Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Thinking about the best Clerics burst damage with Blind Faith.
Cure lv16 = 40 hits
Zaibas lv16 = 20x2 hits
Hamaya lv6 = ± 30 hits
Dealing ±110 hits total.
And considering most of bosses is vulnerable to ground magic even it is flying. Is this maybe the best burst damage for Clerics Blind Faith build?

Heal bombing with Blessing buffs add 36 hits too (assuming 9 tiles connected each with 2 heals), can add on to it.

This zealot build looks really good. Going Kabbalist1 means in r10 the option of having multiple hits merkabah is available. 72 hit heals with blessing in blind faith mode… :3

Aaahh, to Druid2 zealot2 or miko Kabbalist1 zealot2 hmm


How would you modify this for an RO devodin? C3? C2-Deiv1? Kr2-miko-kaba2?

IMHO atleast C2 for sure or you’re gonna explode really quick under heavy damage with just C1 Safety Zone, we are talking about 10 hits VS 40 hits blocked (42 with DivineMight), that’s quite the difference!

Looks like Krivis3 will be core for all zealot builds imo, since all 3 buffs in zealot2 gets extended by Melstis, including Blind Faith.

I plan to go with cleric2-krivis3-miko-pd1-zealot2 full spr.

You get the option of going PD2 at R10 if zealot3 isn’t too good (or simply at r11), vapors will allow you to spread immolation with vapors > pandemic. Healing Factor to offset the self-damage from Immolation while under panathism(?).

For blind faith, you have:

  • healbomb
  • cure
  • divine stigma
  • zaibas
  • hayama
  • gohei (filler)
  • incineration
  • zealot skills

Using the new 350 practo 1h mace, you’ll get plenty of change to proc the 30% chance of +2000 lightning damage, so its not like your damage outside of blind faith will be trash. Immolation will do a lot of the heavy lifting too.

It is hard though. Kabbalist doesn’t really work that well with Paladin besides on the defence/support department. Double Chance doesn’t have any high attack damage skill to combo with. Gevurah get eaten up fast with the new 7 hit smite (2hander skill).

However, Merkabah does give additional hits to all paladin lines of damage and it does work well with the new 2hand smite and the conviction+smite 3hit combo. The damage is very reliant on additional ele damage and blessing since Merkabah only adds an extra hit of 10% damage. On the contrary, spamming cure and heal bombing will do more hits than what the paladin kit has to offer.

If you would like to make it though,i would suggest a cleric2 minimum. and Diev1 as the filler class. Tested it out for a bit but the latency of my connection made it really hard to see the potential for the class. By the time I recover (lag out) of the 2x 2hand smite the merkabah already almost run its entire route. Going Kabbalist c2 Inquisitor1 with Paladin3 is also a good choice. You can Merkabah + Breaking Wheel + 2hand smite for lots and lots of hits.

Personally I would leave Kabbalist circles to the magic based cleric builds, at least until r10 when we can do Kabbalist c2 + Zealot c2 where there should be enough “cast and forget” styled physical attacks to capitalise on Merkabah.

I’ll test out the C2 Diev1 Paladin3 Kabba2 Inq1 build later when I get my daily reset scroll on kTest.


Kabbalist Supplement video2, on the n<3 attributes.


Edit: Sometimes it is fights like this which kind of left me speechless. Check out from 9mins onwards.

The whole point in paladin3 is taking damage for the team. You take 100% damage for people in [barrier] while [ein sof] quadrupling your HP also quadruples your healing (5% MHP x4 = 5% x4 MHP). Add the attribute and thats x8 healing (IF they multiply).

If [guardian saint] gets buffs c3 could be something but the way it is now you are right to suggest c2-deiv1. Deiv1 also allows for 100% [ein sof] uptime even at just lv10 for something else in r9 (pd maybe for HF?).

If build as support only then it shouldn’t be much of a problem. I will suggest going for C2 Diev2 Paladin3 Kabba2 instead, a silence tree is always good for the party.

Kabbalist’s double heals is available at circle1. If build for support, circle 3 isn’t really that needed.

I supposed it’s sort of “bad” to go kaba3 just for [ein sof] 15, but I got traumatized early on when I was cleric3. I used [guardian saint] (that’s just 1 guy) and got killed for it so fast.

Kind of not, kind of maybe.

You don’t want partial int on a zealot2 build, the matk skillfactors are simply to low. (82-200% ish)
Str is decent due to both immolation and fanatic illusion ticking often and having excellent patk multipliers (718% and 523% respectively.)
But around 300 spr should add close to 10k dmg per hit while Blind Faith is active (if you have cleric2).

A spr/str hybrid can work imo. But full spr is just so tempting considering how much damage it deals and that zealot2 has plenty of base dmg for when Blind Faith isn’t active anyway.

@Nekorin & @c2gaming.seetoo:

mdef+pdef turned into additional dmg on any hit…

I don’t think I need to say more about kabba3/pala3, do I?


This is interesting , time to test out some stuffs I got in my mind. 5hrs to ktest reset :rofl:

I see. Maybe I’ll go full SPR then aim for STR/pAtk/SP equips

Also IMO pally3 kaba3 is nice tanky combo.
Pally with physical block, and kaba with magical. that magic block itself is great


How does Sanctuary work? It is a channeled spell that whenever we do any hit it will add additional damage based on def to it?

Edit: ohoh, it adds damage to the attack not additional hit.

See this video, it’s a bit old but should be a valid example still:

I know it acts like this:

  • It’s a 10s channel with a 30s cd that requires a shield.
  • It takes 10% of your mdef per skill level and adds it as mdef to all allies within range.
  • It takes 10% of your pdef per skill level and adds it as pdef to all allies within range.
  • It then adds at least the combined value of those two as added damage onto hits. (Thought it was a larger boost, but those aspersion/imd pardoner buffs threw me off guard.)

What I’m not as sure about:

  • If that dmg boost properly works on all allies or something more specific. The text implies it as a group buff but you never know with IMC.
  • What type of dmg it’s supposed to be, if it was bonus we’d see yellow lines but those are absent.
  • If some hits are exempt from this dmg buff somehow.

Is Fanatic illusion a “melee” attack? If it is, would it work with Stormcalling?

Zealot is pretty funny :slight_smile:

still need more practice…

Zealot is pretty much too OP, it’s better than any of the other R7/R8 Classes in the Cleric tree and works well together with any of them. I guess it became Tree of Zealot?

I hate how there aren’t enough Ranks yet to build something viable without Zealot/Bokor C3/Sadhu C3 (although Sadhu C3 is pretty expensive in comparison to Bokor…).
IMC should’ve held the Zealot back till Rank 11 so people can actually choose what they want to play.

Immolation and Fanatic Illusion are way stronger than any Merkabah/Gebura/Double Chance/whatever else and yet IMC decides to give overpowered skills to new Classes so players jump the hype train.
Why do these DoT skills (e.g. Immolation/Incineration/Black Death Steam) have to be so extremely powerful, especially in contrast to the immovable magic circle skills like Cure/Zaibas/Magnus Exorcismus/Exorcise/Hamaya, which are way harder to hit and can’t be moved along?

Atm it’s just limited to trash or Zealot/Tao2/Inqui2/PD3, gg.

Stop making me want to rethink my build to Bokor C3 instead of Krivis C3 q.q

Somehow Krivis3 seems so bad in comparison to Bokor3 (I’ll put in both because I want that additional Effigy, even if it’s just level 5) without any option to put Taoist in my build yet, but there’s no way to know if we recieve another Rank reset at the next Rank update…

Nice. What’s your stat distribution in the video?

STR 300
int 50
I will test dex build later.

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