Tree of Savior Forum

Exchange shop - no new items to exchange - Fedimian server

so… no new items like fairy costume and gothic one… nice IMC


I was about to create a topic as well :wink:

So let’s sum it up

New event? Not working.
Exchange Shop? Nothing.
Summons? Complete pushovers now.

And this without ANY new content.

So basically IMC somehow managed it to change nothing but adds some problems to the pool.

We are better off without patch

How about the issue in Fedimian, without new exchange shop items and the new event not working?

Yes, no new items were added to the exchange shop~

why? and what is the point of this shop now?

Why, due to the common system the forest fairy and wizard gothic dress were supposed to be added today. Since they vanished from the current cube right now they are unable to get at all.

Why would IMC want to suddenly change a system they established themself?

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so its not possible now to get this costumes!?

Dear staff, not to be rude or anything, i can completely understand if

  1. Tuxedo Cat
  2. Fried Chicken Poodle
  3. Popolion Costume

The above mentioned 3 costume packages are not included in the medal exchange shop for this update as it is explicitly stated in the goddess blessed cube announcement dated July 3rd as shown in the link.
Which should imply that the Forest Fairy and Wizard gothic dress is to be added this patch. Unless you guys have decided to change your policy without notifying the players?

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I kind of sad to see an admin staff reply in this way it just shatters the hopes of those costumes we can;t obtained. So what the current decision by your upper levels for itos? We getting a different treatments all the time. We understand we can’t have the same benefits ktos have due to the amount of players and cultures.

Or am i right to say that sales of those previous goddess cubes costumes wasn’t good enough to bring them to the exchange shop?

I very disappointed with the reply from staff like these, at this point the server already hitting low peak the amount of players online and queues on mission/saluas is getting lesser. At this rate i won’t even bother to renew token and buy anymore goddess/lectitia cubes.


i think its pointless now to even buy these cubes! chance to get item is too lov and u cant even spend medals now :smiley: only for old costumes who nobody want ! GG IMC u ruining this game AGAIN

@STAFF_Letitia Are you planning to add those costumes in the exchange shop eventually? Or from now on we can’t obtain past goddess cubes costumes? Are they time limited? Is that correct?

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I’m so confused right now @_ @. So, changing without telling us… (the percentage of trust is decreasing)

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So kTOS gets to pick their costumes while we get gacha with no possibility of getting them through the exchange shop.

Nice. How much longer do you think this model will work before your game dies?


Actually, I’m pretty sure little Leticia only checked the logs seeing “no costumes were added” and thus, stated it upon my direct approach not thinking about what it may cause.

She’s not the one who decided it, nor the one having concrete knowledge about what imc is planning. For all we know it’s perfectly possible imc just forgot to separate these two costumes supposed to come to the exchange shop due to lack of time and will to effort.

Whatever the cause may be, I don’t care much.

I just ■■■■■■■ want my fancy gothic wizard costume!!! ò_ó

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Nice way to make your costumers happy. Congratulations!

By the way, why do we have gachas with costumes while koreans can get them with tp? It doens’t make sense. I don’t think korean people deserve better threatment than the non-korean players.

Kinda unfair.


i need popolion costume pls add to exchang shop

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Till today we at least had the “at least we can wait and exchange later” option. Now even that’s off the table.

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Really? You guys from iTos’s management are eating MERDA? Or it’s really stupid, because every day that passes this server sucks!

channels falling straightforward, bugs at every turn … Seriously, come on, do you really know what you’re doing? For, in my opinion, they are all a bunch of amateurs, SABEM PORRA NENHUMA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO, so little how to make money!

Come back 6 houses

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So, Staff, if you’re changing your policy regarding the gacha TP items, it would be only fair to warn your costumers BEFORE the change, the way it’s being done looks like some kind of scam actually :confused:

And if it’s being done as a sort of punishment for the boycott on the gacha system, that’s even worse, because is like you’re telling your COSTUMERS, the people who generates profits for you guys, you wont listen to their complaints and will punish them for not liking your way of doing things!

That is exactelly how you push away cashing players. If that’s how things are gonna be from now on. please say your goodbyes, not to me, but to my monthly 990-1500 TP purchases, because a company this dishonest does not deserve my business or support in any kind of way, and good luck to you guys sinking your own boat :slight_smile: