Tree of Savior Forum

Key request error

Hi friends, my name is Mauro from Brazil.

I made my registration for the next beta test, my registration number as 54.221, however, when I click in "[Check your Beta Key] in main site, i get the message that my country has no local publishers, which makes no sense because my brothers signed up and received, my friends also. :weary:

Just calm, did we pass 23 October?
After 23 October u can create a topic like this since itā€™s deadline of Beta key distribution.
Keys still given out, all system need IMC to update, they just got in hand new keys, so just wait


Hi, thanks for reply.
The problem is that my friend put this option and received the key, however, my said to have been refused.

Like i said, just wait, key still be given out.
System still need time to work with

Ok friend, thank you again, Iā€™ll wait and hope to be all right. THX

I think a topic like this is reasonable already, since the messages (there are multiple types of key checking messages) contain very detailed reasons why you didnā€™t get a key, suggesting that the system already checked your account and found that you donā€™t meet the requirements (whatever those were). So it is better to notify the developers now (during the key distribution phase) then waiting many days until it is to late for the devs to change anything. Maybe it is an error they can fix now before it means even more work for them. And if this is not the case, the devs will just ignore the messages from this forum and everyone will be happy.

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Yes, thatā€™s what I tried to explain in my post, my account was refused because I did not meet the requirements, however, I attend all of them and there was an error in judgment. How do I get in touch with the developers?

U can contact Staff via PM on forum.
Here is some active Admin: @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_Marikim

Ok, Iā€™ll try right now. Thank you.

Edit: it seems they are not getting PM, I can only hope that some of them see my post.

@STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_Marikim, anyone help me :sob:

In the same boat, 4 out of 6 got the key in my group, and funny enoughā€¦ the two missing keys both used facebook whiel all the other are on gmail(not salty at all that i didnā€™t gt a keyā€¦ T_T).

I really donā€™t know, since you joined 6 mins ago.
@Sawamu it shows me that you joined 10h ago, but :

The registration ended oct 19.

Like i said in a post b4, Joined date on website is difference from join date on forum.
If he login on homepage and didnā€™t press login on forum, then it wonā€™t count he joined forum.

Same problem here. I live in brazil and all of my friends received the key. :sob:

This is the date I entered the forum, has nothing to do with the date of registration.

I got this error too. I live in Brazil and i login here since always. Has someone a official explanation? Ty a lot.

That also happened to my friend. I got the Beta key, but he changed his facebook e-mail and now it says ā€œhe didnā€™t meet the requirementsā€, while he does live in Brazil same as I.

Same here :frowning:

Were you using your real ip address at the time of registration? Or were u using ip blockers or vpn? does ip even matter? Haha hmmm

i try to contact IMC about this right now.
I will make a thread about this asap when they answer about this.

Most people didnā€™t use VPN or any ip blockers (like myself), so I dont think thatā€™s the issue here.