Tree of Savior Forum

KToS 28/7/16 Swordsman Buffs

nah, defense in the game isnt a big deal, block is a lot more important, if u get pelt>rodelero, and later murmilo u will be able to block even magick well enough

If they do introduce such a boss then even Fencer can tank that too since Pelt is built for physical tanking unless they add mdef to Guardian or HighGuard in which Pelt will melt from any magic attack, and keeping aggro means you need to generate sufficient damage to the target to make him keep looking at your way.

Not neccessarily. If they give some future bosses enough block penetration and enough accuracy or introduce undodgeable physical attacks then physical defense is the only way to reduce physical damage.

It’s just a what-if theoretical situation what IMC might be up to, seeing how the Guardian change was quite unexpected.

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I wouldn’t put it past IMC. I’m sure we’ll see some sort of change to GungHo some time in the future.

Oh God, as if magic projectiles wasn’t enough, what’s next IMC, a boss that cuts the party’s hp down by 90% after entering it’s room? A debuff that disables player respawn from death until dungeon clear/fail? boss skill that forces player’s skills into cooldown in it’s aoe?
Might as well hire the 80s-90s Nintendo guys, and that notorious KanColle dev so we’ll have worser RNG in cubes and cats rain in our servers, oh wait SAserver is already gone thru the cat bombing issues.

With all honesty tho the negative ideas tend to be spot on due to how the game’s direction is going.

Please note though that i don’t endorse such things as undodgeable physical attacks and such, it’s just an idea what might happen. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well, there are other game who had done such things. the worldboss Sunayaka in Aion for example had an extremely huge aoe skill that dealt 90% of each players max hp as damage. If your hp was not >90% when the boss used said skill, you died.

As another example, Satan Morroc in Ragnarok Online used the debuff ‘Hells Power’ on all players in range, which disabled the resurrection of dead players so all players who died during the fight couldn’t get resurrected and had to respawn in town and walk back to the fight.

So, if we are unlucky and IMC takes such games as examples, there are some quite cruel (but also possibly quite interesting) concepts and ideas that might get introduced with future boss fights.

i can see that happening, since we have squire tent, it would make squires a valuable party member against a boss like that, even more if he have a good drop.
and in the future if they add bosses with a ability like that, it will make the value of squire grow too.

As far as c1 Highlander goes:

Wagon Wheel - iffy since Bash exist, but maaaybe becaue it has longer knockdown duration so you can use other debuff on the mob while it’s still floating before using Doppel’s super Punish.

Cartar - definitely keep, it’s one of the best scaling skill in the tree (4 hits with +50% modifier, meaning it also scales up crit attack/element bonus)

Crown - the debuff scales with Str, so you can have 15 seconds of boss having minimum INT/SPR (also, it bein on Highlander means you can use it instead of the point in Doppel shock skill)

Cross Guard - if you uses 2H sword, this is your only Block skill (and it scales with level and STR, so the skill never stop being relevant)

Crown and Wagon Wheel might be dropped if you don’t care about party synergy, but that’s it. Cartar is absurdly strong and High Guard has no replacement.

If anything I’d like to have WagonWheel’s launch up higher so VerticalSlash(bonus damage on flying targets att. is nice too) can chain after it causing collision damage in knockdown area, but this ain’t no 2d sidescroll like DFO and the likes where it has easier catching launches gimmick.

CrossGuard being usable by all 2hand weps and also 1hand wep/1hnd+offhnd with half the effect(no shield req).
I mean when I use a rapier with block, there’s a blocking animation with my offhand, and blocking with C(w/shield) and weapon switching to 2handswords will put you into CrossGuard stance(you still keep all pelt C blocking bonuses). Manual blocking with 1hand wep or offhand wep is there in the game but indirectly usable atm.

I don’t think Vertical Slash have any bonus against flying target…maybe knock down count as debuff for its damage bonus?

And Cross Guard is 2H Sword only and other things not being usable for blocking. I think those are for balance reason mainly.

The flying target bonus att. is just something I thought of to combo with Wagon’s launch as a flashy/fun and still useful gimmick for the HL class.

And for CrossGuard being usable for other weapons at the cost of lesser effectiveness as a defensive option for those still aiming for DPS builds since IMC seems to shelving Pelt into a full time tanking duty.

Also, probably just the effect of playing MonHun Generations’s ‘Aerial Hunting Style’, make me realize how Swordies in ToS are quite grounded and plain/inflexible even the Barbs, who’ll do anything for victory.
The only skills made me ‘‘wow that’s cool’’ full range LongStride and WideSwing, Cleave/SkyLiner for their shiny slash effects, EquiveToucher/SeptEtoiles’s petal effects. The rest are all generic hack&slash/poke em’x10hard.

tl;dr- It be nice to have other skills be usable in mid-air/jump to provide more gameplay flexibility, I sure other player can also imagine so much skills being usable mid-air.
It looks cool with fun and entertaining gameplay*.

*ADMIT IT, current/new swordies would roll a new toon to try that.

IT"S FUN, take it from me, I’m airborn most of time cos’ the bosses flings me a lot.

So with these new changes, would you say that HL1/Barb3 is way to go for max dps on PvE Doppel3? Or does HL3 have some benefit? (I’m guessing HL3 might be higher singler target dps?)

i’m going high 3. i believe its better than barb pve

You will have a hard time when fighting mobs

High3 skill rotation will run out to fast (if compare to barb)

But high3 is will do more dmg to bleedable boss (if unbleedable boss then will do roughly same or little than barb)

From high3 and barb3 user

i alredy saw high level barbs and the dmg is low, really low. while highlanders keep the dmg better and have betters debuffs, also bleed do dmg too, and max cross guard help survive

but i’m going high3>barb1 so i get cleave and helm chopper, i think barb 1 and high 1 are a MUST for any doppel build

but if u want to do any pvp, is better to take barb, pouncing is strong and stuns help a lot

Your forget the upcoming Guardian change that enhances defense and reduces attack by %…

It’s not outside of the realm of possibility that IMC will do the same to Gung Ho, but unfortunately it seems like IMC is afraid of giving Swordsman decent %damage increases outside of specific combinations.

Chances are that Gung Ho will increase Physical attack based on some weird STR * 0.025 coefficient, and reduce defense by a %… and people will somehow be happy about it.

Nope. The attribute isn’t exaclty as it’s written. I can deal 5 critical hits with Redel but it’s a little hard to do the same with Moulinet even with 2 lvl 5 green gems, 2 Sissels etc.

atribute increases 60% of u crit rate, so u probably are getting bad RNG…?

RNG means?

My critical rate is 280. Critical hit all the time.

RNG = Random Number Generator, it means u are having bad luck with moulinet, cus if ur crit rate is 279, with moulinet it should be around 445 crit rate.