Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS Bossing Changes - IMC fails again

well i doN’t care that much about wbs …
With this change u could erase them all too…
Its not possible to mainly play around boss hunting…
The thing is there are again restrictions … and well a solution which punisch dedicate player … and i don’t like that because i new this game has almost nothing to offer for these player .
I mean there is really only grinding left … the ones who will do it well they jsut buy everything they want … The other ones wll quit.

[quote=“sttr413, post:1, topic:257001”]
What IMC did here is called communism. And believe me, as a Russian, I know what that is. It’s when people who do their work properly and achieve something are being oppressed and have to, for some reason, share their riches with lazy, useless parasites with loud mouths.[/quote]
I don’t think you know the definition of communism, at least what communism in TOS would be…
Communism in TOS would be if all loot and silver that’s dropped were pooled together and players were able to take as much silver and loot out of that pool as they need. But that’s not what’s happening. So no, it’s not communism.

And on top of that : nobody forces you to “share your riches with others”, you can keep the loot you get from world bosses and use it however you like.
You can keep the silver, you can keep whatever comes out of the boss cube. So no, you don’t have to share your loot, so don’t say you have to.

yes this Casuals that are 90-99% of the income for the game ruins everything. :expressionless:

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