘‘Mastery’’ atribute, aka a buff exclusive to them to the weapon.

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if full attack type, then STR and DEX.