Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Lethargy attribute increases damage for all hits of ultimate dimension, including the DoT. Also, the damage increase is not x1.15 (???).


Interesting. Thanks for testing~

Last question.
Between the BM variation and Mergen Variation, which do you think would be better?

Falconer3 build? Mergen is the cheaper option. New psychokino heavy gravity is a nerf to all Bow archers though. (QS3) BM1 version is stronger at auto-attacks.

@Loxar About your question: Freeze does not increase strike damage anymore. Cryomancer nerf too much.

Take wizard3 for lethargy +50% strike damage debuff instead.


Hey @greyhiem any (recent) videos of muay thai - shinobi?

I was thinking about flare or fireball and one thing that I thought is that fireball have more hit so even if does lower single ark damage, if you sum the hits it would be better. Am I right? I am not very familiar wiz tree

hi megamanex14, no swordie videos at all recently. :no_mouth: think this is most recent nak muay (but no shinobi) here

@Kannushi fireball quite difficult to use (must aim or mouse mode) or cast at melee range. Prefer other ranged magic skills.

Cryomancer3 Elementalist3 Runecaster1 Psychokino1 HG340 (10’000+ magic attack) testing cryomancer dealer

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Thanks for the hint. I would so go with flare as well

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hey @greyhiem, do you know whats the “super mario” enchanter build stats? i mean, is it full dex, int…?


It is hybrid INT&SPR, with low dex (you must keep using jump-cancel attacks on runecaster).

This player right? here

Yeah, right! thank you
i have one free slot here, so i was wondering to lvl something fun.
question: is this build viable by now? i mean, before the rework etc, im tempted to play this asap, looks so fun hahah

do you have the class build? wiz>pyro2>thauma3>rune>enchante2 ? im thinking about pyro 1 > cryo 1, just for dmg amplify on enchanter skills, is it worth?

im terrible at wizards lol

ty grey

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Yes it is viable before patch!
Think we have something on forum about it now, a guide: here
I did not check fully yet, just remembered post title.

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No point in pyro2 if you plan to stay giant. You won’t be able to cast any of the offensive spells. You also won’t need cryo1 for the attribute as 50% lightning vs frozen is becoming a “rule” to elemental damage.

You could go pyro2 on a non giant build though.

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yeah u’re right, sir! i guess im going wiz3 instead, dont think i need pyro c1 just for enchant fire, since i can scroll some with my alt.

ty guys

You ok with spending 3k5 silver every 5mins? [magic missile] is getting moved to wiz2 so you only miss out on quick cast with wiz2-pyro. Thauma3 will provide [quick cast] so “no loss”.

yeah, this is a thing… so wiz 2 pyro 1 !

Some bug is getting you up to 3689 accuracy and 3739 critical rate (130% critical chance). That’s the reason you always crit.

Thanks to the crit rate bug, a single whale party is all you need to wreck poor Monarch Marnox ass:

@greyhiem Can you share those spreadsheet file pls. ty

@Pokart 1 min Asurine :star_struck: expect Base Camp gonna get nerf soon.

Thank you. If you find any, just @ me :smiley:

Squire already Forgotten and betrayed by “Creator”.
Show some love pls, he deserved it.
And could you please give him some really warm and dry clothes to somehow survive this winter being campless. He’s night’s are dark and full of terrors. :wink: