Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Oh, okay. Sorry!

Wish you are right!

Okay, maintenance extended!

I have 2 max for my farmer high con swordie too :confused:

I guess I have to learn using boring FF or cleric for farming then.

that 5 point wonder has sp regen and other benefits, we must nerf!!!

This game is so frustrating.

With the dwindling number of players still playing this game, they keep “rebalancing” classes as if it is dirt cheap to change from 1 main to another.

Sometimes I even wonder if they know their own game. It looks like all they do is look at what players pick and play and say “oh it must be OP, we must nerf it!”. Not to mention epic fail events that they will release and then keep “updating”. Doesn’t your company review your events?

I am not totally against proper rebalancing, and fixing skills that shouldn’t work the way they currently are (like doppel’s punish?). But to COMPLETELY change a signature skill of a class that actually makes it viable and useful is like…hey why don’t you just slap us in the face, IMC?

I love the game. But I can see where it is heading with this kind of utter mismanagement, and nerfing classes to the ground. Why not just give us a list of what classes are still worth to invest our time and effort?

I am looking forward very eagerly to rank 9 guys and girls. But I think that is also the moment I will decide if I will finally quit this game as well. :slight_smile:


I will also quit after rank 9 it’s getting more and more bs here.

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A certain blue bird will tell you everything IMC does is “good balance” even if it takes out what you find unique, appealing or fun about a class. Everyone who is unsatisfied with their character is whining because you can still make it work (even if it’s a lot less fun).

But yes in all seriousness, the amount of grind and investment to make one character be capable of doing anything is not worth the amount of fun they take out of that class in their intense class balancing. Can’t wait to see the wizard changes and how it will destroy chrono or sorc probably.

The hype for rank9 is already gone considering there’s gonna be changes to everything after whatever reset event they give. Then those changes won’t come for another 3 months or so and you don’t even know if they’re gonna give out more rank resets.

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IMC will never nerf healer class so now its a good time to jump ships. Falconer 3 Mergen 1 before changes (8aoe) Falconer 3 Mergen 1 after changes (9aoe)


Because when talking about attributes, you can’t take into consideration rank only, but what they actually do.

You can’t compare current Falconer C3 Circling Expand to Mergen Expand Range and complain about their prices, because while Circling Expand is (was) amazing, Expand Range instead is pure garbage.

How can you compare 75% chance to make another monster receive the same damage VS +1 tile range on autos… are you being serious here? You have them both and you can’t tell the difference is worth the price difference? Hell, if anything Mergen attribute shouldn’t even cost that much since it’s useless.

People talks alot, people complain alot before see the things, much drama and less attention… (lets complain before see how it will reallys be) Zzzz
"Falconer C3 is dead with these changes"


Well, im going to play as archer 3, wugushi 3, falcon 3. Mergen is dead.

Hope to see some rework on wizards.
Runecaster… etc.

Maybe we can get new hiden classes for sword and mages.
Battle mage :heart_eyes:

If they change it to % I would gladly buy it


If they nerf chrono or murm I’m out. They already killed my desire to invest time in my archer and what fun is this game if the “tree of Cleric” meme stays a reality.

thats not what i said buuuut yeah, i wont argue cause apparently you dont know how to read bye

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anyone know when will R9 being put on international server?

Estimation 2029 - 2071

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Do they have a 5 socket, 2H sword version of that? XD

Any videos of Enchanter’s Empowering lvl 10 + Zealot’s Blind Faith? It is a 100% damage increase, right?

Is Agility still bugged? I noticed that the formula on kToS neet is different from the iToS one so maybe they fixed it and no one noticed?

Nice. I wonder if there will be fencer buffs. I want an indirect buff to matador through fencer. I just dislike matador’s concept. They should have released master circles for fencers and doppels tbh. It just doesn’t fit fencer for reasons I won’t go much detail but it involves fencer being such attack speed based while matador being bunch of gimmick. Fencer’s general meta build has way too many overheats to burn to be concerned about too much gimmick kit of matador.