Tree of Savior Forum

KToS 28/7/16 Swordsman Buffs

So on Peltasta now will be

  • % Physical Defense and - % Physical atack??

I dont understand at all is like it?

If yes sound a nerf for evasion swordies ;( -14 physical atack is nothing but if u get -10% physical atack or more is sad for + 18% evasion…

Can anyone confirm?

QC is considered overpowered by a lot of people (myself included) because of its lack of drawbacks and high % boost.

Steady Aim have limited up time and the bonus caps at +20% normally.

Running Shot only work on auto-attack which in itself is a drawback (imagine if you have Running Shot up and Snipe is off cd, you either uses up a bit more of RS duration to use Snipe, or delays Snipe and lose out on its damage)

Personally I feel like they’re pushing STR onto Swordsman too hard and that will hurt stat build variation. Although I suppose if they did calculations and turn out Dex is performing to their standard (it being both offensive and defensive stat at the same time) then eh…(kinda wish Dex at least gives some crit attack)

Sure, if you’re looking at skills in a vacuum. Steady Aim was nerfed specifically because archers already have a 50% multiplier (crit), another 45% on top of that was pushing it.

Magic however can’t crit, so if you were to remove QC’s attribute or make it the same as Steady Aim for example Wizard’s would quite honestly lose the option to DPS. There’s no reason you would ever take a DPS wizard in those conditions over an archer/cleric and also a swordsman after all the buffs and R8 settle in.

To focus on the peltasta here, why can’t guardian just increase def without a penalty?

Otherwise, everything else looks great especially for highlander!

They flat out added a % sign on Guardian. so it’s now

Level 01: +10% Def, -14% Atk
Level 05: +17% Def, -28% Atk
Level 10: +26% Def, -45% Atk
Level 15: +35% Def, -63% Atk

I pray to god that lv1 Guardian will have like -1% damage or even less. I don’t care about that +def… I just want my evasion buff but if it will lower my damage then I guess I will have 1 free slot on skill bar and the only reason I picked peltasta will be that taunt -_- “good job” IMC

Same goes for Gung Ho… if they make it reduce armor by % values than no one beside Doppels will use it since they are already playing like kamikaze with DoV…

it’s sad that Wizards and Archers can buff themselfs to deal more damage without any drawbacks but Swordsman shoots himself in foot by using most of selfbuffs

-14% Atk

that’s so ■■■■■■ up

■■■■ this skill. They should at least make that dodge attribute remove +def/-dmg from skill and make guardian just increase evasion so DPS swordies can still use “Guardian”

now I really want class reset scrolls so I can get rid of that ■■■■■■■ peltasta from my build.

heck by using same IMC logic it looks like Gung Ho will also remove HUGE announce of physical armor if they make it work with % values

big ■■■■■■■ middle finger to Swordies from IMC

Most people don’t mind QC having +damage effect, but want to reduce it to not completely outclass the alternative (Pyro mainly) or give it some sort of drawback to not make it the braindead go-to option for DPS.

As it is, the gap between Wiz3-anything vs someone not Wiz3 in term of damage is rather noticable, and it’ll only get larger as skills get stronger.

And frankly depending on how they handle it, the impact might not even be noticable at all.

For example, let’s say QC attribute increases the cd to 30s.
In the 15s duration, you can still get benefit to Frost Cloud (10s duration), Pole of Agony (12s duration), Meteor within the period.
And since those skills are 30s/90s/120s cd each, they should sync up with the now 30s cd QC.

So much of your damage still get the full +50%, but it’ll actually have an actual drawback to it (not all skills can get the full 50% since they might last too long, like Hail or Flame Ground)

And you’re right that magic can’t crit, but it also can’t miss/get blocked either, meaning all your stats can go into INT after you achieved enough CON/SPR you desired. Whereas for physical attack you have to deal with evasion/block and to some degree crit res (more so in PvP where people do go high CON and thus high crit res as well)

Anyway this is a thread about Swordsman buff so let’s not derail it further.

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This is a nerf, a bad one at that. Guardian already sucked to where it’s a 1 point wonder and now instead of -14 atk, it’s now -14% atk most likely. Big deal, also considering that high guard already halves your damage. We didn’t need another scaling atk reduction.


its funny how they want to nerf us to the ground and just giving us little buffs

clearly IMC doesnt play Swordman or only created it on a whimp

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-additional 3 digits damage on some skills
-increased hitbox
-30% str damage increase
-some skill are now based on stats
-additional debuff and buff effects on some skills
= little buff

guardian got % values
= massive nerf

chill, i know its a 14% decrease, but let us hope it will be lowered .

Just dont play swordsman then. I just hope there are no more assholes trying to get noobs to play as a swordsman. As long as they can mass lure then they are useful and if they cant do that then feel free to make your own parties kirifags.

guardian would be awesome if it worked for both types of defence, which i’m guessing they didn’t do.

Well, good thing I left my guardian at level 1. Sht, it’s still too much decrease in attack.

so how does guardian and highguard interact with each other, will the -atk atack additively or multiplicatively? have anyone with pelt2+ in k-server test it?

Haha i’m laughing at those guys who said “peltasta is a must even if you are a dps swordsman” my high barb 3 is going places now.

It’s a must for different reasons. Pel was never about the DPS, evasion from Guardian was a bonus.

It’s weird how they change some abilities to scale of stats or percentages and then leave others alone. GungHo for example, or high guard