Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Quote my previous post.

@Wurmheart , here are the test results. It is pretty OP till I think it is a bug.

Can’t really think of a more fitting title for the video. It might be an intentional interaction but personally I don’t think it is.

In the previous video on Daino’s Additional hit, it turns out that when that additional hit is applied via a medium (breaking wheel spread, or burn attribute), it is treated as a separate attack which triggers a whole new slew of additional hits. This technically makes autos double in amount of hits when administered via Breaking Wheel/Burn.

If it is intentional, 100% of all Cleric AA wannabes will want Krivis c3 Inq1 in their builds, sighz.

Edit: Image of Inquisitor: Burn when Daino is active. 10 hits per tick. <- slow motion of the hits to see better


More findings, since it is related it will be better to consolidate under 1 post than have separate ones. This feels so wrong in many ways.

Slow motion clip

For the build Krivis3MikoKabba2Inq1 , Sacrament + Daino will give a 3 hit auto attack. With the findings above Inquisitor’s burn will double it generating 6 hits per tick. What is interesting about the inquisitor burn is that it seems that each “additional” hit from the burn is treated as a separate attack on its own, and those ‘individual attacks’ trigger under Merkabah’s buff. Hence we see 12x blessing bonuses per tick of the fire.


I hadn’t considered the CDR statue for zealot, I like that idea. And stationary seems fine now that there is the new challenge mode content.

Which leads me to a question. I don’t know if anyone has asked but honestly how do you think the new challenge mode content is doing in Korea? Has it become a large part of the gameplay? And has the DG changes made solo farming DGs are thing of the past?

Are the party DG rewards, solo farming rewards, all balanced well enough with challenge mode to have players doing them all in Korea? I’m wary of iToS running into problems with our smaller populations especially for Orsha players. I play late night on Klaipedia and I want to speculate at least on whether I can make a character just to run around in challenge mode parties at 2am. And whether I’m going to need to setup a special static group that plays on a schedule or if it’s going to be something I can get into at anytime with a shout.


mans is probably screwing around with his overall build and skill distribution. His mechanical skill is pretty decent and he has really good gear, but his builds are all out of whack. Either way, here you go.

Notice that matador is honestly the weakest part of his toolkit, lol.

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You just have to accept it, Matador is the worst class of all R8, Even with Rank 2 Classes like Highlander or Krivis can outdamaged that shyt Matador.

Kabbalist has not been adjusted, it just recieved some fanboy attributes that do absolutely nothing in the game and a CD reduction/AoE increase on skills that do nothing on their own (i.e. Gematria/Notarikon).
If that’s adjustment then every other Class should also only be getting useless “improvements” that leave everyone angry and in despair, because these "adjustments were ± garbage.

One more proof that the developers don’t really play their own Classes/test them, they just throw things at it/set things and look at the players use them.

Since there has been no stable Kabbalist playerbase since Rank 8 update when ± noone advanced towards Kabbalist C2 as it was just sh!+ compared to Taoist/Inquisitor (although it was supposed to be an alternative), there isn’t enough feedback for the developers to even bother a real adjustment to make the Class good on its own without having to rely on 3-4 other Classes to be able to do anything at all[like they did with Plague Doctor/Taoist/Inquisitor/Zealot/Bokor and now even Krivis outdamaging and out-utilizing Kabbalist].

Even the new skill Gebura is an example to this, as Gebura doesn’t work together with Merkabah at all, similarly to Double Chance (as the 100% matk passing damage will trigger Gebura/Double Chance and thus leave you with an overall s#!++y total damage of like 1-4 explosions doubled and 3-6 passing hits doubled[depending on the Gebura number and the location distances of course]).

At this point I’m gonna call it bulls#!+ if anyone ever talks about Kabbalist being readjusted/balanced.

No, Matador and Sage can be best friend

I have a Kabbalist c2 in iToS don’t forget about me T____T. Have been a Kabbalist since R7 days.

With the 40 hits limits on blind faith I would not advise going full SPR in Zealot unless your lower ranks classes use it too for their skills.

Seen anyone just use [kneeling shot] (since no RS) on a bm? I’m looking to try A2-Hu3-Sr1-App-BM2

I have no idea about those challenge modes tbh, you’re better of asking folks on the actual test server like @greyhiem or @Nekorin

It depends on a few things tbh:

  • How rare these portals are.
  • Just how much more difficult they get per wave.
  • What the additional waves give in terms of loot.
  • If the exp is any good perhaps, you might see groups using them to level then.
  • Whether or not the higher waves still bug out, or if IMC manages to fix it. (unlikely imo)

Did see a few folks solo’ing the first waves, which didn’t really seem that hard for several builds and rather generous time wise.

