Tree of Savior Forum

Known Issues: September 5, 2017

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kek, what about this - Necro pet bug help! ? Necro die on all this week until next scheduled maintenance? :joy:
Nice work IMC. I think you will prepare VERY GOOD compensation.


I think you guys also forgot to add 2 month old costumes into the exchange shop. Or did your superiors decide that all costumes from now are going to be time limited gacha only and won’t even appear in exchange shop when they get old?

As for the summon bug, I tested with my sorcerer and my summons (demon, familiar and salamion) just briefly spawn with no hp and die in one hit, but they’re normal after a few seconds. I have no necro to test with.

EDIT: after talking with a few people, it seems necro summons simply forget to adjust their stats after summoning unlike how the sorcerer summons adjust theirs after a second or so. But still, now you can’t summon stuff in combat cause they’ll melt instantly in that 1 second they are vulnerable with no stats.

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bokor summon bugged too what a joke

So she said.


so they need to let us know if every costume from now on is time limited gacha, cause that’s a pretty valid reason for me to stop spending TP ever again. It will also help people who do spend on gacha know that they can inflate the market prices to unreasonable amounts since you know, time limited and gacha

more issues: Fishing Event props (sign board, teaset, plate cover etc.) and even paperbox doesn’t work anymore


oh i was just about to ask this ‘w’/

Just like Necro’s skeletons/Bokor’s Zombies, it seems like Sapper’s traps ( Stockades ) are affected too.

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Im getting an error whenever I try to repair my equipments in a squire shop (crafter is still using the skill)

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Current list:

  • Squire cant repair itens. (new)


  • Bokor and Nrcromancers summons are stuck at Lv1. (new)


  • Telekinesis insta VGA. (close to half-year old)


  • Thauma big head + small hat. (2 months old)


  • Plague Doctor poison is not spreading. (1 month old)


  • Forums cant load pictures. (1 month old)


  • Rune caster, rune of giants moviment animation desynchronization. (3 months old)


*Rummors that warlock is buged too after this patch.


  • Oracle skill: “Change” is giving random Lv to monsters after use. (new)


  • Cryomancer’s Snow Man, from snow rolling skill hp: 1. (new)


I demand one extra character slot as minimum COMPENSATION, for every player of iToS. This last update was a complete fiasco!! Not as much as DPK fiasco, but yet a fiasco. - Pinata


I think that this item shouldn’t be in my inventory

This one is still unresolved since begin of July:

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I’s not just the Squire shop, the NPC repair doesn’t work either. Only the repair kits work, but they restore only 5 durability.

I see what you did there XD

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Not as single Squire shop is working in Klaipeda [NA] @STAFF_Letitia send help

I found the solution!

Just delete the Wings Test from your inventory and voila! Worked for me.

Didn’t even have those wings in the first place. Still doesn’t work.

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I don’t give a f…

A big “Hooray!” for the week of the bees! It’s a bit extreme but well whatever ;3