Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

(repost) PD3 solo solmiki


I only went with monk because Immolate and lightning are [physical], so I thought Monk would be good with that, but honestly I have no idea what I’m doing XD
So what would be the best Zealot build damage-wise?

Don’t you need priest 3 to be chaplain? How can someone build krivis 3 chaplain?

cleric c1, priest c3, chap c1, krivis c3, X

Krivis’s Daino, is unlike extra attacks lines like Sacrament and Enchant Fire. It is its own separate line of attack, except that it doesn’t trigger another line of sacrament/enchant fire.

Hence effects that proc on per attack will proc twice per auto attack when Daino is active, such as Merkabah.


I think this thread has already become KTEST R9 Cleric patch :laughing:


To be honest, all these variations of build looks fun, but I felt like it’s so much set up and time.

Zealot for example has so much to set up before u can start doing damage. Imagine farming hours to have to recast/ rebuff…

Nothing beats the simple cast and burst skills.

Where X = inquis since not having the burn attribute is a huge mistake.

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Fanaticism + Beady eyes and its +200 crit rate attribute are probably the best synergy it has for monk dmg wise. But said buffs have a 50% downtime.

That and Immolation + Fanatic Illusion still add a good chunk of aoe dmg, something which monk benefits from quite a bit.

I think with Monk/Zealot it’s more about how to properly combine the two since they have conflicting priorities.

  • Monk is best with dex, but zealot gains nothing from dex itself.
  • Zealot is best with spr(blind faith ofc) or str, but spr does nothing for monk and str is simply less ideal.
  • Monks wants monk3+Zealot2 to maximise double punch damage, but zealot gets better by avoiding monk2 and monk3. (room for krivis3 and/or diev1 etc)
  • And frankly with the dmg of Fanatic Illusion & Blind Faith if spr you already have so much damage that double punch adds less to your build in comparison.


I’m leaning towards a spr based cleric2/Krivis3/Diev1/Monk1/Zealot2 build.

Gets you the most out of Fanatic Illusion imo. (best uptime with kriv3+diev1’s cd reduction), 2handed weapons for the dmg boost and a strong Blind Faith every 40s/32s.
Plus it has double punch if you’d need it, which I’m not even sure about at that point. (but pala1 doesn’t offer as much)

Daino doesn’t add a second hit of Aspergillum right? that’d be op.


Inqui1Zealot1 is a better combination for Monks IMO. Malleus Maleficarum debuff and Breaking Wheel gives a good boost for your Double Punch spam and God Smash is awesome with all Monk’s debuffs (Double Punch, God Finger Flick and Hand Knife). With Zealot1 you get a Pain Barrier to avoid getting interrupted during your main rotation and a crit rate buff (Beady Eyes lv1, Invulnerability lv4 and maxed Fanaticism and Immolation would be my choice).

How’s Pally3Zealot2 now with the nerfs?

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They should bring back the faster ticks for Fanatic Illusion. I feel like it wouldn’t make a difference at all in situations outside of solo play (ET)

Nope it doesn’t. But it seems like with Daino + Breaking wheel it triggers double the number of hits instead, meaning instead of spreading 5 hits (auto + sacrament + daino + last rites) it spreads 10 hits instead, including 2 aspergillum. The Inquisitor burn also get the same treatment too.

If that is so it is so OP, will confirm this later. (Hopefully it isn’t lag). Need to record and slow it down to see it later.


inqu or not still up to them, i just mention to him how is it, because he look like confuse how to krivis c3 and chap together

What’s the whole fking point of this Muleta skill?
Damage is ■■■■. Does not negate incoming damage. Such a waste. Even normal attack do better damage.

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Yeah and that is pretty boring, I want to know more about my wiz options or the posible builds for bullet maker. IMC is making a mistake just doing good cleric classes.

are you surprised? This has always been tree of clerics.

Guys, where does 350 normal orange weapon come from? (not the recipe one)
like this

Because they are only reworking cleric classes at the moment. Krivis, paladin, oracle, kabba, zealot have been adjusted so far.

Common Bulletmarker builds:
Attack speed build QS3-Ar3-Appr-BM2
Silver Bullet Reiter extension Ar3-Ra1-Appr/Rog1-SR3-BM1

Less common:
Falcon3-BM2 builds.
Wugu2/3 BM2 builds.
Sapper2/3 BM2 builds.
Non-QS3 BM2 builds.

Very uncommon BM builds:
Builds which include mergen, hacka, cannon, musket, hunter, ranger, scout(3), fletcher.

@ronzu Drops on all maps which are lvl 340+ , and higher drop chance inside Hunting Grounds 340 (Nazar Tower). Nazar tower is this map:

@fairyhell Yes, it’s a very bad skill.

Design was based on the way they handle bugs.


my gawd, no one plays Matador with a higher EQ’s? XD

This is not even possible :distinguished: