Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

You get more damage from those 200-300 bonus stat points you get from 350 gear if you count all the other skills in your build. Also defenseā€¦

The person with the most powerful weapon possibly.

:smiley: thats true but i believe most of them alr has trans 10 with other op equip since i saw a lot of ppl with op equip trans 10 etc in ktosā€¦ just wondering in the same feet who usually has the #1 cube, bc they change the cube system right for #1 so im just wondering wh o usually get the double shining cube xD

World boss parties will be totally random most of the time, people just come with what they have.

Nobi hasnā€™t been nerfed, they shifted the power a bit to balance it out as a filler class, damage is still nice. Doppel nobi was never the ā€œbestā€ in anything btw, just the best doppel build.

What grey probably meant is that since other players are present that boss 10k defense will be debuffed down.

Abt this one, i remember u said cleric aa is good for high mob defenseā€¦how about monarch?doesnt monarch boss also have a really high defense?so the ele prop class is better than other dps like musk,bm,doppel,etc?

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You wonā€™t understand what greyhiem meant if you never play it. Make a character, play it and come back to understand further.

Goodluck explaining :smile:


Musketeer warning: self-freeze bug, this will kill you easily during mobbing.

I return when forum error stop :no_mouth:


I saw this link and another one (Wizard3 Thauma1 Sorc1 Runecaster Necromancer3, ) that shows wizards that solo CM until stage 5. Do you know other builds?

I think theses builds seems to be fun. Like high survivability.

I never did almost nothing with wizard. With the monarch boss and thinking wizard as DPS, which builds would you suggest? I read that you mentioned linker3 to be important to reduce boss defense but I donā€™t know if it will be good at DPS as well and other suggestions

Enchanter c2 is a gimp now ? Or maybe something interesting builds ?

Falc3 and mergen are good AoE, so naturally I would lean more toward QS3 because I like to be more balanced.

If you mostly want an AoE build, then I would say sap3-falc3-mergen. I personally donā€™t like fletcher much. They feel a bit underpowered imoā€¦

I would personally go QS 3 - ROGUE - FALCO 3 - MERGEN. To make sure you mostly crit, full Dex.
Forget about Fletcher, itā€™s a forgotten class, like most of the archer tree.
I mean, Mergen c1 is nice only because you have Falco 3, mostly because of aiming, that goes well with QS 3 Scaltropsā€¦
Mergen 2 is nice I bet, but you really need Aiming, if not, itā€™s a waste.

Mikoā€™s Clap Atributte is gone?

And interaction Clap + Aukuras, too?

WHAT THE NEW 2 CLASS ON (new sword and new mage) kToS ???

see the ktos postā€¦

This is one of my most satisfactory build

Onmyoji is a great class!

trans stage 10 is just Overkillā€¦
maybe we should have a vote to get it removed from game ā€¦

  • nvm wont happen anywayā€¦

hahahaha op 8.5k matk, good class? a rank 8 - 9 class damage itā€™s to low. rank 6-7 maybe

omg this class seems extremly fun to play LOL
Im just wondering if weā€™ll still need elementalist, since as im seeing, onmyoji have a lot of overheats and low cooldown skills with full aoe.
what do you guys think?
just wondering about something like wiz 3 cryo 3 rc omny 2 or something, i dont like ā€œmemeā€ builds actually xD

i dont think ist a good idea to go only 1route ā€¦ for example - you can pair RC-Ele AND onmy to get an ass full of aoe spells but may lack in strong singel target skills like shadowthorn.
so it may be more useful to pair onmy with low rank classes that lack in aoe.
But again - because of the cast time u will Need either W2/3 and/or CC classes like Psycho (would match with Fox as well) maybe a Pyro/Psycho omni would a smart idea like -
W2-Pyro2-Psy3-Onmy2, or W3-pyro2-psy2-onmy2 if u want QC
you could even make a w2-pyro1-ele3-psy1-onmy2 to get a more fire focused buildā€¦ but as u may see the Problem here would be the max rank9 - ur not Abel to pair ele+pyro+psycho+onmy.
A funy build that would match this fire style would Need at last W2-pyro2-ele3-psy2-onmi2- rank11 (12 with onmy3) income xD

ah and once again for trans - maybe trans ONLY and removing upgrade (anvils) entirely would be more suitabel to have a Goal/achievment thats not rely on rng and is not as op as having both

Onmyoji builds could replace wiz3 with thauma3 as thauma has quickcast built into it with the wiz rebalance. Takes more circles tho but itā€™s a choice.

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I am testing with wiz2 kino3 ele2 omn2, and i gotta say its really fun. PP have a really big range with the fox attribute.