Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Wouldnt Cryo3Chrono3Enchanter2 be better ? (Especially more demanded in ET and such ?) Cause mobs resistant to JP can ruin your day pretty much.

For party content yes cryo chrono enchanter will perform better.

linker enchanter is for solo farming purpose it doesn’t need any highend weapon
2500 magic attack is enough for farming 350 item.

They already removed joint penalty resistance/immune from all monster.

Did you tested that in Abbey (that was place with most link immune monsters I remember) ?
If all normal monsters are really not immune to link anymore than yep Link Thaum will be superior build for solo farming (Or maybe Link Chrono, for speed, and just having to auto attack few times more with quicken)

Don’t know if they changed it on ktest, but on itos for the “items” to put in guild tower, you need to get the plans and craft them for 35talts.

The normal skills one though can be bought from npc.

They state it in a latest patch note
I will test it when I got back home then.

@arkgolf i like a lot your video of cryo/ele/Shadow but I feel curious about this same build with enchanter 2 will no help to the problem of flying monsters?

Sadly can’t do much against flying monster best is AA them all but there is plenty of map without/less flying monster.

Can you tell what are the 1st and 2nd popular class choices for those who were ele3lock2? most of them went lock3 or just a few lock 3 and most shadow 1/2?

Sorry I don’t know about that
there is a rank reset event atm ppl now testing every build.

recently a build with link thaum shadowmancer is more appeal

like this one
shadow thorn almost hit cap (new cap is 777,777)


I have another question?
With all of this milti hits builds popping out, how much is the posibility of making money by selling Quicken scrolls?

Honestly very low… unless they change the scroll costs for us.

Quicken to be 100% uptime needs at least lvl 5… to make those you have to spend 5 empty spell book (2k each) and 2500 silver (500 per scroll lvl) to a total of 12,5k on costs alone… For a 50s buff… and like 120 atackspeed is not even that much…

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Sorry ark but what mean AA?

Auto Attack is what aa means

If we are talking about cryo/chrono xxx
The floor is always open to alot of possibilities.
Rank9 sage doesn’t seem to have much to offer so basically its up to the user to what they can add up, maybe A lower class with much utility.

In my plan since its just A sub…
I will retain Sage C1 for dupe/MH
And add either of this 4
Just for utility… as for Semi DPS its a diffrent story.
Possible Shadow2/Enchanter2 Or even Warlock and so on.

I have as well :smile:
It reminds me of the “useless Sadhu” days, when we were only a handful sticking to Sadhu… and we were so happy to find another living Sadhu that we’d sit and chat. And cry a lot together.

The problem with Kabbalist isn’t only the skills, imo, but the overall utility. Kabbalist is supposed to be a support, but its buffs aren’t great at all (especially if you compare them to other support classes): the cooldowns are long and the benefits aren’t amazing. Their protection skills aren’t terrible but they’re not some of the best either, Merkabah can be annoying to use, R7 isn’t as great now that they made the mobs so weak. It used to have a real use in PvE as well, now it’s mostly for PvP. Ein Sof is fun, I like to be a living SP pot, but unless you play with people who aren’t idiots and pay attention to what’s going on (and/or don’t spend their time running from the cleric), it’s pretty difficult to use on others. For HP increase it’s always nice though. Mostly good in PvP though I guess. For Double Chance and the rest, we all know how frustrating it can be.
I guess I feel that Kabbalist has too many cons/annoying parts but the skills aren’t worth them.
For example, Sadhu can be annoying since you can get interrupted, but you have ways to counter that (Gazing Golem babe), and the damages/CC make it worth it generally. Kabbalist most of the time the buffs don’t even seem worth it…
That’s my personal feeling though.
My Sadhu-Diev-Taoist and my Diev-Miko-PD are more versatile, they are great support and damage dealers.
I wanted to play as a Kabbalist though :sad:

By the way, Daino can still be scrolled right ? I still have a Krivis 3 Pardoner 3 Oracle 3 scroll maker dream. It still appears as Simony-able on the ktest site~

Merkabah is annoying to use cuz it can be interrupted easily, I do hope they fix that. It will be really good if they if they increase the hit area of Double chance to how Gevurah is.

Tested a Kabba2 build just now and it is not too bad. But it is banking mostly on the Daino x Wheel x Merkabah interaction which I wrote in a post a couple of days before, if that is fixed then the build will lose one of its most signature synergies. So have to see how it goes. The build needs more AOE atk ratio though, it can be hard to hit the breaking wheel inside Merkabah when there are many monsters surrounding the wheel.

