Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Agility has been bugged since forever.

Enemies hit by Crush have their Physical Attack and Physical Defence reduced by 10% per attribute level.
Target’s equipment’s defence and magic defence is reduced by 50%.

Will update some skill descriptions with tests done soon

On zealot self-damage

Tooltip is wrong, it is not magic but physical.
Self damage is physical.
Self-damage is able to crit.
Any damage bonus (enchant fire, enchant lightning, …) will add to your self damage.
Removable by right click on buff icon.

Damage ignores physical and magical attack (solely based on HP).
You cannot recover hp during the buff.
Walking on heal tiles will consume them without healing you.
Removable by right click on buff icon.

Fanatic illusion
Tooltip wrong, it is not magic but physical.

Test with asura buff (blind faith)
Important notes:
-The influence of SP is a lot, try to use divine might before casting the buff
-The damage increase is based on your current SP, so be sure to recover SP after using the skill!!!
-Damage is added directly to all hits dealt with the next skill (the timeframe for extra hits after the first hit is ~1s)
-Damage added becomes the same property as the attack (magic, physical, …)

Tip: using heal + blessing with this buff will result in massive amounts of damage (heal delivers all hits within a sec and blessing doubles the amount of hits)

and max damage with it 777’777

Note: works with arcane energy and enchanter SP boost.


oh it’s supposed to be conversion, they said they adding a conversion chance to the skill with attribute in the news on pally reblance

on musketeer C3 sniper serenity
-the buff increases your min attack to match your max attack
-buff = you enter a kneeling sniper stance, like bazooka stance or kneeling shot
-moving cancels the buff (real sniper mentality) (edit: getting CC or knocked cancels the buff too)
-Only musket skills are available in the kneeling sniper state
-getting hit reduces buff time, even after you have finished casting it
-ran out of SP after using the skill

That SP cost

Range is big too:

Works with bazooka.
Does not work with kneeling shot.

On cannoneer new bazooka attribute
-bugged, doesn’t target any mob at close range

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1500+ sp per use
can’t move while this buff is active ?
how the hell I can attack anything outside my attack range?

so it is really Tree of Restriction.

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On murmillo Haste buff

No mobs around = +20 speed
Each mob = +2 extra movement speed

The range is very big, one mob somewhere was detected, resulting in +22 movespeed (images below)
(look at the bottom left corner of the image to see movement speed in red)
No haste buff

Using haste buff

Corsair matador siaulai here
Lancer testing new charge skill here

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Plague doc 3 attribute for pandemic: incineration diffusion
(requires pandemic level 11).
-Pandemic spreads the fire of Incineration with a 5% chance per attribute level (max level 10 = 50% chance)
-increase SP cost by +50%
Cost to get lvl 10 = 8 925 000

Lancer new CC removal
-casting the skill prevention will also remove all CC from you here

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can someone test if Incineration: Infect works now? That attribute never worked in Itos.

oh boy…

incineration infect works, the description is just vague. It only transfer all other debuffs and not incineration itself

Damn it dude, i thought we got something good for musketeer. FeelsBadMan.

Pandemic lv 11 Costs 265 sp. With +200% sp cost from range attribute and another +50% from incineration attribute, that’s 265 * 3.5 = 927 sp?

Damn, that sucks hard. Lasts only 3~9 hits and +100% flat additional damage…

So… basically, Heal lv 10 + Blessing = 20 hits. If you stack Arcane Energy lv 15 and high SPR build you achieve 777k per hit which results in total potential damage of 20 * 777k = 15.5 million damage using a heal bomb?

Hmmm what class should I pick… Kabba 3 or Zealot 2… so many doubts right now…

Someone’s example test:
'Calculated nr =4.Cast geburah. ‘Somehow my next 4 hits were split into two lines.’
-The skill cannot be used together with Double Chance

Already complaints about design = messy on kabba. Really expected a Golem.

Oh, and also
‘The new oracle death sentence on geburah mob, wait for it to end, you receive a lot of damage’

Multiple 310k with healbomb with zealot2 blind faith on

I’m really disappointed they didn’t include the Golem, Nachash or the Ein Sof extra tile attribute.


Waiting for more tests (especially video), but since the initial tests were badly received (unsatisfactory skill), kabba popularity is dropping even more.

honestly, idc if rank7 skills are bad. r8 skills should be the strongest…but currently im not even sure how to build matador/BM/zealot/shadowmancer or if they are even stronger than r7.

Noticed Double Chance got an attribute to make minimum calculated number as 3 as well.

Is there any change to enchanter shop beyond level 5?


So Zealot is a physical type class, I’m disappointed. :frowning:


@OP can you please update the skill descriptions to include Dragoon c3?
Does the helm only boost dragoon skills, or other classes as well? Pierce damage only?

Any mergen c2 vids? 20chars

Does the Desperado skill have a fixed AOE damage area or you can spam those 20 shots on one mob if there is only one in the AOE?