Tree of Savior Forum

Key request error

It is unlikely that facebook or google sign up will present the problem.
The more logical reason would be based on some sort of activity in forums or what not (or some other criteria that they programmed into their filtering system)…
This is to filter out people signing up with multiple accounts.

But note that this is just speculation on my side. If you’d like, ask your friend or whoever has this problem to msg the staff directly. They will most likely provide you with an account specific answer.

My friend signed up with Facebook and didn’t wrote a single thing in here, he got the key 2 days ago trough the email. I actually don’t know what’s the problem and if there is one, but for now we (I’m talking for those who didn’t get the key) should wait a bit more… I’m sure they will see all those same posts and will clarify if there is something that went wrong or other things.

I signed up with Facebook and press the red button when 56 000 were on it, the key is not given.

I’m in the same case, i signed up when the number of subscribers was around 33 000 (i’m using google+) and i didn’t get the key. In my group we are 3 not getting it and we live in France. Wait and see what will happen till the 27.

Well i want to say that this is not true. My frind just registred on 18 oct, pressed 1 button(get the key) did not even select ages and not login on forums even single time. He lives not so far away from me, we have same Internet provider and guess what? My friend got key, i got nothing :smiley: We have both the same mail agent(in case of people saying that you need only GMail), we both logined through facebook, we both pressed join for beta in the same time. So i think it’s just random, nothing special there.

Here is some news for you guys.

There is still hope, I appreciate your help and that’s all right.

hello there.
i got the same problem. when i click the [Check your beta key] it says:

It is so unfortunate that we could not accommodate you for the Beta Test
this time since your conditions did not meet our requirements.(ex:
registrants from the countries where TOS has local publishers and etc)

Yes, and the way our chances are slim, the message posted they still did not understand the problem because they think that our keys are delayed, that’s not what happened, they were refused, there is no use looking at the e-mail because we do not have the requirements to participate in the beta according to the system.
So it’s like if we had trying to participate illegally, has nothing to do with delays in the system.

Hi friends live in Brazil and I have the same problem you did not get my key and my friends yeah … I wonder if I can still get or I start crying already?

I’ve gotten the same issue please! @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_Marikim

oh dears…

I got the same problem
“It is so unfortunate that we could not accommodate you for the Beta Test
this time since your conditions did not meet our requirements.(ex:
registrants from the countries where TOS has local publishers and etc”
even though i registered right date :frowning:

Same as above, oh well…

I just really want to know the problem when I check the beta key icon. And says you did not meet the requirements. What is that requirements?? And how long will I wait for the key

So I have clicked on the button, and dont receive any key… that’s fucki… unfair…I wanna test the game too.

Very frustrating this situation, my friends are all with the game installed and ready to play tomorrow, as for me, I was the first to sign up and introduced the game to them, I will not play for a system error. Meanwhile I see several people selling their keys and I was not receiving my and no official response.

This is kind of unfair. Those in countries with local publishers keep receiving keys (although I do know they cannot play later on).
I’m in Singapore, I registered through school network and I also got that kind of message.
No idea how key distribution work.
Btw, I encountered the same problem during iCBT1 in early August.

i regis 22 oct but got message timely manner lol, miss again cbt2… ■■■■ it

Register at 22 Oct???
LOL,that’s too late bro… too late

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Same problem here :frowning: