Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Thanks Grey!! That’s very helpful information!

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Will they implement the enchant fire and ice on the Necromancer or did they discarted that possibility? I love Necromancer but I can’t think of a build that makes it a little less useless

Did ktos received rank reset in the reitiari/omni update?

yes :slight_smile: but dunno about itos… i hope we will get reset too >.> i dont want to have incomplete build now ;/

Would it be off topic to ask about new synergies here? This video on magic missile + swell left has me hopeful for the identity of wizards to differentiate it from other damage dealers.

The wizard line could be about combining spells to make something “new”. We already have hard combo’s like:

  • ice wall + pp
  • fb + pp
  • FG + meteor

Wizards also have options to change existing abilities like:

  • lightning kino skills
  • AA via RC giant jump

And now this new combo where swell left doubles mm bounce damage.

I think it was discarded. Well, the comment about it would be something like ‘we will inform you about it when something changes in the future, keep an eye on updates (…)’ .
I do not think it will return any time soon.
Even without this attribute, pyro2 - thaum1 - sorc - necro3 still quite nice for field and HG. Fire pillar protects your summons. Linker + sorc + necro builds still work too.

@therhay yes, ktos received rank reset. Each team received 1 rank reset + 1 stat reset. 4 events were available during reitiari/onmi update, one of the events provided the resets. I cannot guarantee iToS will get the same events/reset.

@c2gaming.seetoo yes, quite some combo skills for wizards. In addition, I might not remember all, but some are quite obvious and some are just for show.


lethargy and earthquake for 2 hit earthquake.
lethargy and magic tile skills.
lethargy attribute and strike summons/skills.
sleep attribute and several skills/summon skills.
pyro staff attribute and fire skills.
cryo rod attribute and ice skills.
freeze and lightning skills
snowrolling on fireballs, link on fireball.
hell breath with missile hole makes you immune to melee, magic, missile attacks.
spiritual chain shares rune of protection, surespell and enchant fire.
joint penalty attributes and lightning earth poison skills.
physical link and teleport.
swell arms attributes to boost summons.
rune of giants, sorc riding, move on rune of giants magic circle. Use jump during riding to deal AoE damage.
rune of giants skilled casting attribute and swell brain quick cast attribute (might not be patched yet).
enchant earth makes summons block (a lot more).
enchant lightning attribute, psychic pressure / gravity pole and frost card, bonus damage lightning vs freeze.
missile hole buff for summons.
dimension compression pulls fireballs to 1 mob.
duplicated fireballs explode again.
magnetic force pulls fire balls.
heavy gravity and shadowmancer.
heavy gravity and magnetic force pulls stationary mobs.
telekinesis on fireball.
mastema debuff for bonus holy damage and rune of justice.
rune of justice double hits on demons.
fire fox shikigami attribute increases range of psychic pressure, and changes it to fire element.
fire fox shikigami attribute doubles hits of gravity pole, and changes it to fire element.
joint penalty on dirty pole and pull mobs into pole.
dirty poles are duplicated by sage, up to 4 poles. Decent damage with pole shard attribute.
necro decay and corruption and sorc templeshooter.
bloodbath on dirty pole to heal.
featherfoot curse from bone pointing and kurdaitcha boost dark skill damage.
Ledas necklace and ice skills, jermai necklace and earth skills, agni necklace and fire skills, electra necklace and lightning skills.
Onmyo bubble shield and SP recovery cards (legendary helga, % SP recovery purple card).
and some more.

It is not necessary to build for 100% synergy. Your character should fulfill the role you want.

Previous post about dragon gear here , includes a link to other raid gear posts.

@game8bravo the magical girl dragon set option unlocks a new ’ class icon’ and allows you to use the Magical Girl Transformation skill, no SP cost:



The other set options function like this too.

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Does Blue Gems on weapon increase summons damage? or doesn’t work like Magic Attack Hats? If they do, what is better? Let’s say, +9 Trans 5 Masinios Rod + Shield (189 SPR, 3290 MATK) or +9 Trans 5 Masinios Staff (Trading 189 SPR for 3826 MATK + 2 additional gems). If anyone could clarify my doubts I would be forever grateful

Yes, blue gems on weapon increase summon damage. SPR, anvil, trans, blue gem, squire weapon maintenance shop for summon damage.
Try this: equip high SPR items (rod + shield), use summoning, then swap to Staff with 5 blue gems (higher magic attack). Summon damage will be very high. Most summoners (and buffers) play like this.

Too bad I dont have 900 milion silvers, but thanks for clarifying

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Raid video
Qs3 appraiser1 falconer3 bulletmarker1 (masinios crossbow, masinios pistol) and Party at raid,
wiz3 ele3 warlock3
priest2 diev kabba3
linker3 thauma3 runer
sword + shield murrmillo

Wiz3 ele3 warlock3 rangee (+32 trans 10 staff) and party at raid,
priest2 kabba3
chaplain inquis
qs3 falconer3 mergen1
linker3 chronomancer3 runer

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Hi is there any pics or vid of the magical girl transformation(?) what does it even do

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my magical girl is ready on mage tree… i just need that XD

good luck to me XD


last post if it by grey a few post up magical girl effects are invulnrability… so far no videos or pics yet… still waiting too…

I call those things “forced synergy” since it takes “extra code” to make em work. I really hated the idea, but then i thought of it as “spell crafting” of sorts by learning different schools of magic. Do you have any news on new combos like swell and MM in ktest?

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No video yet. I did not expect them to add a skill like this. Expect video next week, maybe.

@c2gaming.seetoo No news yet, I have to think about it again. I think a lot of players did not know about the swell and MM interaction. These changes are never mentioned in patchnotes.

Swell arm doubles all magic missile damage, not just the bounce. If you use MM on a single target with left arm buff, you will see it do 6 hits total or 2 hits per bolt. The bounces only appear as a single hit dealing double damage instead of dealing 2 hits each.

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Raid Comparison of clear times (there is a time limit for raid dungeon).
Remaining time limit on right side of image.

So far, fastest clear belongs to God Punch zealot party:

Time left after dragon kill: ~ 30 minutes

Time left after dragon kill: ~ 15 minutes
Physical Ranged Party
2x bulletmarker + 1x musketeer + 1 taunt + 1 healer

Previous videos about raid here

Time left after dragon kill: ~ 10 minutes
Mix damage party
Qs3 appraiser1 falconer3 bulletmarker1 (masinios crossbow, masinios pistol) and Party at raid,
wiz3 ele3 warlock3
priest2 diev kabba3
linker3 thauma3 runer
sword + shield murrmillo

Time left after dragon kill: ~ 10 minutes
Mix damage party
Wiz3 ele3 warlock3 rangee (+32 trans 10 staff) and party at raid,
priest2 kabba3
chaplain inquis
qs3 falconer3 mergen1
linker3 chronomancer3 runer


What the party? 100 chaaarsss


Do you know if diamond anvils work on velcoffer gear? Since it said all future enhancements for velcoffer stuff have to be done at an npc, I’m wondering if this makes diamond anvils useless on velcoffer stuff

@greyhiem which classes/builds are composed the fastest? I think it is missing this information, if you could share it would be awesome.

Also, could you help me with the skill points for w2linker3tham3rc please ?

I am not sure about some skills like magic shield.

Also, would it be better full spr?

The main objective is to help belcoper raid