In terms of dungeons, we’ll see plenty of solo farming considering the silver is spread evenly across the party and that cubes no longer have reroll costs.
It’s not really that bad silver wise, though we might see more of a focus on dg’s with good cube drops.

And the new rank, 1hour no hit limit blessing and new gears also make it much faster for most builds.


It take around a mid hour farming on the map to a purple mob appear (the clover monster that open the portal to Challenge Mode). But if you’r felling lucky maybe it show up faster.

May be its like red clover mob. Certain number has to be killed in span of time.(Purely observation, i have no evidence for this).


I can only say for my experiences in kTest. In kTest I always encounter the purple monsters when I’m questing or testing builds. These purple clover mobs will drop a portal with a countdown timer of 10minutes from what I see in the latest patch.

As for the difficulty, after each wave it will get harder as the monsters hit harder and are harder to kill. Just think of them like the Greater Rifts from Diablo3 (they really feel like it).

Loot wise the monsters will drop whatever items they are suppose to drop in the particular map, which is really great for HG equipment farming since these monsters will keep on spawning until the challenge bar is filled; after which a random boss will spawn.

Defeat the boss and 2 rifts will spawn, the red one to continue the challenge; blue one to quit the challenge and collect the loot. For each challenge level cleared will award the players with a ‘paddle pop’ cube (That color really looks like that ice cream). Do note that if you fail the challenge all cube rewards for the run are forfeited. So it will be wise to know when to stop the challenge.

As for soloing challenge modes wise, most of the builds should be able to solo and clear challenge level 1 without much problems if the level of the player is around the map’s level. For gear wise I did it with event given gear (white armor with 315 purples that can’t be upgraded) so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem for most players if they want to solo it. Challenge level 2 onwards will require better gear or a party. That said if one is decked out with trans6+ solomiki, it should be a cakewalk imo (at least till lv 3) unless the build has problems dealing sustained damage.

What I like to say is that I really like how IMC do the HG gear now, it has randomised stats, which kind of reminds how Diablo is like. These items function as a good alternative to the usual 350 end game gear, as we can get gear with stats that caters specifically to our needs.

It is really a great news for a solo players, it is no longer a must to really get into parties to get the high end gear as there are alternatives now which the player can get as a solo. (Note that it will still be best to form a party for the special 330dg which drops the 350 orange equipment, those monsters and boss inside are a challenge to fight against. It is a fun and challenging DG if the party isn’t geared to the teeth. :3 )


What I wanted to point out is that there is no “stable” player base, i.e. of the many players who chose Kabbalist C1 for Rank 7, most of them advanced onto another Class instead of advancing towards Circle 2 of Kabbalist, or rerolled into another Class/build. And the same thing will be happening at Rank 9, where, of the few Kabbalists who went C2, many will either reroll or advance into another Class.

This is causing an unstable/dwindling playerbase playing the Class.
Now compare this to e.g. Plague Doctor, Inquisitor and Taoist; many players who play these Classes will advance towards the next Class Circle, simply because the advancements are hilariously strong/useful, in contrast to what Kabbalist has to offer and especially because of Kabbalist being at the last Ranks currently, with nothing else to advance into [this will change considerably once Kabbalist is more in the middle of the build, like e.g. at Rank 11 or 12, at which point Kabbalist will become pretty useful for many builds as there will be no Rank 9 Class to overpower possible advancements].

Also, one has to consider the lack of damage and utility, where a simple boost to Merkabahs damage and to Ein Sofs duration (e.g. via attribute similarly to Monstrance, either at C2 or C3, to boost the duration by 30 or 60 seconds per attribute level as the skill already has ± full uptime and sucks to have to be recast every 50-65 seconds just because reasons, it’s the same bull that Blessing or Aspergillum only had 60 seconds duration) would make the Class so much better.

After theorycrafting a build for the Kabbalist class… I really think Cleric c2 > Priest c3 > Chaplain c1 > Kabbalist c2 so far feel pretty great. I’ve only been working on the build for about a week now and honestly I think some of the new changes for r9 aren’t too bad for it. However, my biggest concern is that goddamn pardoner class. Pardoners completely ruin any other priest build currently. 800silver for Max Buffs vs having a trusty priest friend.

I’m not talking about weakness, I just wanna see the class gameplay…

Huh…I’m a main Kabbalist and I’m planning to go kaba 3 .-.

Build - Cleric 2 - Priest 3 - Chap - Kaba 2 at the moment.

The build itself doesn’t shine a lit except in pvp, but it has its good points.
I’m the type of player who likes to assist instead of being the main source of team damage and I can help it by being alive longer thanks to ein sof. I have survive a few world boss clearing skills like detonate and with my increased hp and I’m able to provide minor damage buff and minor damage mitigation thanks to spr build and stone skin. I agree there are better options for this like a Feral priest for example but I just like kabbalist( Wannabe math teacher here) and the new atributes are definitly a good thing for a tank/support build, I’ll even change to full con thanks to the pardoners change and the wizard AA is quite welcome for my pvp adventures.

