Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

I gave a look on a lot of BM videos and information and here my opinion…

The Quarrel Shooter build is a trap, it looks cool but I think that a skill based build might be stronger, specially with Full Leather Jacket, Mozambique Drill having low cooldown, lothe of OH and high % damage. Smash bullet looks great too, so putting only one skill point in the dual stance might be optimal in a BM 2 build.

The best skills don’t require the Dual gun instance so a SR 3 - BM might work great even as a AA build with Limacon having 20 SP per shot (use Arcane Energy people, we already buy Enchanter Fire scroll anyway), I would focus on Silver Bullet, Full Leather Jacket and Napalm Bullet.

Blood OverDrive is trash, the hits are just like the animation, random and have a max of 17 hits.


Encherter c2 IMO Lightning hand is a best skill in this patch.

Not to mention that AA builds get limited by ping in iTos. It works for farming field monsters (in a fancy way) but I think SR will do a better job here.
You can easily max out Full Metal Jacket and Crushing Shot both with 4/5 Overheats to work with and 20/15 Seconds CD (with Double Gun Stance at Lv1). Silver Bullet and Taser have 100% uptime at Lv5. RIP, Napalm and Bloody Overdrive all look like Skills which are best at Lv1. The Tracer buff seems to be an absolute waste.

Builds like A3Wugu3AppraiserBM2 could work. The Poison from Wugu for Monkey Cards - This Build also doesn’t necessarily need Biteregina Cards for Monkey so you can either go Gazing Golems (for Defense?) or Yekub Cards (Remember the new Pardoner/Priest buff scale holy damage). If someone really insists on QS a A1Qs3Wugu2AppraiserBM2 build could work. Sapper could also work but I feel like BM is more a single target/boss killer class with less TBL focus compared to Musketeer.

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I agree, it is not power that matter, but this attack modifier has given so many possibilities for wizard tree. which have been missing since they can’t handle coding without bugs for gimmicky attack

cryo/linker/sorc/runecaster/chrono/thauma are fit for enchanter c2’s lightning
it make wizard tree looks so interesting now.

at the same time, i wish they can change sage c2 to better before release

The change into a class mechanic (making one of the only classes which basic attack can’t hit area, do hit in one) is worth the 2 circles for sure.

The enchant earth one’s also very good.

It seem very funny

every buid is possible depend on what do you or your party need.

I think subzero shield might also benefited from enchant earth to make the frozen % more viable.

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IMO what is most appealing for enchanter 2 is that not only it fits nicely into a lot of builds, but also doesn’t have much competition… i mean, as rank 8 classes goes both sage and shadow look underwhelming so far. and rank 7 next 2 circles looks kinda meh as well, maybe ff has some skills but it was mostly a niche farming build, and enchanter2 will probably 2 a better job at it.

Ok, i guess that i’m the first to ask this…

Enchanter’s spell shop got new enchants or not? XD
Because my enchanter build has many leftover points and i don’t know where to put them XD

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Matador C2


Does Shadow Fatter works against bosses?
I don’t think Shadowmancer is as bad as people are saying… If you are able to lock bosses this can be really good with Cryo-Kino and also with Elementalist, but the problem with Elementalist is that there is no good option for rank 7…

Shadow Thorn looks really strong with 4 Overheat and 15s cd. Almost 2000% skill factor, seems like a good skill for both, Elementalist and Cryo-Kino, that before couldn’t do anything after a rotation of skills. Same can be said about Shadow Conjuration, though its way weaker can be a filler skill. And Shadow Condensation is just a second Meteor, just weaker, no overheat, lower cd and looks like it has a better range.

i think those skills are good cuz they have lov cd and some OH :slight_smile: still imo lock is a better option for wiz3>ele3 builds for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: imo ppl expectiong godly class, but shadow damage can be very nice with good weapon etc :slight_smile:

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Shadowmancer C1 is very good as a Nuker with some good utilities.
However, C2 is lackluster and same as warlock’s invocation where you depend mobs around and its 1hit damage doesn’t looks good, but lets see any new attributes.

Overall, Shadowmancer is gimmicky dps class for non elememe build, it is good hybrid cc/support-dps and good pvp/gvg like cryo3chrono3shadow2.

The shadow thorn 15s cd with 4OH and the shaow cone aoe 20s cd with 2oh are quite good, it is replacement of pyromancer as filler damage. But it took up so many animations that it may not a good choice for elememe who skills are already very intensive.

I think the better build for ET would be elem3chrono3, but for general PvE elem3warlock3 due to invocation.

Mur c2


there is a bugged can learn pandemic new attribute with pandemic lv10 (it need lv 11)

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Does Miko’s Clap works with new Inquistor’s Iron Maiden skill?


Its not bugged, it works. It’s just really shitty. Why I say that is because it’s 0.X% of your stamina the true dodge chance. Remember 0.X% has to be divided by 100 to actually use it in a math equation so what your actual dodge chance with this buff is:

Current STA x 0.00X = dodge chance

The reason I know it works is because I dodge before with the buff on, when I should have no chance what so ever to have dodged.

For example with the buff level 5 on me i have 50 stam and is 0.5% added to dodge

50 x 0.005 = 0.25

0.25 is my extra dodge chance

Heres a google calc if you don’t believe the math :smiley:

I didn’t realize this until I started re-theory crafting for rank 9, which was a month ago. I was blinded by the %… I felt stupid…


Does work at Siaulai bosses, but not very usefull… just kill them instead.

All of these skills do one hit. see my videos i posted here before.
Even if they do big number with very good gear… dont think they are good skills.

Will this question ever be answered?



Yeah, I know they only hit once, but this is not so much of an issue as it used to be, unless you can hit for 777,777 which probably won’t be the case for most people.

Looking just to the numbers, I only see two skills (at wizard tree) that can be stronger than Shadow Thorn, Mastema which is ridiculous strong (though can be resisted sometimes, not too often from my experience) and Hail that can be wasted if the boss move around. Not saying that Shadowmancer will be way stronger, but I think its actually balanced and can be a solid option, plus best costume :x

Anyway, I’m definitely going to try it when the update finally get here…

I’m way more disappointed with swordsman tree, besides Murmillo (and maybe Lancer) all options seems to be lacking damage…

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Just look at (its updated and correct now)
maxed FF1+2 skills as FF3 do more single hit nuke, higher %s

no good aoe DPS and not really good cc/utility, Shadow is pretty weak. (if not bugged)
Dont see a reason to pick that class, except the really nice costume