Tree of Savior Forum

KToS 28/7/16 Swordsman Buffs

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400 STR Frenzy 10.

@ 10 stacks.
500 physical attack gain
@ 20 stacks
1000 physical attack gain

600 STR Frenzy 10
@ 10 stacks
550 physical attack gain
@ 20 stacks
1100 physical attack gain.

Note 400 STR = 520 physical attack on Swordsman.
You’ll be at 1620+ lvl physical attack before equipment.
Deeds of Valor 10 for 100% gain.
3240 physical attack before equipment with just 400 STR.

Not that you should forget War cry.
Sword C2 - Barb C3’s will also get Concentrate 10.
Highlander c1 - Barb C3’s will get a faster Carter (+ Cross guard and Crown).

Pel - Doppels…will find Guardian is completely counter productive with their % gains. More than before at least.

Get ready for Barb C3 Doppels to blow up the world.
If the world doesn’t blow up our no defense having ass first :stuck_out_tongue:

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These buffs are definitely a step in the right direction, but why does it seem like IMC is afraid of giving Swordsman %increases and give us buffs that scale from a small portion of strength, instead? ^o.o^

I’m actually really impressed with the Veritcal Slash buff, though… if an enemy has 7 debuffs, that’s 3.4x damage modifier for two hits… that’s extremely impressive ^o.o^

I feel like Barbarian should get an attribute to jump higher, or something… maybe at Barb C2 or Barb C3, so Stomping Kick can be stronger and maybe Barb C2/C3s can have an easier time moving around certain kinds of terrain :3

Well, i’m sorry to say but i do not think that the math is right:
the new scaling effect on str for a lvl 10 skill it is only 2,5% so we would have extra 10 damage.
by the new formula it would be
► Frenzy
○ The ATK increase now also scales with STR using the following formula:
- ((10 + 10 + 10) * Amount of consecutive hits dealt )=30 so it would be 300 with attribute and 600 without it.
at the notes, it is the complete formula, not a new one that you would still have the need to add the damage from the old one.
it still a very huge buff, and it will only grow more, since sw gain a extra 10% str bonus, and once we go past 500 status, it will gain two str by one point put in it, so in the future we may be able to reach the 1k damage.

Buffs scaling on stats, creates incentive for certain stats which lets them funnel you into certain build decisions for effectivity.

For example, Swordsman are naturally bulky, but if you create STR incentives you can push them away from Con,Dex or even SPR all of which increase their effective health in order to do more damage. This negates their Bulk while bringing them up to damage standards of other classes.

That didn’t address my question at all ^o.o^

It is certainly possible, although it would be best to use “instead” in that case to negate the previous version.

also generally means in addition though.

If it isn’t however, I’ll still live with an extra 100 (200 under deeds 10) physical attack.

yes, instead could have been use if they had totally replaced the formula but they have not done that:
the formula ► Frenzy
○ The ATK increase now also scales with STR using the following formula:
- ((STR * 0.025 +
10 + Skill LV ) * Amount of consecutive hits dealt ) this entire part of the formula is the “old” version of it, so they had simple “add” a new effect STR* 0.025 and this is the reason of why they have use the word “also” instead of “instead”.but it is indeed a huge buff, but is not the one who worries me.
this is the one who worries me:
► Guardian
○ Physical Damage Reduction / Physical Defense Increase:
Characters ATK and DEF values will no longer be fixed values but instead
percentage(%) values.
IF they have done this to guardian, they could do it with gungho as well, and if the % of gung ho becomes even close of the one from quickcast that is 50%, it will be a huge boost for all dps sw, and i know that most of us does not have sw3 in our build, and this would mean a huge loss of damage, the future is sure worrisome.

Hmmm I thought it did.

Instead of a general % buff that applies in all cases, you get a buff that applies based on specific investments they want you to make.

I elaborated on this but I’ll try again.

Let’s say I feel Swordsman lack damage, but I don’t want just every instance of Swordsman damage to go up, I want it to be a trade-off.
If I give a 50% increase for instance, that means 50% more for the Full SPR, the Full con, the full dex, the Full Int and Full STR.
However maybe I do not feel that Full con builds need more damage and I want to get more of the playerbase to value Strength.

Or its not that I want them to value Strength, I just don’t want them to get more powerful while being defensively strong, so I have them sacrifice their defensive potential in order to optimize the offensive potential of a skill (a buff in this case).
I want to do this because I didn’t make Swordsman simply another melee attacker from the start, I made them bulkier than everyone else from the start and so in order to negate that bulk as they become damage dealers through their class choices, I have them focus on offensive stats and give to incentive that, so that the defensive oriented Swordsman receive little gain from my offensive balance changes.

That’s why (or at least a reason) to not give general % increases and instead give them based off stats.

Then what about Quick Cast attribute, Steady Aim, Running Shot and other abilities that have virtually no drawbacks and aren’t funneled specifically into INT and DEX investments?

Why does Swordsman need to be funneled to STR scaling drawback when they already have plenty, for example:

-AoE Attack Ratio vs enemy AoE Defense Ratio
-needing Accuracy (from DEX investment, along with Accuracy from glvoes) to bypass enemy Dodge rating
-Block Penetration
-Needing HP to stay in melee (aka, CON investment)

it just seems like an unnecessary restriction to make buffs that are specifically intended to increase damage restricted to STR scaling as opposed to %increases like other classes get for their damage-increasing buffs.

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I hate the fact that Nexon(kTOS) want to scale every skill based on STR, instead of changing our actual Physical formula they just boost STR percentage wise and all our skills with STR which is pretty stupid IMO. They forgot there’s DEX builds too.
And Critical attacks gets more and more useless.

