druid not popular class, players waiting for druid rework. Non-dog druid3 is very very rare.
Play tips of Auto-attack QS3 musketeer at HG340 here
-use caltrops as a barrier and C to slide back
-weapon swap to non-musket to quickly cancel sniper stance
Archer2 Sapper3 rogue1 musket3 at HG340 here
Catagoon vs event boss here
Reitarii cap damage Trident Finisher at siaulai here
Wizard3 Thau3 Sorc1 Onmyouji2 at HG340 here
-marnox summon
-froster lord card freeze
W3 Ele3 Runer Onmyouji2 at HG340 here
W3 Cryo3 runer onmyo1 at timerys here
Range of reitarii trident finisher quite ok
KR forum Onmyouji unlock quest A and B
New musics
4 new bgm for Velcovern raid
Cinenote - Final Destiny here
Cinenote - Battle will Begin here
Cinenote - Man on Fire here
S.F.A - End of the Day here
Current Class themes (2 new themes are for the 2 new classes):
Kevin_Ra Reina // Reitarii Theme here
SFA_Heaven on Earth // Onmyouji Theme here
Kevin_Alma Generosa // Nak Muay Theme here
Previous patch items:
3 New Accessories will be added.
- Electra Necklace
- Ledas Necklace
- Jermai Neckalce
- The Agny Necklace effect has had some skills added to it.
- Combustion (Alchemist)
- Immolation (Zealot)
Electra Necklace: +50% skill factor per hit to Lightning skills:
Elementalist electrocute.
Krivis zaibas.
Taoist2 Divine Punishment.
Zealot2 Fanatic illusion.
Ledas Necklace: +50% skill factor per hit to ice skills:
Cryomancer ice pike, ice bolt, ice blast, cryo2 snow rolling, cryo3 frost pillar. (no ice wall)
Elementalist Hail, freezing sphere.
Onmyouji water shikigami.
Jermai necklace: +50% skill factor per hit to Earth skills:
Wizard earthquake.
Elementalist2 stormdust.
Onmyouji greenwood shikigami, onmyo2 toyou.
Need: recipe + items:
.4x feldrum (buy feldrum recipe at blacksmith, cost = 250k silver per recipe)
.20 zircon
.300 magic powder (buy at thauma master, wizard master, enchanter master)

Feldrum: recipe + items need:
.5x Phydecium
.50 mithril