Tree of Savior Forum

Known Issues - UPDATED (April 12th)

Make “hide other player” feature!

It should help with the lag

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Shawn

And you should really add Trade. Its annoying how i cant trade with my friends who doesnt have token…

I also get white screen a lot…

As a workaround there is a setting in one of the xml files where u can change how many players should be drawn at once

How do you do that? O.o

At work right now and can’t check. But there was a topic bout performance tips in the forums somewhere that talked bout it

Okay, when you are available plsssss do share. Ty in advance!

Though, They should just add that feature so we don’t have to tweak anything… it’s the only mmo i played without “hide other player” feature…

There you go!

Yey! Thank you! So fingers crossed I don’t mess up my game… :stuck_out_tongue:

Great idea, since with the current trade and loot systems, the game feels like an enhanced single player game anyway.

Umm, sure it’s limited but it’s far from “enhanced single player game”. Or would you call LoL one of these?

I agree some trade limitations are obsolete, but I can’t see any solution to this currently. Suggestion above won’t help to get rid of botters/gold sellers.

Oh, you took that for serious? Also, That suggestion was not supposed to help with the RMT guys, look at the context again.

Why dungeon not yet list as known issues?!
OMG please fix the dungeon!!!
Everytime i’m trying to get in I get disconnected from server :persevere:

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I allready see the patch beeing done tomorrow and the dungeons are still bugged xD

just like those CBT’s maintenance :no_mouth:

Responsiveness is very happy, thank you for what you are doing! :relaxed:

The best advice 11. Disabling Shout Chat on top of the screen.

i laughed so hard when it’s empty… it’s like all the character there put a “Seriously now?” face.

6 days and im still not in game yet nor has the issue been marked as “known”. are u guys just gonna ignore all the posts from the group of us that cant even make it past the server select screen

If you’ve tried all the solutions they suggested, it would be more effective for you to send in a support ticket rather than post in this giant thread. From what I can tell most players seem to be able to enter the game at least some times so your problem may not get escalated as quickly as you’d like.

IMC have a lot of problems right now so they are probably trying to multitask on all of them. They got big issues mang. Good luck resolving your issue ^^;

When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/Team/server/class details, and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. That way we can have more information to work with on a more specified problem allowing it to be resolved faster.

Do we have any word about the FDP drop and graphical configurations?
I feel like this should be threated as a known issue, since it is being reported by so many players and demotivate us to play the game. In my case, I have already applied the workarounds for the user.xml file to have some improvement on my game experience, but is really frustrating to play a 2D game that drops my FPS even thou there are much more graphical dependent games that I run in 60 fps normally.
IMC Dev and support, please let us have a word on the current research status regarding this issue.

Any updates in regards to the Goddess Saule bug?

I’m having the same issue!