Yep Daino can still be scrolled, but the atk speed buff and double hits is from a circle 3 attribute so daino scrolls don’t provide the bulk of what makes daino so powerful.

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Hey Arnold you look like know a lot about of enchanter builds but I want to know the only good option for cryo3-ench2 is just Chrono 3? Because I like the cryo CC and the enchanter power is pretty amazing but I just feel like if is choose Chrono 3 I lose power for killing bosses ( well I’m not sure how many power I need for solo thinks like idk the challenge or other kind of thinks).
But if I don’t choose Chrono I lose the speed that make enchanter 2 strong as I see , and the power of farming.
And shadowmancer idk if mix with cryo3 I’m so confused
Please help me if you can and sorry for the long post.

There is the Thau 3 option too with again cryo 3 ench2

Have tried several linker + thaum(3) builds to farm.

Linker2-Thaum3-Shadow2, easy to use, doesn’t have to attack within Joint Penalty: AoE def reduction time of 3s. CD of shadow skills match linker CD. SP cost is extreme on shadow skills due to overheat. 600 SP x 4 overheat shadowthorns and 850 SP x 2 overheat shadow conjuration. Combo is Link -> knot -> swell -> shadow conjuration once to clear 8 mobs. With JP on CD, shadowthorns oneshots most mobs per overheat. Great to farm Mashinios mace materials, all mobs on Epherotao coast map are Ground type and non-dark element. Shadow2 loses double damage on shadowthorns(attribute) vs flying mobs, and lose 2000% damage on shadow conjuration attribute DoT vs flying mobs. Shadow spells are also dark element, so they lose damage vs dark mobs. Most mobs in-game are dark-type.

SP cost:

Link2-thaum3-Enchanter2: cheapest build because no active skills. Just activate all buffs and spam AA, and AA + linker skills and swell when it is off CD. Also best build to farm new Mashinios Mace materials. The material mobs are Ice-Element type and melee. No down-time on attacks because they are not CD based. Limited by ping/latency/lag because it is normal-attack based. No active damage skills, just buffs. Also best party-buffer and able to craft JP scrolls, and open shop. If you don’t want to buy Enchant fire scrolls, pick pyro1 (linker2-thaum3-enchanter2).

Link1-thaum3-FF3 and link2-thaum2-FF3, very limited by AoE attack ratio and must attack within 3s after casting Hangman’s Knot (AoE def break attribute). Highest burst damage to combo with Joint penalty poison attribute. Easiest sustain due to FF3 HP recovery skills. Immune vs ground mobs due to Levitation. Cannot recovery HP with BloodBath during levitation. Blood Sucking needs Wiz2 surespell. Kundela slash is still the most used FF skill during farming, and Feather3 attribute doubles hits on Kundela slash vs targets with 2 or 2+ debuffs (joint penalty and swell body are 2 debuffs). Rely a lot linker CD to AoE clear, prefer higher linker circles.

Link2-thaum3-Sage2. Worst build, sage CD is too high and does not match Linker cooldown. Sage skills do not use AoE mechanics so it is possible to clear mobs without waiting for linker CD, but you won’t have any filler-damage skills to use while waiting for sage CD. Sage2 attributes on micro dimension and ultimate dimension are good to deal damage. Ultimate dimension attribute is like a baby version of Warlock2 mastema attribute Damage over time. Missile hole is still nice for party, and you are able to provide taxi service and warp to maps. New special orange 350 material maps do not have warp statues.


After rework SPR cler2-priest3-chaplain - kabbalist - zealot2 farming at HG

Elementalist sage2 at new HG nazar tower:

And with Blind Faith vs catacombs mission bosses: here

QS3-rogue-Falc3-Mergen1 with new Bow burst test vs ~5mil HP boss here

??? Cler3-Pala3-Monk3 vs library mobs here

Dragoon3 at new HG nazar tower here
Another goon3 showing one shot dragon fall vs HG mobs here

Pyro2 thaum3 sorc1 shadow2 at HG here

Pyro link2 sorc2 necro shadow2 at HG here

Elementalist Warlock2 - shadow1 at HG here
Speedrun solo in 4 minutes of dung300 by reiter3-bullet1 here

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