Tree of Savior Forum

Known Issues - UPDATED (April 12th)

hello guys

hello I’m just a new player of this game, I just started playing yesterday and right now I have encountered a problem that prohibits me from playing the game. can someone help me with this? before this happened… when i was still playing, when i tried using the portal it says channel is full then it transfered me back to the lodge screen then when i tried to enter again it said server is closed when i was trying to restart the game it showed this …I don’t know if this is a patch update or what… but I know the game is up to date so I wonder why is it like this and it won’t even start downloading … I’ve been trying to solve the problem for hours now… does anybody have a suggestion on what to do or does anybody know what is happening?

my server is Varena by the way

Sea Varena server down… cant log in. im logging in to Varena and it says “Access to the Telsiai server is temporarily restricted for new players. Please check our announcements on the official forums or Steam community for more details.” PLEASE HELP!! why cant i buy the dlc on steam? is it available or not. or do you have micro transactions like buying tp coins. the people at sea is outraged :slight_smile:

Currently, Us from the [SEA]Varena server, were experiencing some issues in connecting the server. This message always pop out “Access to the Telsiai server is temporarily restricted for new players. Please check our announcements on the official forums or Steam Community for more details.” even though we’re clearly trying to connect to the Varena server.

Time: 9:18 AM GMT+8

This has already occurred on other players several hours ago.
So Please FIX this soon ASAP


Note: This is the message that pops out after trying to connect to [SEA]Varena server.

I think what the developers are doing is to merge the two sea servers. It is only a though though hehe

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Please Fix the Forum

And also “put more coal” for [SA] Silute, the daily maintenances aren’t working and the server is SO crowded and laggy.

Channels are dying fast


“Known Issues”

FPS Lag aint in your list xD

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I’m still waiting for a fix on Long Stride!!!

#Please IMC

It has been found that this problem is especially prevalent with users of Windows 10 insider preview, build 14332. It’s also been found that many Tencent games do not work with this build of Windows. Hopefully this will help you pinpoint the problem.

I got stuck in my main character after entered Tenet Church 1F map(Klaipeda). When I try connect to the channel, my game go back to server selection painel.
I tried create a new character, with other class in other map (Orsha) and got stuck after entering a lvl 19 map. Now I have two characters bugged since 05/11 and 0 disposal to create other character…

Server: Silute (SA)
Team Name: Thanattos
Characters Name: Dark (Archer) and Evil (Wizard)
Steam User: havokthereapert

Hi IMC staffs,

I was reading you latest maintenance notes and saw that Telsiai was suppose to be open to new players not, but that’s not the case. Is there a reason for this?

fix the channels problem first

Hey, I’m having some problems, could someone help me?

When I choose my Character and the channel, I click on “Start Game” button but i doesn’t conect.
I created another character, and with this one I can play, but I’d like to play with my older one.

Silute is so Crowded and laggy, we need another server

sir this is 2fast4u from sea varena…I have problem regarding negotiation quest in zacharial crossroad. cannot click the totem which leads to fighting bearkaras…I tried restarting quest but still cant…pls help


What about an update on this thread? Has IMC decided to stop communicating on “knows issues” at all, now? There has not been an update on this topic for over a MONTH, it’s allmost like the last bit of integrity has died with @STAFF_Julie. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want the moderator team to talk trash about IMC like @STAFF_Julie did in some posts, but you guys really need to step up in terms of community management!

So please, let us know what you’re working on and what is an issue in your (IMC’s) eyes right now.


i mean really next to the technical issue they just should remove all non tank classes from swordies since in their mind the obviously arent needed and they never tested them anyways so why not just removing them.

Its a shame they had to kick Julie, she was the only one that seemed to care.

There is a weapon swap issue with musketeer/cannoneer where when using one of the rank7 skills it auto swaps your weapon, it looks like the weapon swap itself causes a massive drop in FPS for effectively the duration of the skills.

Restarting your client will relieve the issue for a very short time(maybe 10 minutes at best) but it makes the game relatively unplayable.