Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

pretty cool video

sadly split arrow lv5 has lower skill factor than NEW pheasant lv 1 that hit 15 enemies


Jesus, i want that costume:/

Completed Nak Muay unlock guide (in Korean):

Challenge mode falconer3 mergen1 (not Inje) here

Mario build wizard Challenge mode

Mario build solo dung 300 here

Still no wizard rework :tired:



Do you mind telling me what is that Mario build? All i can guess is Wiz3 RC Enchanter 2, looks so fun with Rune of Giant :stuck_out_tongue:

And can you suggest me any farming build with RC in it?

Mario build base is: thauma3 + Runecaster + Enchanter2.
When you jump and land with giant mode, you will deal Auto-attack effects in AoE on your landing spot. It will apply all hit-effects. You must combo normal attack during jump + landing on enemy to deal a lot of damage.

During giant mode, you cannot use most wizard skills. You are able to auto-attack, jump, wizard1+2+3 skills, and runecaster skills.

wizard2 surespell to prevent runecaster skill interrupt.
Pyro1 for enchant fire before turning into giant (or buy enchant fire scrolls)
wizard3 surespell & quick cast for runecaster skills.

This build is able to farm.

Other farming build with RC:
At HG 340, wIthout thauma: here if you add thauma, you must replace warlock.
and same build at HG 300 here
Consider wiz2/3 + link2/3 + thauma2/3 + Runecaster. You will have limited attack options. Keep in mind runecaster is not popular.

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pls if you do not mind your lodge name in th-tos, server G or V? your guild?


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hi @jmunnj I do not have a character on Thai ToS server :disappointed_relieved: Have steam server and Korea servers

oh my misunderstanding sry :slight_smile:

your posts make a good read. i ve enjoyed them.

:smiley: ขอบคุณครับ! Thai ToS players watch steam server forum?

yeah there are many interesting good reads here.

i like to explore new ideas. perhaps smthing out of meta. r9 is hitting th-tos on 11th Jan. how should i proceed with the new contents? any advice is most welcomed.

my main is cleric2 paladin3 kabb2 (soon to be 3) my gears are pretty good so i spread out my stats con int and some str. my weaps are skull smash +24 tran10 and Emenguard +11. i was considering using rod as i have minimal crit chance and magic rod atk attribute does appeal (that +20% m.atk att too). but not sure if worth the investment or not.

i like that kabb will be able to block magic. what do you think of kabb3 in general? thoughts on new skills? new atts?

thanks for sharing your thoughts.

cleroc 3 paladin3 kabb2 (3)

i missed a circle lol

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Thai ToS is quite slow, but faster than indonesia tos! Will you have a rank reset event? If you have the reset event, try a new build every day and decide which build you like most.

Interest in story and stat point:
Proceed getting new Zemyna statues at Lanko 22 Waters, Tekel Shelter, Nazarene Tower => new quests for stat points if you like it.

Interest in farm and silvers:
-Open the Mystical cube on all your characters if you have not opened it yet. The cube should immediately give you practonium.
-Run dungeon 300 every day, it will be very quick (under 10 min) with 5 players. You will all receive equal rewards with 100% clear. Fast exp, fast silver.
-Farm new materials and sell those. When new patch hits, most players will pay a lot for the new materials because they think the materials are difficult to get. Actually the materials are very easy to get.
-Farm new equipment, I recommend the Challenge Mode. If you get raid stone recipes, craft the stone and sell the stone. You could also run the raid yourself and hope to get a recipe and sell it for big profit. Because the recipe drop rate is low, selling stones might get you a higher profit. Stones can go for 1~2 mil, I predict. If you are strong, you could farm Mithril and Opal at the new Hunting Grounds 340 to sell. Mithril and Opal is needed to craft raid portal stones.
-Open a shop on your alt-shop characters. I recommend Sage2 taxi can sell for high profit. Put taxi to new maps for 10’000 - 15’000, players are willing to pay it with fresh rank-9 release.

Because you have a very strong weapon (+24 and trans10), I think you might be lacking damage potential on a paladin3 - kabba3 build. If you need damage, I recommend switching to a bokor3 - kabbalist3 build. The +20% max. magic atk attribute applies to 1-handed mace and rod. You will not be able to use it on a paladin3 build because paladin is Physical-attack based.

