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KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Zealot just got a 5s +200 Crit Rate on the “Teleport” skill along with increased crit damage buff for Blind Faith

It has Monk/Paladin written all over it.

And i love this :blush:

I guess it works fine with Druid 3 too

If you get Druid c3 you can’t get Zealot c2. Blind Faith with any good skill of Cleric is awesome but looks like the best option is Monk.

for everyone wanting to know after patch blind faith


Well well, look at this, they totally mess up with Blind Faith. The skill sure needed a nerf, but this… they turn the skill to a poor Blessing. *facepalm

Too fast


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Don’t forget druid 3 will crit way more often than monk. So immolation will already do stupid tons of dmg. With the teleport attribute and druid 3, you would be sitting on 400 crit easy without gear. Come rank 10 your damage just gets even more stupid.

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^That’s what I’m talking about. Druid 3 doesn’t need Blind Faith and can be good with the crit rate from Zealot.

That’s damage based on his atk, not a fixed value like bless.

That thing with a trans weapon will be ridiculous. It’s almost a 200% total increase in damage for that one shot/skill.

Thanks. I understand the description now. What I read was ‘proc count increase +1 per attribute level’, it seems it doesn’t mean overheat use count.

It increases the amount of procs per hit, without affecting the hit limit of 10.
Without atribute: 1 x 10 hits, disappear.
Attribute lvl 1: 2 x 5 hits, disappear.
Attribute lvl 2: 3 x 3 hits, +1 hit, disappear.
With max attribute: 2 x 4 hits, + 2 hits, disappear.

That conversion rework is looking promising, just curious atm if Sanctuary can buff the dmg of minions as well.

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Linker-Featherfoot enervation interaction and hitcount:

On mobs: here

Added description of new sage2 attributes, lancer2 quantain attribute, to the pastebin.
Also, matador capote attribute was nerfed to flat 50 crit resist debuff (OLD: 50% crit resist debuff).


what does the enervation attribute do???

Sorry It was a mistake, this skill doesn’t has attribute. Was only to show a video about it. I’m loving ff3, and this interation of the skill with linker is OMG

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Bayonet thrust new attribute
back slide is pretty fast

perfect combo with butt stroke
Butt Stroke > Bayonet Thrust > other musket skill

the big problem of all archer classes skill spam is the SP


Zealot Monk question:

Immolation and Fanatic illusion + Iron Skin and Golden Bell Shield
how the skills interact ? Iron Skin Does reflect the damage you are causing yourself, or does it only grant immunity to self damage? Golden Bell Shield grant immunity to self damage?

New one pretty balance, if you got 20k sp, it can deal like 10k dmg per hits ignore everything.

New att was pretty good ,seem buff Burst build. It give 50% cri dmg for short range for 10s

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apparently you didnt played druid ?
Base crit on druid with leather armor is 500
So with teleport it would be 700
Not great but not bad either

Well with how blind faith works now full con is way to go for my paladin/healbomb I guess so I can have self dmg buffs permanently on

Well and heal bomb with recovery and blessing (from pardoner) and 600% magic attack bonus at boss will be nice usualy boss get hit with 10 tiles from 16 so thats 228 % *2 +600% *10 (not counting dmg atribute) dmg burst, not sure if recovery doubles again or it only doubles heal.
Or in case of maxed out cure its 42 hits per cca 720% Magic Attack if you can keep him standing on it for whole duration.

Other skills in that Cleric/Paladin/Kabbalist/Zealot kit wont come handy with blind faith I guess.
ANd I do not want to go obvious Krivis route to just semi afk farm in same areas with all circle dmg auras.