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KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Sorry @Nekorin , but I don’t see potential in the Kabbalist as support even though I love all Clerics >.<

In my point of view, this build will probably be the new meta for Cleric Support:

Cleric c2 + Priest c3 + Taoist c1 don’t need explanations, right? And of course, Full SPR for the best Blessing and Healing.

Paladin c3:
1°- Turn Undead (taking advantage of you are already doing Full SPR because of the Priest), helps to kill some enemies in the most difficult places of the game, which a good amount are of the Mutant and Devil type. With the new equipments and having more Lv to go up, that amount of SPR make this skill get a little closer of 100% chance now.
2°- Sanctuary, it increases physical and magic defense for you and allies within reach (based on caster defenses). It also gives additional property damage based on the sum of this defenses.
3°- (Last but not least) Conviction, to help your allies do more elemental damage to some enemies and especially bosses.
Bonus! - If you have a good weapon, maybe you can help in the DPS, Paladin got balanced and his skills are doing a great damage.

If you want we can test this in practice! Just tell time and day to meet at Ktest. You use DPS and I use this Support (or vice versa).
The people here may even try to come up with some build ideas that in theory look very good for Cleric Support, but that was the best idea I had for My Cleric Support and I hope you guys have understood the strategy and liked it.
Well, all this, I’ll repeat: It’s my point of view.

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I’m so happy that I’ll have enough points on my Kabbalist to max that Zaibas attribute from the start and have all other important attributes at at least level 80.
Especially the lack of good skills is what makes me think that Miko isn’t that good on a Krivis build, that’s why I’ll build C2>Krivis3>Bokor1>Kabba3(>Taoist3) as Bokor is by far the best filler Class available in all the lower ranks when it comes to secure and persistent DPS (up to 1000% average damage per level 5 Effigy overheat, so ~3000% every 6 seconds, which is more damage than unattributed level 6 Merkabah).

Effigy also works great with Double Chance as you can tick Effigy two times and trigger Double Chance just before triggering the third Effigy,which comes at ~ 2,28 times the damage average of a normal level 5 Effigy cast(not to forget it can be easily boosted with an Operor gem and using Divine Might before the 3rd cast & Double Chance).
2,28 times average is = 365 *1,x[attribute] *2,28 *1,3[Hexing:Dark attribute], so with at least level 90 attribute, you’ll get 1568% (being ± the same as the Astral Body Explosion lvl 15 base value), which is then multiplied by the number featured by Double Chances debuff (so at least 3 times and at most 9 times, which lands us between 4700% and 14100%) but without the hassle of needing 3 Circles of Sadhu, triggering OOB, moving the astral body near the target, igniting and waiting till the explosion.

The main advantage is that Effigy has such a low CD that it will be always available when skills like Gebura and Double Chance are off CD, so you can make the most use of them, and you have stable damage with strong hit potential on that build until one day you’ll get that op Taoist C2 skill “Divine Punishment”, which will deal the most devastating damage in combination with Double Chance of all skills currently available in the game(over 10000% per hit will be achievable, and if Double Chance ever gets a monster gem, god beholds the 12000-13000% per hit…[which is also doubled by Storm Calling]).

In all seriousness, Taoist is by far the strongest singlehit(Divine Punishment) and multihit(Creeping Death Charm) Class in the whole game. Can’t wait for Rank 11/12 to prove it xD

What happen with dungeon 290(now 300) when someone hit the wrong pillar and ■■■■■■ the dungeons ? is everyone ■■■■■■ with no cube AND exp ?

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diev looks more sustainable than paladin as support imo.

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So after dungeon revamp, it will not drop item anymore? such as artilonium from dg 290

Also when challenge portal spawned, if i decide to change char and left the map with 0 population for few minutes, will the portal disappear?

Have not experienced it yet (KRs don’t do this). Yes, think nobody would get cube, silver, or exp unless you use a Clear voucher.

@ronzu Artilonium from Box. Dung300 box also drops recipes for Orange 2-practonium 315-330 items (like the emengard shield recipe). About the portal and character change, I do not know. Best to shout to recruit party players before you defeat the Pink Glowing mob to spawn a portal, so you will at least have players on the map&channel.

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Dragoon3 superb mob clear with dragon Fall.

Dragoon3 siau solo here

Sw3-Barb1-Cor3-Matador2 siau

Pyro2-link2-sorc2-shadow2 at HG here

Very short test of elementalist3-sage2 vs mobs here

Full INT meta-AA build krivis3 priest3-chaplain inquis1 at HG here
Example of High dex meta-AA cleric at HG here

Kriv3 cler2 paladin1 Kabba Zealot2 vs mobs here and here


I destroy wrong orb by mistake once 2 day ago in test server
usually most player destroy top left middle orb for a red boss right?
instead of this one I destroy top room orb (3rd room) instead it is open a warp to blue boss.

