Tree of Savior Forum

KToS 28/7/16 Swordsman Buffs

dude cata is sht PVE, and almost all other builds are sht PVP and almost sht PVE too. they can do everything i said and nerf somehing inside pvp

ppl keep trying to say that swords are fine but they are not, cmon, none of the ET guild have swordies in the PT
swordie players just hit higher level and quit, like i did 3 months ago and i’m coming back now that i saw they are working on swordie, but swordiees are still bad

and nothing will be more OP than cryomancer or clerics in battle league

i really hope that with the rank 8 things get better but i dont know, hard to believe they will improve swordies enough in this year

catas aren’t bad in pvp they are the strong, very strong
swordsmen should be buffed, but not to the extent you mentioned, this is just way too much just because the class is at the downside doesn’t mean you need to completely shut down and nerf wizards.

i didnt meant to say that cata is bad for pvp… and its not wizard nerf its block improvement
cus right now theres no way to dodge or block or even reduce magic dmg, unles using cloth armour, and wtf warrior use robes and wizz using plate, thats a big problem too

and all that i said are ideas, dont need to do everything…

well i hope that those new tank equips that IMC have talked about, would have a focus on magic damage, so swordsman can at least put a fight against wiz in pvp.

what tank equips o.O

Check the Q&A from previous week, do not remember which, they say that swordsman right now does not feel as tank and bla bla bla, so they will be introducing new tank equips just for swordsman and so on, is the only information we have about it right now.

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if they manage to balance with gear so its ok, lets see what happen. but if its something that u need to grind a month just to get one piece of gear its useless

I’ve seen you in TBL. I couldn’t kill you (Barbsair, rank 6) and I was going to pm you but my chat is broken. Would you mind sharing stats?

Sure, send me a PM in game ^^

We don’t need lifesteal ffs. Let the healers do the healing. Featherfoot needs to clear conditions before being able to lifesteal, it isn’t gamechanger.


Lifesteal? Seriously?? No just no this isnt Aura Kingdom where everyone has lifesteal and just fkin keeps bragging about their solo dungeon clear times

I agree lifesteal idea, Dov + cyclone soloing drop your hp so fast !

I also say no to lifesteal.

Right now what I think swordsmen need in PvE are AoE ratio and something about durability.


Here’s an Idea.
Class attribute.
Bash:Butcher max lvl10
SW Rank3 req.
-Monsters Hit by Blash can drop meat(only 2 meat per target monster acquirable), drop rate increase per attribute level, dropchance +1.5%/att.lvl, halved for boss monsters.
Carnivore:Regulated max lvl10
Rank3 req. for 1-5 and Rank5 for 6-10
Only one meat buff can be active at a time.
-Enables the consumption of raw meat to providing recovery and bonuses, increase recovery and bonus’s duration per attribute level.
Meat buff: duration +1.5 sec per lvl, cooldown -2sec per lvl

Class attribute.
Spit Roasting max lvl 5
Not a skill, works like arrow crafting like Fletcher’s*
-Enables the use of Spit Roast grill over bonfire to cook meat further enhancing it’s effects.
Meat food -Consumables-
Meat types depends on the type of monster type.
-Beast: Recovers 8%HP+()%hp, 5min cd
SW Carnivore bonus: recovers 50(
)hp/3sec for 15sec.
-Plant: Recovers 5%SP+()%sp, 5min cd
SW Carnivore bonus: recovers 30(
)sp/3sec for 15sec.
-Devil: Increase PA+30() for 20sec, 5min CD
SW Carnivore bonus: +3move speed while in effect
-Mutant: Increase PD+5(
) for 15sec, 5min cd
SW Carnivore bonus: +1()%max hp
-Insect: Consume 5%hp to remove rank1 debuff, 3min cd
SW Carnivore bonus: hp consumption increased to 7%, also removes rank2 debuffs
-Colossal: Increase all stat +1(1-2
)/2(3-4*)/3(5*) for 30sec, 15min cd
SW Carnivore bonus: recovers 50()hp/30()sp per sec for 10sec.
(*)Roast att.lvl.

What sets the meat foods apart from SquireC3’s Refresment Table is mainly, can be available to all(not just the squire’s party) and other classes too but SW classes get to maximize the effects. And to not kill away Alchemist pots meat is given a larger cooldown(digestion) time and can only have one meat buff active at a time.
SquireTable=long sustained effects, for party only
AlcheDrugs= usable for everyone decent effects/cooldown
Meat=longass cooldowns, SW centered support item
Happy now?

I should really post this in the suggestions area.

Edit: How to

zzzz <<zzzz zzzz looks fine in the preview, but they’re all expanded after posting

ok, agree, dont need lifesteal but they have to improve swordsman HP regen somehow. we could have a skill like wow victory rush, when u kill an enemy, u get this buff that enable the skill. the skill recover 15% of ur total HP with 45 sec cd and u only use it 10 secs after killing one enemy

swordsman need something to be able to stay in the fight longer

lol. that is still lifesteal, just in another form. NO we DON"T need lifesteal. what you want is op character. let the healers do their job, thats why they are called healers ffs. why do we even need them if we can heal ourselves. :unamused:
what we need is another form of mitigating damage receive from magic, and improve resist. which btw, we will get in Lancer and Murmillio.

heck with the way you are requesting buffs, lets give magic to swordsman as well and create magic knight. huehuehue

but I agree that Swordsman is under powered right now. but lets not request for things that are really unnecessary and will create more unbalance

HP pot? Once you get to the areas where you can get them from gimmicks, there’s no reason to be stingy with them.

Sword in 1 hand, flame in another. I’d give anything to reroll as a magic gladiator xD

hp pots heal for like 4-5k every 30 sec. and u have 30k hp

lol I know right. I’d reroll too if I can get to see a Samurai/Knight wielding Thunder sword.

Like Gilthunder from Nanatsu no Taizia. rofl