Tree of Savior Forum

BOT Information

After 1 day they will return with different names. The people that provide gold selling service will have 100 of bots running at the same time. IMC can try to allow player to put cash-shop items on AH, this way it will reduce players buying gold from gold selling website.

Cooool~ Learned something today.

The only thing I encountered that was actually effective was the gameguard programs. Pangya and some Private RO servers I played sported this and it stopped any non physical inputs (along with my razor tartarus T_T ) Which at least, reduces the amount bots or macros.

I’ve got a suggestion. An in-house task force with access to a robust tools to monitor player movement patterns, transactions, login times, with the authority to act on what they find, and who have no other job but to seek and destroy.

Ah, that’d cost money, though. Nuts.

stop this retard, and I meant “me” from you. 1st grade reading?

Sexual reproduction.
Judgement trough Ethical and Own Choices.

Uhhh … not much aynmore.

A sample list of banned accounts for 5 days from kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here):

Just trying to show how bad it was in kToS especially if you are farming for low drop items or quest items in maps with many bots.
The bots can teleport and there are just so many of them mostly swordies.

You can make it a daily quest to search and report these bots. Remove one, there will be two tomorrow.

Best method is no demand, there will not be a need to supply.

That’s a childish thinking. Cheating on someone is a bad thing but it’s not against the law, just an example.

love cheat?

Mechwarrior online did this.

It’s funny when cheaters play against cheaters in an fps game.

Cheating is not against the law, but it is usually stated in the terms of use/service/agreement.

Breaking that is grounds for banning.

How do you remove demand for bots, exactly?

every 30 minutes? no thanks. also can programmed to do captcha, someone told me that bot’s has been able to solve captcha for ages.

100% drop rates, 1 day level to max. LOL
I think that’s what he means. hahaha.

Heh, yeah, that’ll definitely remove demand for bots. Or for the game as a whole

Guess you could do this … but then you’ d have to set up a website and everything else to look legit. I assume there’s probably some odd stuff that could happen if they did this. Wouldn’t recommend.

Don’t punish your prospective paying players. If they wanna do RMT, make an official way (and cheaper) way to RMT for them.

Token seems to be IMC’s RMT method of choice right now. And I do support it as a bot fighting measure.

Did you ever play a gam ecalled … scurggss arrgg … i cant speak it out.

Hacker kids where everyhwere. YOu wanted to enjyo a jump and run fps… with doge mechanics and cute style.

And 40% of the people in the lwoe ranks where hackers…

Lag hacks who mad ethem invincble.
Wall shot hack.
Unlimitted energy and health hack.

All easy peasy as client side calculation got modified.

You know i understood you, still thinking it is a win win situation if you block me, i’m not gonna cry and answer anymore dude, no time to lose for troll, bye :).

Yea I agree, they should legalize gold-selling like legalize weed ( not being sarcastic) take the customers away from the drug-deal…er… I mean gold seller =D. In Tera they allow you to sell cash-shop items to f2p players for in game currency, that is fair for both p2p & f2p players(GW2 don’t count because is a buy to play game to begin with.). But for some reason not that many MMO games followed this tactic, so many MMO trying to fight the gold seller head on.

Totally agree with you OP. The emergence of really powerful and FREE machine learning libraries has made a lot of automation of things we used to think were “human” only tasks pretty trivial to computers now as well.

Hell, you can go learn how to build a neural network that can do OCR for free online:

There are of course still tasks that computers are still not very good at, a captcha like the match the similar pictures one would be strong (imc could even be clever and replace the real world pictures with different views of assets from the game):