I will try it more later on but can’t for today and tomorrow.

Challenge mode does give exp though.

I don’t sure how it is calculated monster hp, exp, money drop, item drop rate
never pass through stage 3 :frowning:

stage 1 pretty much the same as normal map
stage 2 monster hp is much more than normal around 50%+ I think
but in stage 3 monster HP is almost double from normal.

dop shinobi solo stage 5

Thanks for the correction, it indeed does! I did not pay attention properly during my challenge modes.

Is it just me or does that cryo-ele-shadow deal nearly no damage? I guess that’s it for Cryo-Chrono, not very helpful in the challenge mode dungeon.
I’d rather get a Hunter3 for growling which is a 100% uptime disable instead of that useless Frost Pillar. Pass&Haste are not needed inside this dungeon anyway since you don’t move anywhere and builds without AoE-capabilities shouldn’t try entering in the first place.

Doppel still too strong for a Rank 6 Class, needs a nerf, but I guess the developers don’t like to nerf Swordsman Classes which are popular [because Koreans like those Classes that swing around huge swords, so not making them OP would rake in less cash from the fanboys :tired: ]

I think they are grinding there then a purple monster appear so they are entering like that
Cryo3 Chrono3 still in need for normal grinding though.

That map is very popular due to high density, fast spawn and good drop but it is a nightmare for a class with ground skill most monster are flying.

@Wonderlland I still have faith in Kabbalist ><

Kabbalist is in a weird position for support, which I attributed it mainly to the weak hit area of Double Chance. If it has a much bigger hit area it can lend more support towards the dps of the party than it is now.

If you are going Paladin I would recommend at least getting Inquisitor c1. Conviction is so good to use with Godsmash. I too want to try paladin, Sanctuary works well with Inquisitor too since it boosts damage from Inquisitor’s Burn.


Yeah, 100% agree the skills that Miko offers doesn’t fit into any kabbalist builds. The only reason I’m taking Miko is just cuz I can dance while moving on slow Merkabah wheels and the cuteness of the costume (though Kabbalist costume > Miko, I want them both :3 ). So the shift towards another filler is determined on how willing I’m to part with the cute costume and of course the potential to dance in all sorts of costumes.

Sadly for my Kabbalist I can’t really take Sadhu, since I have 3 clerics with each of them focusing on a particular class in the build. (Main who is Sadhu focused, 2nd cleric Kabbalist focused and 3rd druid focused).

Hence on Kabbalist side I’ll be taking C2>Krivis3>X>Kabbalist2>Inquisitor1. If IMC deemed Daino x Breaking Wheel interaction as legit and not fixing it, then yeah this will be my Kabbalist AA build.

From what you say, Bokor1 will fit nicely into the filler for Kabbalist. How’s Hexing for Bokor1, the last time I’ve tried Hexing has very small hit range which kind of makes it hard to use without Pandemic to spread it. Later reset I’ll give it a go. :3

A question. If taking Cleric2 Krivis2 Sadhu3 Taoist1, What will be the last class to take? Krivis3 or Taoist2? I can’t decide between the 2… Since it is a hybrid support + able to solo relatively well build, I have to take Cleric2 at the minimum, if not I’ll take up C1>Krivis3>Sadhu3>Tao1>Inq1 lol.

P.S come to think of it, IMC did a really good job of making Krivis from one of the least used class in the cleric tree to a class where almost every build will want to have it if they can spare the low level circles. Great job by IMC.

Ehm, honestly I don’t see anything OP in solo’ing a 5m HP level 335 boss… he is a full Solmiki Doppel with a Solmiki weapon, any class can do that much with that gear, and even better… also, he’s pretty slow if you consider he screwes up his clones basically doing no damage with them, he gets stunned/glitched after the first Kunai throw and when he’s back in action, they just disappear because he ran out of time: pretty poor execution there…also, from that point onward it’s just him spamming Highlander abilities like a headless chicken and Redel/Zhornau with no Zwerchau debuff on, pretty awful stuff right there.
And, if we wanna talk about Swordies, any equal geared Shin Murmillos or Fencers are way better than a Doppel 3 at Bossing… also, comparing a Doppel3 with Rank6 classes it’s pretty dumb honestly, you should compare it with Circle3 and Rank8, since Doppel 1(rank6) and Doppel 2(Rank7) are worthless, you unlock every attribute at Circle 3…

EDIT: About Cryo/Chronos, they will never go out of flavour, you may not like them but what they bring to the table is better than any other combination so far… Quicken gives free Crit rate to every physical DPS, Pass enables long CDs to be used more frequently and Cryo’s Tree basically makes anything you throw on it seems good… the real question here is what they will do about R9, since sage2 is quite underwhelming…

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I think Krivis is better because you can have 100% uptime on Transmit Prana and Daino, which will make a huge difference in damage dealt. Taoist C2 is more utility and burst-related, so it can rather wait a Rank. Btw, don’t forget that you get more INT via Divine Stigma, so you’ll get a matk & Transmit Prana boost.

