Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

or Cleric1+Priest3, Exorcise = 25 hits in 10s for Blind Faith(lvl1 only), Stone Skin 20% damage reduction, Bless lvl15 all the time, Monstrance(nice for hig DEX), Revive 50% HP and 10s imunite, Mass Heal 28% HP

I wonder if Geburah works with Cloneā€¦

No, you cannot use geburah, clone, double chance, reduce level together. Only 1 of those skills may be used. The next skill will cancel the previous skill.

@victor_afffff It might not be most effective, however it is possible to go mix stats after patch hits itos. Unidentified items can roll +dex and +spr, for example. If you really want to go priest3-monk3-zealot2.

What do you guys think of this?
Went paladin instead of monk because if I do monk I feel the need to pump DEX but I really want STR-CON

Thanks everyone for the replies!

So yeah, it seems my CryoChrono will become my Enchanter 2, but then I wonder what Iā€™ll do with my current Thauma 3. Maybe Iā€™ll just go for the meme linker 2, thauma 2, featherfoot 3 and keep using it to farmā€¦ That doesnā€™t appeal to me very much though.

As for my Taoist, Iā€™m pretty much sure itā€™ll become an Inquisitor 2, now I just need to decide if Iā€™ll go cleric 3, krivis 3, miko, inquisitor 2, or if Iā€™ll go for krivis 3, paladin 3, inquisitor 2. Decisions decisionsā€¦ From what I gather, the former is a magical damage build and the later a physical one? So INT for the first and STR for the second? Or SPR for the first?

For Geburah, double chance, reduce level, the next skill used will fizzle when a calculation buff is active. It will just do nothing and will not replace the 1st skill.


Here are the videos of Sadhu c3 Kabbalist c3.

Kabbalist isnā€™t that bad, aside from the double chance hit area. The way the class is designed is that Kabbalist is a math based class, and with its skills multiplying damage it will need other classes to have good damage in order to see the results. If one wants to go kabbalist, they will need some investment in attributes first in order to see the rewards. For equipment gearing towards ele prop damage will be great.

Knowing how to place Merkabah effectively is key too. Merkabah circle2 attribute grants all attacks used within its area of influence a 10% damage as additional hit. This 10% additional damage is calculated from total damage (similarly to how Kagura dance/Blind Faith is calculated).

Hence, additional damage bonuses such as blessing are added into the additional damage, making it a really good skill to use when the party wants to burst down a monster. Yes it affects all party members unlike Blind Faith, 10% per hit for the entire party increases party dps substantially.

Seems like OOB (fake multihit) only eats up 1 hit count from Gevurah. What other fake multihits we can try with it?


Cryo 3 chrono3 shadow2 seem good

I was test kriv3 pala3 zealot2 full str last night
it work great


i have gone up a few pages so i can see it but i have not found it, the last one is someone using a new staff with higher trans, can you please repost the video or send me the link?

Hereā€™s one

ar2 sap2 ro2 app bm2
Critical BM


The main Problem is that aside of Bokor/Sadhu, no Class that could benefit from Kabbalist/that Kabbalist would benefit from is within the first 6 Circles, but is located from Circle 6 onwards (i.e. the same Circles that Kabbalist occupies).
In the future (from rank 11 onwards) it will not be a problem to build something really good with Kabbalist, but currently itā€™s just bad as Kabbalist by itself has no damage capabilities and relies on other Classes at lower Ranks which are basically all weaker (except Bokor) than PD,Inquisitor,Zealot or Taoist.

Letā€™s hope they speed up the Rank updates so people can finally make some decent builds.

I couldnā€™t care less about new Classes, I just want to build that Kabba3>Tao3 as fast as possible to have a really good Class combination instead of having to wait for new Classes to appear here and there that wonā€™t fit onto my Kabbalist anyway.

Iā€™m actually using this since forever, but on iTOS itā€™s still bugged [not the attribute itself but the 2nd buff column buff AoE effect <_<] so there goes the combo with Possession/Heal/Cure/whatever.
If it doesnā€™t get fixed, Merkabah is still bad.

