They want people to spend money on the product they need to give people information?
I for one will not dump more money inot this game if the stuttering doesn’t get fixed.
its rather alarming if thats the case because then it means IMC has major security holes. Wont be long before the stollen account sprees start
that would mean the game is using your onboard graphics or cpu instead of an actualy sole GPU card. This is either bad optimization. You have to turn off your onboard graphics. Or you are using a potato machine that wasnt made for actual gaming.
It’s true, sometimes my computer take like 8.5/9 fps.
My computer specify:
i5 4690k
16gb ram ddr3
Motherboard: asus model: Z97m-plus/br
hd ssd 120gb
hd sata 2 tb
driver video: r7 370 amd
power sourche: 750w real
Só it’s probaly 59/60 fps at least.
Please refer to the topic bellow:
I wish people would stop saying the stutter is peoples machines… Your telling me that 80% of the people that play this game have bad machines? BS, I’ve spent my share of time trying to fix the problem and it doesn’t get better.
The first few hours the server opened up there was absolutely no stutter at all. I haven’t seen that since and like I said if they want people to throw more money at them in the shop they can’t expect that with how it is.
Just wanted to say that the party finder in the Lvl 50 dungeon is bugged. You get command loader failure + crash everytime you use it. Its making leveling during that level phase ALOT slower because no exp bonus % for using the finder.
There’s an issue with the Fatigue Crystal on Pilgrim Path Map that seems to cause parties to crash when interacting with it. Approach at your own risk !!

So you’re telling me that all my character items (my hats! ) will be lost if I choose to move to an EU server to play with people from my region?
So, IMC confirmed not to work on weekends? Even the week their game launches? Great company.
Law is not something to be looked down. Give them some break
Give them a break? We paid to be here and they are deciding to not work on the weekend. No competent company does that during a launch as plagued as this. The compensation for all this failure had better be substantial or this game isn’t going to recover.
I can not play anymore with this lag , every day has lag! tidies this problem, PLEASEEEEEEEE!
- QUEST : To Gateway to the Great King
We are aware that there are issues with this quest and are working on a solution. Apologies for the inconvenience that this is causing. In the meantime, we recommend trying to go to Orsha and completing quests in that area for those players that find no other quests for that level.
This haven’t been fixed? I am now in this map but no main quest at all…finished the quest from Orsha as well…what can I do now? Complete all side quests and grind?
Hit the nail on the head, my man. The engine bottleneck is so fixed specifically on single core speed it makes me wonder what they think all our huge, chromed, humming graphics cards are for.
What do you mean Law is not something to be looked down? There aren’t any laws stating that people can’t work weekends, trust me I know that well enough first hand. Most companies in the online gaming business have some people that work the weekends to resolve issues that occur over the weekends. During launch week of any business it’s generally accepted “Hey we’re going to be really busy this week and will probably have to pull overtime or get some more people in”. It comes with the territory.
Am I saying they shouldn’t have a life outside of work? No, but they should have extra bodies in there to help cover the situation while the others are getting some time off to rest and recover. The game doesn’t shut down over the weekend, if anything the weekends are when it will be its busiest.
Hi, since Klaipeda’s recent crash, my main cannot log in. I am constantly getting commanderloaderror.
Please advise. Thanks!