Tree of Savior Forum

Known Issues - UPDATED (April 12th)

getting a new error, “CommanderLoadFail” GGGGG

I have a problem with connecting with orsha, i can play in Klaipedia without a problem, but when a try to connect to Orsha 1.- Cannot connect to server 2.-Connect to server but in character select take me out 3.- Connect but logout in 3 seconds :confused:

I just leveled up and never got my stat point. Is it in a database somewhere or is my character permanently ruined?

This is same to what happened to me.

I have the following problem . My launcher opens and closes.

Already deleted the path of the file folder.

I checked the files. The following message appears when you finish checking the files

I’ve done several procedures and so far nothing .

Yeah, no thank you. I’d rather not lose my Team name.

this is happening to me too

Solution to this problem?

I’m having the same problem, I leveled up twice and got none on both levels

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I haven’t had any problems with the stats or anything, just the immense lag. Everything else has been fine. I started playing about 10am EDT this morning and was doing just fine…didn’t get bad until the last couple hours for me…
No bugs, just intense lag…Just need more servers to handle the load.

30 minutes later i “leveled up”. Got the mana restore and my stat point. Bizarre.

lol that’s how bad the lag is

Please help me! I try #1 solution, validate the files but doesn’t work.
Please ,someone help me!!!

The 2 biggest and annoying issues:
Can’t interact with npcs without get a huge delay
Use exp cards with a huge delay


First post here because the issue are so bad. You guys better do FREE full team transfers + all founders items + already used tokens. Simply ridiculous and unfair to founders who bought and used their tokens already.

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Still none on mine, but ill wait xD

I was able to advance class after waiting for like 5 minutes because of the server load/lag.

Angry angry angrrrrrry… very dissapointed! :confused: lag everywhere

Legit question: Will I be able to play on EU server if I used my premium on Klaipeda, or should I take a 2 week break until people leave and I may play my Klaipeda character that i used premium on? Can you finally solve this issue that happened due to your own incompetence, and finally make the EU server useful for the majority that already used their premium items BEFORE YOU ANNOUNCED EU SERVER? Because posting 3 lines about EU server going live before you launched the game was beyond your limit? That’d help with Klaipeda/Orsha lag aswell. Will I be able to transfer my TP and Token buff to Fedimian?


Could you answer my questions without any PR bullcrap?