Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Right. The biggest deciding factors are how much more silver you have compared to the other guy and how broken your build is compared to his.
In other, better designed games, skill is much more important and is what decides if you win or lose most of the time.


So every MMO ever.

Is your point that all MMO PVP is without value or just ToS?

Go check Guild Wars 2 PvP.

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No. Better games try to decrease the influence of unwanted “mechanics” such as luck, whaling, gear, bugs, latency, etc. as much as possible (not just MMOs, but pvp-focused games in general).

If you have fun in TBL then good for you. That’s value to you. Can’t argue against that.
But “value” as game content is very low in my opinion.
Just like the Halloween event, it had value to some people (rewards, solmiki, maybe even fun) but as a pvp event it was utter bullshit. It was a competition but what does it say about the people who won the Solmiki weapon? Are they more skilled than other players? Or more lucky? More laggy? More hacky?
It’s the same for TBL and pvp in general.


Low value? I could agree with that.

Dragoon 3 after buff patch siaulai here
Dragoon3 solo dung300 here
Dragoon3 + party challenge mode stage 6-> here

Little Samson sorc series:
Gorkas here
Froster lord here
Suckbus here
Lavenzard here

Gorkas at HG 340 here
Froster lord solo dung300 here
Froster lord enchanter2 HG 340 here
Froster lord HG 340 here
Froster lord vs crystal mine boss here
Sorc3 solo dung300 with new boss cards here

QS3 Falcon3 Bullet1 340 HG here
Falc3 bullet1 dung300 here
Falc3 mergen 340 HG here
Inje Falc3 mergen1 340 HG here
Bullet3 musket1 here

Meta AA cleric krivis3 - priest3 - chaplain - inquis1 challenge mode stage 6->7 solo here
Kriv3 monk3 zealot2 challenge mode solo stage 1->5 here
Bokor3 Kabba3 HG 340 here

Elementist3 Warlock3 challenge mode Stage 1->7 here
Pyro3 siaulai here

Pyro sorc shadowmancer solo ET


Holy moly, DAT Dragon Soar damage!

“Falconer 3 is dead and Mergen has no synergy with Falc3 now”

Finally a video with a decent geared character!


Falcon3 mergen is still nice with some AoE gear. Inje is one of the strongest falcon3.


@Pokart Dragon Soar 3 overheat! Slash attack is nice after barb cleave. This is why I prefer x - hoplite3 - barb1 - dragoon3 build for burst over doppel1 version. (cleave 3 overheat, dragon soar 3 overheat)


“B-B-Believe me, that class is perfectly viable, you only need lvl 100 enhance attributes, at least 6k minimum patk, full solmiki, 3 lvl 10 centaurus cards and AoE atk ratio hats!!! ;_;”

C’mon, man. Any build in this game can perform well with so much silver investment. He even uses :sadpopo: after being unable to kill a group of monsters using Circling + Homing Arrow and had to finish them using Pheasant, which is his best skill. The only Falconer skill that still has good synergy with Mergen is Aiming.

Yeah, it’s awesome! Dragoon was my first character and changed my build to Lancer during Renewal rank reset event. Now I’ll make another character to become a Dragoon3, because I like Lancer too. Since I already have a 2H spear character, this one is going to use Spear+Shield, so I’ll test Sword1Pelt1Hop2Barb1Doppel1Goon3 and Sword1Pelt1Hop3Barb1Goon3 to see which build does better.

I just hope they don’t regret buffing Dragoon too much just to nerf it again in the next Renewal.


The game is balanced around such investment, you can’t pretend to hit 330, be bare naked, and perform well.
Having 70-80 attributes takes no effort at all, and transcendence is really easy nowadays with price dropping and 3 shards a day per character… also, since you get nearly 90% if your investment back everytime you destroy your weapon, everyone at some point will have their level 10 trascendence.

TLDR: you are entitled to not like the changes, but refrain from talking about investment and performance if you’re not willing to do even half of that on a character. :slight_smile:

Archers in General need a lot of silver investment in my opinion.

I have an Ele3Warlock2 and with pevordimas staff (+8 no trascendence) it’s generally better in PvE than my Falc3 with Astra bow (+7 stage 3), it kills faster bosses and clears waves of mobs faster.

