Tree of Savior Forum

KToS 28/7/16 Swordsman Buffs

Should be, but isn’t. Trust me, Moulinet is good even after 270+, but isn’t an awesome skill since we’ll have a better Vertical Slash.

i duno what skills to max on my highlander, for now i have everything lvl 1,
what u think? and for now i’m full STR, but ill get around 100 con, probably no dex

i’m considering max cross guard and skyliner

Cross Guard at lvl 3 is enough. You’ll tank every boss in Siauli Mission, for example, mainly with your full STR.

Current I suggest:

  • Wagon Wheel lvl 1 (CC);
  • Cartar Stroke lvl 3 (1,5s of casting);
  • Crown lvl 4 (11s of Shock, it works very well in PvP or against magic World Bosses like Necroventer);
  • Cross Guard lvl 3 as I said;
  • Moulinet lvl 9 or lvl 10 with you don’t need Wagon Wheel;
  • Cross Cut lvl 10 (everybody will don’t agree, but it deals a lot of damage and for Highlanders it’s the most common and fastest skill to use in PvP);
  • Sky Liner lvl 10;
  • Skull Swing lvl 5 (30s of Armor Break).

After Cartar Stroke and Vertical Slash buff, you could give up Moulinet to invest in these skills (Cartar Stroke at lvl 5 will have 1,25s of casting). The remaining points you could put in Cross Guard or Crown, It’s all about your preference.


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Be free, man.


tx man, so u think i can use this build to pvp? i had alredy given up pvping with it

also, u know if cross cut level increases bleed dmg?

Sure. Don’t give up. As you can see (or remember) I’m a High C3 like you, with Corsair C1 and Doppel C2, and I’m not the best character for PvP, but I’m not worst at all.

Proud moment time.

About bleeding: it scales with your STR.

cool, but i dont have corsair, ill go with barb for cleave and helm chopper. but, cool to know i can do something with highlander (i dont care for hardcore pvp, if i can do some 4fun i’m fine)

i saw another hihglander with less STR, but more cross cut level, and his bleed dmg were better

I know a Fencer (High C3 > Fencer) with less STR and more bleeding damage too. She uses Venier (Holy Property Attack 289) and she told me that’s the reason.

I’ve never tested by myself if elemental property damage influences the bleeding damage, but I believe in her conclusion.

sometimes highlander bleed doesnt proc, it starts and disapear is this a bug?

Some monsters doesn’t bleed.

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does going HL2>Barb1 still good? its tempting to go HL3 for vertical slash buff, but i don’t have barb’s utility skills of stun and slash boost.

The bleed counts as piercing damage, so fencer skills should buff it

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imagine a hop2 cor3 using crossguard then spear lunge then hexen 10… awww that would be awsome

Wow! Thanks for the information.

Bleeding iirc deals about 40% of the damage of the attack that inflicted it as it’s base damage (This means before +elemental property damage skills such as Venire’s bonus which do affect DoTs as can be seen in it’s kind affecting Wugushi’s poisons making them even more ridiculous as single target DoTs), this takes in consideration if said attack is a critical.

So say you deal 2000 damage with Crosscut, then the Bleeding would have a base 800 damage per tick and then it gets boosted by any elemental property damage you may have.
As far as I understand it, of course.

Edit: How long does Crosscut’s Bleeding last and how fast does it tick?
I can’t quite remember it and it’s fairly important information.


10s, and someone correct me if I’m wrong, it ticks per second.

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You’r right.


Just to remind ppl that we need MORE BUFFS, cus its NOT ENOUGH. keep buffing, i want cross guard / guard to reduce magic damage taken based on block rate :pray:

imagine, if ur magic defense increases with ur block rate while u are holding C or using cross guard?

or they could increase the HP when we level up and/or from CON

actually they should do both changes this would make swordsman a lot better

also, swords need some kind of %dmg goes to health,could be 2% or 1% or even 0.5%. we need some kind of self heal. dude wizards have self healing with featherfoot…

and need more dmg too

and wtf why boss hit AOE AROUND, just to hit swordsman and leave the others ok? make boss atack in one direction not all

just some ideas…

"plz buff my class to be super strong and nerf all the others to be weak"
there should be some kind of balance, your changes proposal will make swordy simply op, cataphract already became a huge deal in pvp with the lancer in rank 8, these changes will just make another very op class and a very weak class.