I don’t know you guys, but Hoplite, needs a HUGE boost, Pierce is one of the worst skills ever with Embowel. Also they need a stun or at least a mov.speed reduction attribute, something that makes them viable for PvP someday.

Finestra also has an attribute that adds 10% of INT into Physical damage, which is worthless. Should’ve been 10% of DEX, not INT!!!

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You are forgetting
Kneeling Shot, Blessing. Stoneskin.
Heal/Mass Heal (SPR/INT). Cure/Zaibas (Int).
Yes there are general % buffs, they are also buffs based on the 5 prime stats, and flat buffs.

I don’t see how this is remotely complex.

Also your ‘drawbacks’ are applicable to multiple other class types.
Swordsmen aren’t the only class that utilize AoE attack ratio.
All Archers, Paladins, Monks, even Chaplains are affected by Accuracy requirements as well as Block Penetration.
Many classes have melee range skills as well (Psychic Pressure, Possession, point Blank Barrage, smite, conviction, majority of the monk skill set, etc).

Sadhu’s Transmit Prana for instance is for Magic attack classes only.
Same with Swell Brain from Thaumaturge.
Kneeling shot scales with Dexterity.

I don’t see it as unnecessary and various kind of skills make for more interesting choices than a game full of generics.

Jolly Roger is a generic flat increase (for now).
Dragoons are getting a generic % debuff for physical damage.
Cleave is a generic % debuff for slashing, just as Spear lunge is for Pierce and Cross Guard.
Rodelero has generic % debuffs for Strike in High Kick and Slithering.

There is of course also Armor break from Umbo Thrust and Skull Swing which remove enemy defense, which scales with their level.
Not to mention generic defensive increases in now Guardian, it’s attribute, swashbucklings attribute, Shield Mastery: Block, 2h Sword Crit Mastery, and 2h Spear, Big Game Hunter. Block penetration and Fencer evasion increases.

There is a variety of different boons in this game. The existence of generics doesn’t mean there is a problem with stat specific buffs.

I hate quoting myself, but I will do it again and clarify.

The buffs I mentioned (Quick Cast attribute, Steady Aim, Running Shot) were specifically intended to increase the damage of abilities/attacks while the buffs persisted. They’re also available very early, aka, IMC wasn’t afraid of giving these classes %damage increases as opposed to some weird INT/DEX increases to abilities.

Before the kToS changes/buffs, these abilities (which are specifically meant to increase damage) were as such:

-Swordsman Gung Ho gives flat damage increase
-Concentrate, flat damage increase
-Warcry - Flat damage increase
-Frenzy - Flat damage increase

Most of the %increases are available much later on, and/or with a major drawback

-High Kick (200% increase to Strike damage, requires Rodelero C3, a R4-R6 or R5-R7 investment, losing out on 1 circle of Doppel when going the former, and missing out on Dopple until R8 when going the latter)

-DoV (50-100% increased attack speed and damage, at the cost of defense by the same %… available R6-R7). Also, apparently, only works with Physical Attack invested with STR so its not a true %increase to all Physical damage.

Compared to Warlock that gains +10% increase Dark Damage, innately, and an added +30% increased Dark Damage buff with max attribute ability. Although its available at R7, its a 1 circle investment for this significant increase of +10-40% Dark Damage, making it easy to stack this increase with Quick Cast attribute and/or Swell Brain %magic damage attribute.

I don’t want to bring up Archer 2H attribute for Flying damage, since that’s too obvious. Instead, Archer R7 abilities get multipliers to their abilities to make up for a lack of buffs that increase physical damage (and high base damage to them as well).

After kToS changes, we get Cleave debuff and Concentrate and Frenzy buffs.

Cleave debuff is good, but has its own drawbacks. Although it doesn’t use up a buff slot since its a debuff, it only lasts for 5 seconds, making abilities like Cyclone (Doppel C2/D3) and Pouncing not receive the full effect of the damage increase. The duration of the debuff isn’t the only drawback, but also the fact that since it isn’t an actual buff, the debuff will be restricted to the amount of targets Cleave actually hits. Since damage priority order is determined by AoE defense ratio, your attacks may or may not receive the damage increase if they land on targets not affected by Cleave debuff.

So again, why does it seem like IMC is afraid of giving Swordsman %damage increase buffs? It’s pretty clear that they are if they don’t want to give Gung Ho/Warcry/Frenzy direct %damage increases, but they’'re okay with implementations like Quick Cast and Steady Aim for Wizards and Archers, along with the other things I’ve already mentioned ^o.o^

Actually, why is %physical damage so rare, anyways?

… Hoplite only gets long stride buff which requires a shield to use… Mehh

… Not even a single corsair skill got any changes…

…Shinobi updates are hidden… MEHHHH


Where are people getting this?

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wat? I can’t even…

Archers are meant to be top DPS, which they still are even without steady aim so that nerf was expected. Ranger 3 (or even 1, really) isn’t really optimal in any way.

Abilities with multipliers and 1 hit, so that doesn’t really change anything.

The 10% is passive, the 30% isn’t really feasible to have on most of the time (you need to be standing directly next to a Invocation spirit) and both stack additively with %damage attributes.

That’s 22.5 magic attack at level 5, not 22.5%.

In short, the reason physical skills are lacking multipliers is this: Critical hits. That’s a 50% multiplier every physical skill can tap into, while magic can’t. This is why Quick Cast is the only thing keeping Wizard classes in the DPS scene, if that didn’t exist Wizards would simply be relegated to exclusively support roles.

Dont even… We clear?