Imo they should just add continuous damage to Merkabah, Iā€™ve already made a history&fact backed-up suggestion that would perfectly fit the game and would be easy to introduce 2 months ago:

so that Kabbalist has at least a reliable damage skill that does something on its own without having to rely on other Classes to kill a few monsters.

I guess the developers prefer the sitting duck that stays useless on its own and has no real place in the current meta/endgame.

It doesnā€™t work. YET, you can use Gebura on cloned monsters. You cannot calculate another number on them, but if you have the ā€œminimum x3ā€ attribute it will apply to cloned monsters as well. (Itā€™s the only way to use such skills on cloned monsters. Same goes for double chance.)


Lowered cooldowns and better area for Double Chance. It may be all that Kabbalist need to shine a little bit on the PvE side, so you can use the debuffs a little often.

Oh, and a better thing to do with Reduce Level, cause today it looks useless. Maybe a status condition?

Priest3 will not be a good idea, since pardoner buffs will last flat 60 minutes and are greater in power then own bless on not full spr character.

For me it is a choice between c2 diev2 and c1 krivis 3 for monk3 zealot


does someone know if the new Divine Stigma DOT is compatible with Pandemic? A guild mate is going for krivis2-bokor3-pd3

Did you see any bokor/zealots? I wanted to know whether minions & damballa are affected by immolation/fanatiscm and blind faith just to be sure.


from @greyhiemā€™s extra info pastebin:

ā€œDivine Stigma (Debuff) [fire, magic] (damage over time) Debuff 5 enemies in front of you. The enemies receive damage every second, for 15 seconds. If the debuffed enemy is defeated, you and your party will receive a buff (+STR and +INT). Buff duration = 60s. Enemies with the debuff will receive +50% damage from Zaibas.
Note: Plague doc pandemic does not spread this debuffā€


I play krivis3 bokot3 zealot2 right now (resetted kriv3 pala3). Zombies do not apply debuffs. However bwa kayiman does apply immolation debuff, and so does Damballah. Running around fast with ougouveve and fanatic illusion isnā€™t that bad. Zealot pain barrier skill prevents interruption of bwa kayiman.

edit: will test zombie and faith, fanaticism soon
edit2: tested, zombie damage does not increase with blind faith and fanaticism

Video quick test:

blind faith lvl 1: shouldā€™ve added +5k damage to zombie attacks (and an extra line)
Fanaticism lvl 3: +25% damage (did not notice this increase on zombie attacks)
immolation did not apply through zombie

@Nekorin Thanks for the correction about kabba.

@arkgolf kriv3 pala3 zealot2 easiest to solo. Barrier applying immolation is great. On other zealot builds, survival was more difficult.


I donā€™t get Immolation, now even the chortas/plant dmg combo doesnā€™t work for it?
Does it just ignore majority of dmg buffs for no stated reason or some such?


'Testing: diev druid paladin interactions

Diev attribute: increase damage against plant type targets by 10% per attribute level (max level 2).
Lacking description: only applies to Physical attacks.

Chortasmata lvl 5 = 5 seconds downtime.
The damage does indeed increase by 20% when demolition is used.

(shows image of the card)
The +% damage against plant-type card will be useful.

Problem: if a mob is on Chortasmata, it will change into plant-type.
Smite will lose its damage bonus vs devil-type and mutant-type because they will be changed into plant-type.
(left image smite vs mutant type ~12k damage, right image with chortasmata smite ~7k damage)

Does the bonus plant damage of diev apply properly on immolation?
(left image: 4265 damage, right image with chortasmata: 4338 damage)


Chaplain zealot vs boss

Attack speed bulletmarker2

Reiter bulletmarker2

Ranger rogue Hacka2 farming materials for special orange 350 weapon here

Qs rogue bulletmarker farming weapon materials. here

Runecaster sorcerer enchanter solo dungeon 300 here

multi-stat cleric3 krivi3 kabba zealot2 mobbing here And here

Bokor kabba3 mobbing here