Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS Bossing Changes - IMC fails again

Since its a bait anyways i wont make this long.

Its easy to talk when you are on the privileged side of things, one thing is that effort is proportional to gain and another when this amount of effort is unproportionally rised by others, if its going to be hard it should be EQUALLY HARD for everyone

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dullahan actually drops about 90 cubes every 2 hours

once the patch goes live, everyone can kill 1 boss per day maximum. People have to choose between 10+ bosses, so only some people
will even consider dulla

even if everyone kills dulla, noone will kill other bosses and stuff like gladi band, sissel, petamion will be unpayable

everyone supporting this crap is blinded by envy

I hope they can implement this ASAP. Myself Lv230 Fletcher can’t get a single cube in Dullahan just now. The boss melt likes within 15 sec and i waste my half hour again. Seriously only high level will team up together (Eg near Max level) and the monopoly is real. But on the other sides i hope they increase the drop rare of rare item after the change.

As if. People will still do the other bosses - especially if they aren’t high leveled yet and can actually find those bosses that were designed for their level. And it isn’t like everyone doing a boss will actually end up getting the cube, either way.

Oh, and two out of three drops mentioned are from dungeons. The limit is only for world bosses, dungeon ones aren’t included.
So, like i said above, this is just scaremongering.

I think it`s good news)

they arent able to camp bosses now, why should they camp bosses after the patch?

people who ignore boss hunting now will most likely ignore it later too

max petamion and sissel are 10% wb drops and 0.5% from dungeon
what do you think 99% of all recipes are from? obviously not the 0.5% dungeon drop

petamion is a necroventer drop too, which will make the recipe even rarer and more expensive

since the debuff only expires while you are online, casuals can kill 1 worldboss every 2 or 3 days, good news, right?

They grant you with more possible sleep time and you’re complaining?

Man, I wish I could reconfigure my kids with a 8h timer like they did with world bosses.

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even when I sleep 20 hours per day, its enough for killing atleast 6 dullas

after the patch (if I sleep for 20 hours) it would be 1 dulla every 2 days

It’s definately one of worstest things which limits you by developers. Limits limits limits. WHY you do that? Limits on trade, limits on getting auction money, limits on trade money, limits on trate items with loosing of potential, limits with dungeons, limits with missions, limits with bosses? Are you serious?


I don’t even get how does this change stop monopoly by the top guild.


If people can find bosses, they’ll just kill them. It is as simple as that.
Even if there are no people actively camping, they’ll still spawn. And will be killed once someone notices them.
By the way, why do you think dungeons give recipes at a lower rate?
Because those cubes are given in far higher amounts, that’s why. Three per character per day.
And despite what you say, people will still do those bosses - just, they won’t always be the same people.

But i do agree that eight hours for something that expires only when online is indeed a bit too much, and should be tweaked a bit.

Exactly. Any decent non-casual guild will always have enough of well geared lvl 250-280 DPS characters to farm it just the same. It’s mostly punishing capable solo WB hunters and forcing people to stay online all the time.

What the people who orgasm to this change forget to see is that this might hurt the casual people more than it helps them.

Bosses like Cerberus, Mineloader etc. will likely still be killed on time by the same people that kill them right now to a) keep the timer and b) deny other people loot. So unless you actually camp on the map to get the timer, you still won’t see them alive. Instead, items like Gladiator Band will get even more expensive and unobtainable to the normal person.

Casual people will only get loot from easy to find bosses like Marionette and Dullahan, though with only 1 cube every 8h the likelihood of getting something good is extremely small. And even the drops from these bosses will likely become more expensive, again hurting the average person.

The current dropsystem is far from perfect, but this is pretty much the worst possible way to “fix” it. There is not much in terms of endgame content right now and this change is severely limiting one of them.

Making it so the damage of the whole party gets added up (basically making 1 party count as 1 entity) would already help a lot. It will mean more cube drops and also will make soloing for cubes much harder, making everyone try to fill up their party.

There also needs to simply be more bosses and they should be worth hunting. You never see bosses like Cerberus because they drop the best stuff even though they’re low level bosses. That shouldn’t really be a thing. Take Prison Cutter for example, a boss that to my knowledge only drops one shitty ring recipe and nothing else (besides Talt). He also spawns on 4 different maps that are all huge and have an awful layout so obviously no one bothers with this boss. Why doesn’t he drop more good stuff? It’s the highest level boss if you don’t count the Demon Lords since they’re a special case.

There is also a big gap between Prison Cutter and the Demon Lord bosses that could be filled with at least 5-6 bosses that all drop strong high level items. Maybe make these bosses a bit harder than the usual field bosses (but not as hard/tedious as the Demon Lords) so they take a bit longer to kill. Perhaps make all the bosses that currently only spawn in 1 channel spawn in 2 instead and maybe also give some slight (10-15 minutes) variance to the spawntime. That should make it harder for the same group of people to kill all the bosses since you can’t be everywhere at the same time.

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Or by their need to have a life outside the game.
Most people can’t time everything around a world boss timer, mom won’t be around to pay the bills forever you know.

I welcome this change. The market was strangled by people hoarding boss loot and controlling prices. Should make gear more accessible to everyone.

IMC, our servers seem severely behind Ktos. We were promised there’d be no delay between versions of the game. You should look into keep your word.

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If there will be people camping purely to deny other people the chance to get loot, it’s quite likely they’ll patch that out too (for example, making it so debuffed people can’t damage world bosses at all).

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Then they might as well give out 1 free cube every 8h to everyone. Since there is no competition it will be about the same.

This change was pushed to kToS, meaning it had nothing to do with anyone’s whining here. kToS has its own forum with complaints, go cry there if you dislike it.

Fact of the matter is more people are happy about this change than not.

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Said one of the Fletchers kitted in BiS gear, who’s also one of said worldboss campers.

That’s correct. Those same people that gained the most out of the current system are also the ones shouting out ‘‘doom’’ ‘‘doom’’, right now.

Obviously not from your lot. As is evident by the amount of items on the market, their prices, and how frequently they just ‘‘disappear’’.

I would think so, yes. As currently they are killing 0 in 30 days.

It reduces it by a considerable extend. But I’m not surprised you say this.

Let’s be real here. If this was a truly poor solution you lot wouldn’t be whining so loudly about it.


Lol dude, Why would you need to sleep less than 3.5 hrs when you can create a BH group/guild with different timezone players then have a posting on FB or so? It’s really not hard to own a boss 24/7 if u can create such a group nor it is competitive. I actually like the kTOS idea to give chance to other players given there are many players in TOS