I’s just, there are other builds who do it better but it is my build and I’m a little proud of it… Even a little as to out damage a aspana SR trans 8 with Vienarazis mace trans 7 on ET boss :stuck_out_tongue: Nothing to brad but the little things are the funniest ones sometimes…He was a guild mate… Even out damaged a warlock and everyone called him the support of the ET and me the DPS until he outdamaged me with his chapparition buffs.

It was funny :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, timer 10 minutes until portal disappears.


@Raspy All maps will drop ‘unidentified HG gear’, and the droprate inside HG is higher. Identify those gears to get random stat bonus. You don’t need a dedicated party to farm it, because most field mobs are very easy to kill. HG mobs are a lot more difficult and tanky.

Challenge mode mobs drop unidentified gears too. It is very easy to get a lot of gear inside the challenge mode. The challenge mode follows the daily-mechanic, so you cannot keep entering. If you get a portal by defeating a Pink Glowing Mob, you should shout in all-chat or shout in your guild chat to recruit members, unless you will solo it. Edit: Challenge mode mobs give EXP too! Challenge mode portals are shown on your mini-map as a big cross ( X ).

The new Unique Raid 330 is popular because the special Orange 350 recipes drop from the cube. You need to clear challenge mode to receive portal stones. Portal stones are needed to enter the Unique Raid 330. Unique Raid 330 is a daily too.

About regular instanced-dungeons
Dungeon was reworked. All dungeons are accessible at Klaipeda now. It is still a daily.

Dungeon levels: 50, 120, 180, 230, 270, 300.

Dungeon mechanic:
Mobs do not give any exp or silver anymore. Killing mobs will give you bonus ‘score’. If you have a lot of score, defeat the boss to receive extra cubes. Cubes cannot be rerolled anymore. Once you defeat the boss, you will receive all EXP and Silver at once, during the reward screen.

Example: defeated several mobs (56% of mobs cleared) = +2 cubes (if you defeat the boss). The yellow inside the white bar indicates progression.

Once you clear the boss, you will receive your final results and the rewards (left side of image):
Silver reward, cube amount reward, exp, class exp. The red button is Return to Town.
Note: highest rank is S rank (100% clear).

Most effective parties will demand to split and each member will clear one area of the dungeon, and one member clearing the boss. This will be a lot faster, because the mobs will not give exp or silver anyway. Once the boss is defeated, all party members will receive the same amount of rewards (depending on the clear % rate). To receive the rewards, you do not have to be near the boss when it is defeated.

@raspy About static parties, it will depend on your server population and attitude.

@ReportofAusterity Yes, perhaps kabba will get more buffs during the next rebalance.


INT + DEX Priest3 Chaplain Krivis3 Inquis1 at HG

and siaulai here

PvP (Team paladin-inquis2, shadowmancer, solmiki pike dragoon3)

Daino + dex build atk speed test here

Daino + Quicken atk speed test here

@Kuromuko Matador is not very popular, have some new and some old vids.

Fencer3 matador1 siau: here and here

Old vid (before matador nerf) of SW3 Barb1 cors3 Matador2 farming at HG : here


Agreed, if Kabbalist is compared against its other rank7 counterpart Plaguedoctor it loses straight up. I love Kabbalist too, it is one of the first classes I always test whenever there is some new patch or rank. So unlike Plague Doctor which I totally ignore testing it (since many other players are already testing plaguedoc = =+).

Kabbalist is akin to support classes like Sage/Chrono in the Wizard tree, it is somehow a class which augments other classes by boosting their capabilities in dealing damage. Like what you said in a previous post, the position of Kabbalist (rank7) make it really hard to fit it into a build which utilise it to the max. In rank1-6 there isn’t any high damage classes besides Sadhu to take advantage of the full capabilities of Double Chance/Gevurah and Merkabah’s abilities leave something more to be desired.

From what I see Kabbalist can be slightly improved to make it viable. Just make the following 2 changes and we can see more players trying out the class.

  1. Increase Double Chance’s hit area, at least make it bigger or best to Gevurah’s range. I wonder what is stopping them from doing it since it is so hard to use.

  2. Give Merkabah an attribute which removes the crash aoe damage but instead make Merkabah a DoT when monsters are in the buff area of the wheels. This will help a lot in providing some dps for kabbalists and combos nicely with Gevurah.

I’m trying out a build by taking Kabba2 Taoist1 instead of Kabba3 to give it some flexibility in DPS while providing support. The dream of Kabbalist C3 will either have to wait for IMC to update the class or Rank10. At the very least Taoist c1 provides stormcalling 942% which is great with double chance.