Guildmate linked this vid to me, I posted it on Sorc thread also
Its basic attack skill did 500k with a cd of 3 sec. Rider only using viena staff
Why would it be bad to nerf murmillo? that was class broken to start with, and now they made it even more broken
Sure, make it a bit âslowâ to compensate the OPness, what they do next? they give him an insane speed buff and close gapping skills⌠srsly is that balance?
I hope they nerf the â â â â out of Memeillo
Rank 9 Facebook Event:Which rank 9 class are you most looking forward to and why? its closer than u think
Same can be said for Plague Doctor. That Class was already OP before R9, with every skill you need for PVE as support + damage and what did they give it for Rank 9? A Pain Barrier skill so that he doesnât even need to fear knockback/knockdown anymore.
Seriously, some Classes/combinations are just so broken and not balanced at all while others are just the $#!+ on the street. The R9 balance changes are basically just additional damage and + some effects and - some effects. I donât see how there is any balance created with these changesâŚ
not sure if that is Vienarazis Staff
at 0:49
This is Veinarazis Staff
I believe it is for the Froster Lord Video, itâs just glowing red meaning itâs past +17 which might make it look like the RHS in the video you linked.
Well as a different point of comparison here are the skill tables for marnox and froster lord (marnox above, froster lord below) to have a better idea of what the numbers might be since we donât know how high the upgrade of the staff in the froster video is.
I know what it looks like.
But he had a Orange +16 Trans9 staff. (video from same person, same char. only a few weeks old)
Weird to replace that with a Purple Staff+17. Would be weakerâŚ
Maybe re-skinned it to purple
thatâs possible too lol, but at the very least froster lord looks interesting. My current personal estimates make it stronger than necroventer for bosses (even with just auto attacks) but marnox still maintains superiority when it comes to general mobbing (dps over wide area and multiple targets).
Yes, he looks really strong. Iâll try to get one and hope they dont nerf him or not much.
And wish they would change that re-skin skill/attribute. So sad it cant be used on 0 Potential.
Iâm just glad you can get it from red albums, was worried it was a new superior world boss.
Leticia cube may include World Boss Card Box in the future (which is currently being sold on TW ToS). No need to worry about cards thou
So relieved to hear this, since I mostly want one just for the looks. But itâs also cool that he has potential.
Thereâs still hope in that âwizard rebalance patch.â Alchemist in general could use a rework.
just crafted +11 skull smasher, as a linkthaum will it be sufficient to farm at r9 map? should i transcend it?
which one is more useful for farmer? jp lv 10 or max lv swell left+right?
nobody fears about unbalance in PVE man, PVP is the thing that can make you angry
Also, didnât they just nerfed a bit PD like a couple of months ago?
ToS PvP is a joke.
You canât take it seriously, even more with how ridiculous R9 circles are in PvP. Shadowmancerâs Shadow Thorn bonus damage against ground targets should be disabled in PvP. Most classes could deal with Priests trying to revive their teammates by using knockdown attacks, but now a Priest PD3 can do it safely with Methadone, since only a few classes will be able to do something about it. What about Cannoner? It was already one of the strongest classes in PvP and they gave them a wipe button. Surely you can outplay an average Cannoner, but your teamâs screwed against a smart Cannoner. Actually, player skill isnât the deciding factor in PvP, since itâs very gear-based. I think we should have non-enhanceable and non-transcendable PvP gear like Guild Wars 2 or all characters should be naked in PvP like in Dragon Nest and Blade & Soul.
Well, at least Guild Colony Wars should be fun. The trainwreck kind of fun, I mean.
1st of all, the game is about PVE, PVP has no value in this game. Why bother making up to 80 different Classes if only 50% or 2/3 are viable for playing the game? Thatâs what balance is about. Also, the developers stated themselves that they want the players to be able to play all kind of builds freely by making the Class distribution at every Circle ~50/50; however, this doesnât hold true at all for a majority of Classes, and some will be rarely - never seen at Circles 2-3 simply because their design is flawed or they are bad at what theyâre supposed to do[i.e. they donât have a real role ingame].
2nd point is that Plague Doctor wasnât nerfed. All that happened was an adjustment to the spread rate of Black Death Steam, which decreased its AoE-capabilities a little on its own.
Hower, Plague Doctor has access to Pandemic, and the skill can easily achieve the same results as one did prior to the adjustment if points are invested.
Also, 3rd Circle of Plague Doctor brought overall a huge boost in damage, as Incineration and Black Death Steam got attributes which reduce the time between damage application by 25%/20%, thus increasing the overall possible damageoutput by that much.
Pandemic was also boosted as the AoE attribute now only adds +100% SP cost instead of +200%, and it is able to spread Incineration thanks to a new attribute with up to 50% probability.
PVP has no value in this game.
Sounds like something that a person who sucks at PVP would say. PVP has plenty of value in this game. The content could be expanded, and I hope it does, but stop saying this because it is simply untrue.
PVP has no value in this game.
Itâs maybe 1% skill and the rest is about having the right meta build and the right amount of silver to dump into attributes and equipment. And âmetaâ in ToS means âbrokenâ.
b-b-b-but you only say this because you suck!
The only valid complaint about pvp at the moment is that teams are randomly assigned in TBL. The rest is just whining from people who either canât play or canât keep up with the equipment needed to perform.
If you go into TBL with a non-meta build, that is no oneâs fault but your own.
Agree with with @Pokart that ToS PVP is a joke. For a game to be good for pvp, it has to be balanced. With the current format where there isnât a gear cap for pvp, and class skills damage generally geared towards the pve end. It is a really tall order to balance it when it is pure player vs player (aka TBL). Given how IMC balance classes, on the safe side we can expect to see a balanced PVP scene for ToS by around hmm, earliest year 2020?
I didnât pluck the time estimation randomly though. Given the complexity of classes and the class balance update releases over this year, IMC released a class update every 4-6 months, with around 1-2 months of time being given to test on the 2 test bed servers (kTest and kToS - kind of feel sad for our korean server players actually :x ). Each class balance patch generally balances 2-4 classes (major changes), with minor changes in others. So for the current 64 classes it will take around 16 balance patches, which we already went through around a third of them?
Hence give or take for the remaining 9-10 balance patches, with the fastest speed it will take around 3 years. (This is a safe estimation assuming that each class is balanced well).
But there is a slight (very small) chance that it may be balanced faster, as recently IMC announced that there will be resets daily and instant R9 character creation for the kTest server. This will help IMC get more data on classes, bugs and build statistics, provided that if there is enough kTesters around to play in the test server.
Although PVP is unbalanced and is currently a joke, I donât agree that it doesnât have any value though. There are other ways and methods to make player teams vs player teams play well with the current class balances, IMC just need to learn to explore into them.