Honestly i can think of OP elewarlocks, BokorPlague doctors, murm-shinobi and doppels but no OP Archer class.

I’d like to see what a Mergen without that AAR can do, because it’s my favourite class


Well, if you’re happy with a character that needs that much investment to be enjoyable, it’s your choice. And see, I’m not saying that Falc3 is bad, but you’re being delusional thinking Falc and Mergen still got good synergy. Mergen is actually on a pretty poor place right now. But, since Falc skills are great to kill groups of mobs and Aiming+Arrow Sprinkle is a great combo against bosses, I guess they can still complement each other well.

By the way, you sounded like this guy in your post, but another guy showed how better a character with a strong build can perform with low lvl gear compared to a weak build. There are more examples of that disparity in this game, so saying that “the game is balanced around such investment” is completely wrong and you must be blind for not seeing it. Some classes do perform well without too much investment, but other classes are only viable if you put a lot of money and dedication to it, but they’re still weaker than other classes with the same gear investment.

PS: Inje has Pheasant attribute at lvl 100. That costs more than 74 mil. You’re crazy if you think that takes no effort. Good luck trying to do the same with Mergen skills.

If only they buffed Fletcher a bit, then Fletcher3Mergen2 could be a good choice for a build that isn’t focused on AoEAR, but Mergen2 is so underwhelming that it might be weak anyway.


What makes me skeptical of Mergen2 is the huge SP cost that all rank 9 have

Nowhere in my replies I said Archers are on par with characters like Doppels or Murmillos, I have been playing for more than 1 year, and my two mains are a Mergen and a Doppel, you don’t need to tell me anything about it.
I know the differences, on equal gear and investment, between them, myself quite well.

But saying that Falc3 is dead only because it doesn’t perform like a broken shinmurmillo is nosense, you’re asking for more broken mechanics instead of fine tuning.
Falc3 direction surely needs some tweaks but it’s not dead at all, and even if you don’t like them, these changes were needed because old Falc3 would have been too OP with Mergen, and you know why if you ever played with one.
The only lifeline in the past was that you couldn’t have them both in a single character, and obviously this changed when R9 hit kTEST/kTOS, so they needed to change it somehow or you would have been able to steamroll ET floors alone.

About attributes, you can’t be serious here, 74m for a level 100 attribute is laughable, and if you can’t afford it you could always keep it at 80 (which cost 1/4 of that) and upgrade 3 other abilities of the same rank, with the same total amount.
Every class performs differently and every class has an attribute silver sink, some classes have fewer skill to upgrade and others have broken built-in mechanics, but this means you have to balance them, not make everything else as broken as them.

Lvl 10 enhancement card (+5400 card exp).
Instant 1 -> 10


Yeah but that’s just in PVE and, at the end, we know that getting +15/+20 weapon with good trascendence makes almost any build capable to solo anything, also, in PVE u depend not just on you, u have a party/guild helping you

In the case of Memeillo, it excells in both PVP and PVE, its so damn broken even with the same gear, even with almost no investment in STR, its just as broken as it was before the big damage update

I didn’t say that. Are you even paying attention? Drop your strawman already, I literally said Pheasant is the best skill Inje has in his build and that Falc3 is great to kill groups of mobs.

Again you didn’t pay attention when you read my post. I said I could give more examples of the class performance disparity in this game.

Are you sure you know what you’re talking about? Those changes have nothing to do with the interaction between Falc3 and Mergen1. What Falc3 has to offer to Mergen1 is Aiming, which remained the same after Falconer changes. You’ll still be able to wreck bosses with double Arrow Sprinkle (with Rogue’s Capture) on Aiming. What has been lost is the interaction between Circling and Mergen skills and that’s a thing we had with Falc1 as a filler for Mergen builds. We didn’t had to wait for the R9 patch to have that, we can enjoy that interaction since R8 hit iTOS.

Oh my, now 74 mil in raw silver is laughable… If you say so.

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Someone had to do it :haha:


When balance is done correctly, developers raise the lower-performance classes to match the “intended power” classes. You can’t fault me for expecting IMC to do the same. I understand your disappointment though, given their track record.