If you continue paladin3 - kabbalist3, you will be more support/tank. Paladin cannot use the new skill demolition without 2-handed mace, so you will be a tank support with a strong weapon.

Playstyle is mostly damballah:

Of course, builds without kabba3 is possible too, such as Paladin3 - kabba2 - inquisitor1. Will you be keeping kabbalist2 -> kabbalist 3?

On this forum, @ReportofAusterity plays bokor3 - cleric3 - kabbalist3.

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indeed very interesting. i nvr thought about having bokor in my build before and i will consider it now. thanks for your input @greyhiem

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I just got 5 vouchers this month :sad:
I cann’t get more baby pig vouchers after that patch?

Pelta3 Highlander2 Doppel1 Matado2 solo dungeon 300

Low budget meta AA cleric challenge mode 5 solo (viena mace)

Krivis and a zealot duo challenge mode here

After playing some weeks with Bokor3>Kabba3, I can’t really recommend this build. Not so much because it is lacking damage but because it lacks in the Kabbalist part.

Kabbalist is simply a badly designed Class that doesn’t work in the actual game. Neither do people need the HP&healing boost of Ein Sof [people will just ask for you to have the SP recovery attribute active and if you put it down, in 3 of 4 cases they just outright ignore the magic circle], nor do the other skills of Kabbalist do anything spectacular.

Revenged Sevenfold is total garbage, even with zombies or Merkabah the skill can’t kill any monsters higher than level 300, has a high CD time and doesn’t prevent getting your equipment damaged.

Double Chance is really niche, and since the new Bokor skill “Summon: Cancel Attack” has no actual effect at all, chances are high that any zombies out in the field will be quicker to use the skills effect than you thanks to the stupid skill delay&cast animation (I’ve got no idea why IMC keeps designing flawed skills that can be triggered by weak-@$$ summons).

Geburah has the same problem, you can basically only use it after you cast Damballa, and thanks to animation&delay, if you have mikro lag/stuttering, chances are high you missed your opportunity and thus the reborn zombies will use up Geburahs effect with their basic attacks.

Merkabahs Divine Protection attribute also is faulty, because the chariot AoE-intersections cancel out the buff, leaving you buffless for quite a long time.

The worst aspect of the Kabbalist Class is that you have no value in partyplay because most players are too dumb to actually use your Double Chance/Geburah;
instead, they keep whacking the monsters restlessly with their autoattacks and noob skills even if you’re casting Gematria&Notarikon, which should be a clear sign to everyone with more than 3 brain cells to stop their random attacks/autoattacks, especially those Reiters/Quarrel Shooters/Chaplains/Bullet Markers.

And that’s not all, you actually lose your own boost this way,too, because the debuff is gone already during the cast delay and before you can trigger the effect yourselves(especially aggrevating at boss monsters which could be brought down in a matter of seconds if others used their brains to think other stuff than “kill, kill,kill”).
My Kabba can kill boss monsters in Saalus faster than most whaled out murmnobis or other characters, although I’m only using Geburah&Damballa and/or Merkabah+Heal to deal damage, but only when soloing, because of said problem.

That’s why, if you play Bokor3>Kabba3, you will only be effective in solo play, in party play you will suffer through your teammates incompetence& missing cooperation, basically a lone-wolf Class build.


You explain the problems of kabba2 & 3 pretty well. For this reason, I opted to go bokor3 > pd2 > kabba1 instead of Kabba2/kabba3 or pd3. For me, kabba best feature is free SP recovery with ein sof attribute.

Kabba is very strong in pvp though. i do gvg quite regularly (arranged btw guilds). im not full con and ein sof (re sp attribute off) gets me to 300k hp. p.def and m.def around 10k its very hard to destroy that.

Oh you are PvP/GvG player. Yes I will recommend paladin3-kabba3 at GvG.
Guild colony war does not have TBL nerfs. So you will have strong revenged 7 fold (long duration) and long ein sof.

I recommend priest2-paladin3-kabba3 for Guild Colony Wars. 120 second revive buff is strong together with 2x Ein sof 15.

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