Tree of Savior Forum

Kill Stealing - Is it against the Terms of Service?

That’s a very smart solution. Make a list of the team names of ksers and they will pay for it later. I like this. I will start doing this too.

Nor should you be forced to party with people.

The game shouldnt FORCE you to do anything. Encourage yes. Enforce, no.

MMOs should be about the freedom to do things, not railroading you.

Hence, there are more then 1 channel.

Allow PvP. KS problem solved. 10 more created.

Well at least I do care. I wouldn’t want to get banned just because some crybaby would be able to report me after I killed few mobs before moving on and it would actually end up getting me banned, just because I didn’t understand the ToS correctly. Not that I think this example case would be possible but it wouldn’t hurt anyone if we got general guidelines on what kind of behaviour is acceptable.

I kind of understand that they have more important stuff to do currently, so they don’t want to encourage people reporting other players unless it’s really game breaking and they wouldn’t want to encourage too hostile behaviour either. I think this is why we don’t have any comments on this matter yet.

Don’t be ridiculous.
IMC has better things to do than babysit players who complain about killsteal.
Switch channel or get in a group

there is you dont like the “ks” move on.
i will do this if i need to :slight_smile:

as for forced to party or what ever. no one forcing you to do anything. parting up helps you to not be ksed .

I don’t care about KSing. I have KSed been KSed and I moved on. KSing will be an issue in almost any game, cool. But I just want clarification on their ToS.

I know, i know… but still, there will never be anything like a ban for KS.

I bet, only previous private server RO players are complaining about KSing. I don’t get it why is everyone here says, that somehow i shoud respect other players and not KS them, when they don’t respect me and steal mobs from MY grindspot? All things you linked from Terms of Service can be used to exact this situation - You’ve came to my grindspot my Xp/hr rate droped by half - you’re harrasing me, and disrupting my gameplay, so this shoud ne reportable and bannable. If there shoud be a rule about KSing, there shoud be a rule to respect that spot is taken too, you know? I’ve never KS players that are already grabbing thier pack of mobs if i’m just passing by, but if you came to a place where i repeatedly grind - i’ll definetly try to take as much mobs from you as possible.

Here…was the trick for RO.

On RO after a while you could just kill them.

Time to mark every mobs and accuse other player for ksing my mobs.

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The clerics have the power of life and death

No see, that’s KSing me because you’re tagging things that I was going to kill!

how old are you? maybe u should go back to minecraft, kappa

Oh fk off, you are KSing me for going to kill things I’m going to kill.

No Kappa

Wow, i didnt expect this ammount of replies.

I mostly made this thread to get clarification on the Terms of Service, so i know ahead of time if such actions are reportable, i dont really care about the accidental or one off KS, i care about following and repeteadly KSing. And for those that say that mobs are free for all, then no, your freedom ends when another person’s freedom starts.

World bosses give rewards to the top 5 DPS and their parties, it’s obviously the intent of world bosses is to be fought among multiple ppl and KS is irrelevant on those, why did someone even bring it up.

Botting and Advertise Spamming is against the Terms of Service, guess what happens to the. Oh…

About KSing ut seems like they want TOS to be survival of the fittest. Wanted to start as Wiz 3 which is the lowest end of the food chain…
So I rolled a Ranger with maximum Barrage.

LOL this made me laugh XD but i see your point.

Actually. The last hit means nothing for loot.