Speaking of Divine Stigma: It also has a devil type attribute which boosts damage dealt by up to 50%. Do you happen to know if this bonus is additive or multiplicative with the Moa card damage boost against devil type monsters?

About Hexing: The Aoe-capabilities are still bad, but that isn’t so bad as you’ll get 4-5 monsters most of the time, which is as many monsters you’ll normally get with Double Chance currently.
The debuff lasts long enough to cast 1 more Hexing,so you have the ability to get 5-10 monsters for Effigy even without Plague Doctor. For a strong filler skill that’s good enough for me, as it will deal quite high damage over time anyway.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll go Krivis3 then, seems like all my clerics will be heading towards Krivis3.

Sadly I don’t have a Moa card can’t really answer that.


Saw Rikka’s comment in Discord and it suddenly hit me since no one talks about it in the R9 thread. What about templars? It seems that the class is totally forgotten by all except the guild masters… Templar Circle3 doesn’t give any Academy skill.

What should we do with the academy items that we have now? The class doesn’t even look complete at all, is there any difference between a templar led guild and a normal one?

The difference between non-templar guilds and templar guilds, outside of Templar GvG buffs, is this:

Guild Tower
Enables additional features of the Guild Tower. Guild Tower can be installed using the ‘Guild Tower’ item.
Level 1: Warp
Level 2: Storage
Level 3: Guild Upgrade
Level 4: Guild Events
Level 5: Guild Hangout

EDIT: The description from kTOS is the same as iTOS, it seems.
So basically a non templar-guild is just a big group chat and that’s it… :slight_smile:

About Accademies I have no idea, but they reworked Forge, now it’s an offensive turret you deploy on the field, no more free P.A. :frowning:

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Actually sage c2 skill/attribute is very strong the problem is long cooldown less/no over heat and bugging hit box

micro dimension hit box is too little it’s rarely properly hit target sometime it is bugged

ultimate dimension lv10 with enhance lv 50 and new dot one hit very hard
manage to kill 10+ monster with 1 set of frost pillar and ultimate dimension
sadly both skill has long cooldown very inconvenient.

Dimension Compression doesn’t need to charge
full charge will only double it damage

missile hole is max at 5

sage c2 is still good at support and can deal decent damage though but if you want more damage then enchanter C2 is better

sage c3 maybe better…

For solo farming
linker2 thaum3 enchanter2 is very good (actually don’t need thaum3)
no need good weapon with 2500 magic attack (without thaum buff) and 4000 (with thaum buff) can kill most monster with jp > hangman > 1-2 lightning hand AA :rofl:
easiest combo ever.

mergen’s heavy breathing!

how does it perform compared to linkthaumff3? bloodsucking really help me in critical times

You mean survival ability?

I don’t sure about that new pardoner buff give a lot of pdef & mdef I usually run around with 3000+ on both
monster hit me around 200-300 use less than 10 pot an hour I think.

Enchant earth give 15% block chance can block without equipped a shield it’s help a lot (more block with shield) but monster rarely hit me anyway if there is a lot of monster in a room and jp hangman is on cooldown I use jump attack with jp scroll :laughing:

Academy, Forge, Shield Generator are now both skills and items.

No longer plans for them drops but assembled items (it used to cost 35 Talt to assemble Forge/Shield gen)
When placed in guild hangout (5 of each max) it give 550 Patak for whole guild and Charge of Shield for up to 5 members, which adds Extra HP bar (depending on how long you let it charge).

Than there is skills of same name.
In combat Forge is pretty useless (small knockback, but it gives AoE detect so might get some use in PvP) but Shield gen is decent (It gives 70% of Templar HP as bonus HP for anyone entering buff area of shield generator), also it seems it gives some kind of flat dmg reduction (we use them on bosses and it seems to last pretty long against some status using bosses absorbing lot of dmg)

Our guild events are bugged lately (cant enter boss figh for forge/shield gen) so cant tell you for sure those items still drop and can be installed.