Tree of Savior Forum

KTest Wiz revamp discussion

@Terry46 you’re missing the point entirely. yes, each fire ball you hit will only splash once per tick. but read my original post. you can hit fire balls belonging to other party members. if there are 3 people doing it, then there are 15 fire balls, right? they spawn 5 fireballs each, so there are 15. each of the players can hit all 15, resulting in 15 hits per tic x3. 15 hits for each player using psychic pressure. this means 45 hits per tic (0.5 seconds). this isn’t a solo build. it’s a party build.

I don’t know about interacting with comrades fireballs, but your own fireballs will hit only once, even if there are 5 of them. See the video, 3 fireballs =/= 3 hits per tick. It only hits once (even if the visual effects are of all of them sparkling flames)

@Terry46 are you sure? if they don’t have any magic amp (if they have a static magic attack stat) then the number will always be the same and just be ontop of itself visually. so it would look like only 1 instance of the damage

By new ktest mechanics, yes, he is. Also, afaik Sage’s duplicated Fire Balls are weaker / Lv.1, not sure (or is it based on Sage’s FB skill level?)

good call on sage duplicates being weaker. that’s not the nail in the coffin tho. i want to know if there really is only 1 instance of damage no matter how many fire balls, or not.

Check this:

well i guess that’s that idea ruined then. thanks for a nice easy response though :slight_smile:

Before attacking: mob = 95k hp
after 19 hits of 760 damage: mob = 80k hp

@Terry46 yep you’re right :slight_smile: . probably for the best, though

Yes. We finally got the combo back, would be shame to have it nerfed again.

yeah. it’s nice that we can use it at all. seems like a nice way to boost damage alongside psy pressure, or used as an extension to its pathetic range.

You can use magnetic force to group 10 mobs, drop fireball on them, and cast psychic pressure on them to keep them stunned. All mobs will be grouped nicely after magnetic force.

They will get psychic pressure damage + firework damage, it is high burst damage on low cooldown. Magnetic force and psychic pressure cooldown match (25s each), and fireball is always ready (5 overheat, 8s cooldown).

If you have lag , your stun might fail due to delay and mob can interrupt. Then, I recommend magnetic force -> fire pilar -> fireball + pressure. Fire pillar will stun mobs.

Advantage of using multiple fireballs: if you space fireball well, your firework wil cover more AoE range. Because each fireball only shoots firework in the 8 fixed directions.

Example of spaced fireballs (repost video):


great post. was already thinking this but the confirmation on its viability is nice to have :slight_smile: . is magnetic force still a bit wonky, though? currently everything just seems to resist it.

nice CC and good damage output
something like wiz1>pyro2>kino3>elem3/WL3 seems good

i’m really hyped with this patch, i think even with all those bugs game is going into the right direction, more diversity with good scaling/combos from early classes

ofc, they also exagerate with some “buffs” like linker right now is gamebreaking

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This is sufficient to mob. You can add any class for remaining 3 ranks.
Kino destroy all dark, holy, soul, ghost and mutant type mobs after patch.

At HG340, sometimes big goat hohen resist it, and the plant rafflesia stationary mob.


I just saw this video of shadowmancer c2 att. on ktest. It looks like a bug to me, like someone really messedup the values of the skill SO BAD. a quick math: lv10 shadow conjuration have a new SkF of 1589,5%. if it deals 20 hits on 10 seconds doing 200% each (quick observation), at the end of the effect you will deal 65169,5% skill damage. seems absurdly broken to me.

Edit: it’s on a list of unintended features in ktest:

-Shadow conjuration Shadow Trap attribute, each Damage-over-Time hit deals 2x skill factor damage (on Live server it deals 100% magic damage per hit).